By the way, that's so awesome. High Five!!!!!
Thanks Cathe.
By the way, that's so awesome. High Five!!!!!
I will bring the popcorn. I guess that really wouldn't work since she lives to far. Bummer! It was a great thought since I didn't get STS yet. Friday is the day..I really think they should give me off work to preview.
I will bring the popcorn. I guess that really wouldn't work since she lives to far. Bummer! It was a great thought since I didn't get STS yet. Friday is the day..I really think they should give me off work to preview.
Hi Cathe. Thanks so much for coming up with STS. This will be my first rotation that I ever did. I am determined to stick to it too. I really like the pylo legs that I am going to try and attempt to do it tomorrow.
Hi Cathe,
Congratulations on getting STS into our hands. My set should be delivered tomorrow and my husband is anxiously awaiting it--he plans to look awesome to participate in the next Road Trip.
Anyway, someone who has received her package posted that the STS Guide does not have any cardio recommendations. Is that true? If so, when do you plan to make recs? Thanks Cathe!
WOW!!! I entered some 1RM results earlier today in the "old" WM. I just logged back in to check some results and noticed the new version up and running. What a great change! It's like when we all went from Windows 3.1 to Windows 95 (waaayyy back when). Thanks Cathe and SNM for all you do to help us reach our fitness goals.
I do have a 1RM question for Cathe or anyone who thinks they may know. As a true fitness "nerd," I am looking at my 1RM compared to other Cathe Nation members. For many exercises, mine are well below the average. I wonder if that could be that some people entered the weight of two dumbbells for exercises like bicep curls as opposed to one as I did. I guess it doesn't matter which was is recommended as long as we remember which way we entered our information.
Cathe, I know it's been a long year. I'm the impatient sort who has wanted STS for months now. But I wanted to say thank you for taking the time get it right. Many companies focus only on getting the product to market. They take lots of short cuts and ignore problems because the money is more important. Thank you for caring about your customers. Thank you for getting our orders out so quickly. Thank you for all the freebies like the workout manager and the forums where we can get advice and connect with other fitness fans. You are the best. Truly at the very top of your game!
Hi Cathe,
I haven't gotten my STS delivery yet but I'm absorbing all the great vibes from everyone else. I'm so excited. My DH & I will start training for marathon. How would I use STS w/marathon training? We are walking marathon. we walk 3 mi M-TH w/ intensity drills & long walk on Sat. We're up to 9 mi right now. Worried about the leg drills.
Cathe CONGRATULATIONS and thanks so much for STS! From the pics, clips and reviews it sounds like an incredible program and I just can't wait to get started. I'm in Canada so I will be waiting for a while longer but I KNOW it will definitely be worth the wait.
Thanks again to you and your entire crew for all your hard work and dedication in bringing STS to us. You deserve all the accolades you get and after this shipping madness is over, a hot relaxing bubble bath too!
Hi Measuredoak! Honestly, I think you will be just fine and you might just find that once you get a bit acclimated to the STS leg programs you are going to greatly improve on your walking drills. Initially you will have DOMS in the legs, but nothing as bad as the first couple of times. Walking will help break that up too. Remember STS does call for cardio, so keep on walking'll be fine! Good luck with both programs