Jogglers March 2011

Its raining, its pouring. . .

No seriously, it is raining. I am taking a rest day. I might do some yoga later.
I did RS yesterday. Is it just me or does that workout seem like it goes forever!

Jane- I would love to go for an 8 mile run!

Happy Sun-Dog everybody!!

I did 4DS KB cardio premix this morning. I will do some yoga with Shiva Rae later today. Right now I have to go to the grocery store and remind graphics to finish the labels for these DVDs that need to get burned (63 separate discs:eek:)

Catch ya later!

Hi ladies,
I finally found a good place to walk! It's on timberland but no one seems to mind. The roads go on for miles and miles and there are no issues with running into other people or cars so the dogs can run to their hearts content. The land is pretty rugged so if Pip jumps the drainage ditch, I do worry about her getting stuck in the woods somewhere. Other than that, its great. We've been walking 1+ hours per day and working out - Ellen, AOS, Gym Style Back and Bis, High and Tight.

Alisha - Good for you. It took me forever to be able to throw food out (I can still hear my mom!) but its better than eating it and regretting it later.

Jane - Nice run :)

Hi Tricia!

Hi Everyone,

I did High Reps last night. Great workout! I think I'm going for a run today. It's been really warm here...close to 90 degrees and sunny with lots of pollen!

Hi Lisa ~ I glad you and the dogs have found a great place to walk.

Alisha ~ Hope you got all your work done.

Hi Tricia!
Hi everyone!

Been AWOL! lol I get so easily distracted these days! Practicing for turning 50 later this year, I guess!

Alisha - I love RS, but I agree, it never seems to end! Wowza!

Lisa - So glad you found a proper walking area! Be careful with the wildlife!

Jane - I'm so jealous! We had snow yesterday all day, but it didn't accumulate and now, the forecast is for snow tomorrow late through Thursday! Man, that groundhog was so wrong!

I have 5 workouts left in this round of P90X! It really flew by! Not looking forward to the fun of 1RM testing next week, but I've got to do it since I don't think I'm in the same place as I was for my first run through STS and since I'm doing the 3 1/2 mo. rotation, I don't want to waste time guessing and adjusting. Going to take the break to see if I can still run a mile, too! lol I really miss running!

Have a great day!
Lisa- I would love to go running with you and Pip.

Jane- Thats some toasty temps, its been awfully cold here, it was snowing just up the hill yesterday.

Tricia-So, after P90x and STS this year, do you have plans for later or are you going to do something less structured?

I did 4DS LIS cardio premix before breakfast. I also made a batch of fiber brownies (1 pkg. Trader Joe's GF brownie mix, 3/4 c. coconut oil, 1 c. Psyllium, 2 eggs, 1 small cup of no sugar added apple sauce.) I anticipate doing 4DS BC tomorrow. I never did the yoga last night, I will do Shiva Rae Yoga for beginners this afternoon.

I went for a joggle late in the afternoon yesterday, I didn't want to miss my opportunity. It was sunny and 51 degrees F. Perfect weather, except for the wind! I will probably just do some yoga today and the 4DS BC tomorrow.

I took yesterday as a rest day. I might do the same today. I had Harry Potter club last night and I have my audio club tonight. The weather is terrible. I might stay home.

Hi Everyone,

I took a rest day yesterday.

Here is my workout for tonight. It was a beautiful night. My orange tree is in full bloom. It's such a sweet fragrance.

Run around the block
Max rounds in 7 minutes of:
10 Swings - used my 24kg kettlebell
10 Burpees :(
Max rounds in 7 minutes of:
10 DL - used my 24kg kettlebell
10 Weigthed Sit ups
Max rounds in 7 minutes of:
200m run
10 kettlebell lunges (10 each leg)
Run around the block

I'm really tired today. We are moving our office tomorrow and I'm so tired of packing. I had to pack up my office plus all the common areas. I can't wait until we are settled in the new place. My office is smaller but I have a window and it's about 5 miles closer to home.

Alisha ~ I hope the weather isn't too bad tonight.

Hi Lisa and Tricia!
Jane- the weather was horrible, I stayed home. So, you don't like the burpees?

