Cathe Friedrich
Hi Everyone!
How are you all? I have missed you so much. I'm sorry that I have not been online for the last month but a work project came up rather quickly and I had to focus hard to complete it.
We just finished filming three new beginner to intermediate DVD's for Target (see attached covers shots)and these workouts will be included in the box (as well as a stability ball with 3 pound hand weights) with The Step Company's home exercise step at all Target stores. These DVD's will not be sold separately at Target and you must purchase the entire Step package to receive the included DVD's.
We have now established many more customers since our show has been airing on Fit TV and a common request is for a beginner to intermediate level workout for those who are not yet as familiar with my advanced workouts.
This being the case, we will also be selling these DVD's that we have just filmed to all of our customers online. Before I go any further, I would like our advanced customer base to know that we will always continue to make advanced, cutting edge workouts for you. It is what I love to do and would never stop making them.
That being said, these new DVD's will appeal to the beginner/intermediate market and contain the following workouts:
1) A 36 minute low impact Step workout
2) A 27 minute weight workout (with a stability ball and 3 pound handweights (side note: I also tested this workout with 8 and 10 pound handweights to make sure there is room to grow with this workout). There is a stretch after each muscle group is worked.
3) Three stretch workouts 1)....13.5 minutes with no equipment 2)...13.5 minutes with a stability ball focusing on relaxing 3)....12.5 minutes with a stability ball focusing on lengthening
We would like to offer these to our customers but would like to combine the workouts on two DVD's plus add a couple of premixes to make it more appealing.
Here is what we were thinking:
DVD One:
The Step Routine plus the Weight routine total time: about 61 minutes (the weights would have a premix so that you could do two sets of everything PLUS we would also have a cardio/weight circuit premix.
DVD 2:
All three stretch time about 40 minutes
Feel free to offer suggestions if you would like to see them mixed differently.
Choreography on the Step workout:
This workout contains classic Cathe moves combined in a refreshing way to give it a new feeling. The choreography is low impact (with the ability to put a lift on the moves for more intensity) and broken down a little longer to accomodate the learning curve of a beg/int customer.
The Step DVD breakdown:
7 minute warm up
Step Combo One
Intensity Blast One
Step Combo Two
Intensity Blast Two
Cool Down
The Weight DVD breakdown: Equipment stability ball and 3 pound weights
Warm up
Stability ball squats
Stability ball lunges
Stability ball back extentions and wide rows
Stability ball push ups
Stability ball front raises/rear delt squeezes/lateral raises
Stability ball lying extensions/prone double arm kickbacks
Stability ball preacher curls/ seated hammer curl
Stability ball outer thigh raises
Stability ball frog rolls for inner thigh
Stability ball Ab work....crunches w/leg on ball...crunches w/ball in arms while alternating knee raises.....seated oblique twists
The Stretch Workout DVD breakdown:
Stretch One (no equipment)
A total Body stretch.....Starts with standing stretches and then moves to the floor. These are classic Cathe stretches that you are familiar with from past workouts.
Stretch Two:
Relax and unwind your entire body with this stability ball stretch. A mix of familiar and some new stretches will be featured.
Stretch Three:
Stretch and elongate with this stability ball stretch. A different exercise selection than the above stretch will be featured. Again, will feature a mix of new and familiar stretches.
We will announce a presale soon