Hi ladies!
Alisha - glad you picked up your shoes - can you come pick up mine now? The shoe pile has grown to epic proportions! Yes - I knit and crochet and have a spinning wheel that is coming out this week, I swear. It's been to long-I'm going to have to re-learn.
Jane - only 9? slacker
I hope your mom is feeling better.
Lisa - great job getting your workout done!
Tricia - great job to you too!
Saturday I ran 4 miles (yay) and did total body weights at the gym. I broke up my run into 15 minute increments which I think helped the heel. So 15 minute run, leg weights for 15 minutes, 15 minute run, chest back for 15 minutes, run, arms/shoulders.
Yesterday I did Powerstrike 6 with Ilaria. Good workout! Running and weights today.
Alisha - glad you picked up your shoes - can you come pick up mine now? The shoe pile has grown to epic proportions! Yes - I knit and crochet and have a spinning wheel that is coming out this week, I swear. It's been to long-I'm going to have to re-learn.
Jane - only 9? slacker
Lisa - great job getting your workout done!
Tricia - great job to you too!
Saturday I ran 4 miles (yay) and did total body weights at the gym. I broke up my run into 15 minute increments which I think helped the heel. So 15 minute run, leg weights for 15 minutes, 15 minute run, chest back for 15 minutes, run, arms/shoulders.
Yesterday I did Powerstrike 6 with Ilaria. Good workout! Running and weights today.