I did a Leslie Sansone 3 mile workout yesterday. It was fun. I will do 4DS HIS this afternoon. I baked some oatmeal peanut butter raisin cookies the other day. They are great cookies, and its a real good thing my Dad likes them a lot;)

Lisa, Cindi, and Tricia- Have a great weekend!

I did 4DS HIS yesterday. I think I will do some Shiva Rae this evening before bed. My Dad was in emergency all night with some kidney stones and extremely high blood pressure. He is back now, but everybody is in bed except me, I stayed home just in case we needed to take turns and I would be on deck in the afternoon. Luckily, he is home now and seems to be doing better.

I made some hardboiled eggs for lunch and I think I'm making veggie soup for dinner.

Have a good weekend everybody!

Hey, if this check in is not working for everyone, let me know. We don't have to do this.

I'm taking today as a rest day. Tomorrow will be a joggle + cardio core circuit. I will do some yoga in the evening. I'm starting a more challenging rotation.

Catch ya later!

I'm here Alisha. I had a couple of really busy days.

I took a rest day on Friday. We moved the office and I was running around from 6:45 am to 5:30.

Yesterday I did a 10K Swamp Run that was part off road (mainly sandy dirt). It was a tough but fun run and I finished 2nd in my age group and got a great medal.

This morning I did the following workout. It was humid outside this morning.
10, 8, 6, 4, 2 Ladder of:
Push Ups
Ball Slams
Barbell presses
1 arm rows
4 Rounds of
75 jump rope
25 (each leg) roundhouse kick

Then spent the rest of the day with mom.

Alisha - I hope all is well with your dad. I will send him some healing vibes. Hope you had a nice rest day.

Hi to the rest of the gang!
Hi ladies! I'm here, just not as often as I used to be :) I only get on the computer "for fun" about twice a week now. Sometimes not that often.

Tricia - I hope the moving is almost over. That's exhausting physically and mentally. I hate hate hate burpees!!

Alisha - I hope your dad is doing well. I would love to have someone to run with here. I really miss my friend Donna who I walked and ran with back in the mountains. It's just me and the kids. I'm so lucky I found a place they could run off leash though.

I did Ellen, STS full body, CC V1 and CC V5 since I checked in last. I even did challenge 3 of V5 twice because I miscalculated my turn around point (since I run out and back, I have to guess when to turn around to bring me home right at the end of the workout).

The pollen has been thick here. Luckily it rained and knocked some of it out of the air.

I posted on my blog - - for the first time in ages. Pip Squeak tried her hand at blogging. :)

Alisha, if you were on Facebook I'd say we could just check in there but I'm not on FB much more often than I'm on here anyway!

I went for a joggle this morning. It was sunny and beautiful. The first sun we have had in 8 days! I meant to do CCC afterwards but I was tired. I woke up with phlegmy garbage in my nose so I guess that means it must be spring:D I plan to get some yoga later today, probably a Shiva Rae disc.

I had a frozen pancake this morning (toasted, not still frozen.) I had made them a week ago but I decided to save them as a post workout treat.

We can continue our check-in no problem, I was just checking because I wasn't sure if it was still working for people.

Here I go again ladies! lol I'll bet the crickets have been, well, cricketing! I've been off again! Finished P90X - yay! Started my 1RM tests this evening. I want to try and finish these by the end of the week so next week I can focus on running for a week until I start STS on the 11th.

I'm still trying not to go AWOL so much!

Finished my evaluation of my hobbies and violin and Chinese won! Yes, I'm working every day on my violin - started Sunday. My Chinese study I started tonight. I'm going to be really busy! Come home, do my workout/1RM tests, 30 mins of violin (this week, then it'll start going up until I'm at it an hour a day), and one full Chinese lesson a night. Whew! Tonight I sat down at 8:00 with a salad!

Alisha - I'm glad your father is home and doing better! Kidney stones are a bugger!

Lisa - How was Pip Squeak's post? lol

We need to keep our little group going! I wouldn't want to lose touch with any of you! Even if we're not here as often as we used to be, we have to stay together - so to speak!

Have a great night! Tomorrow - more 1 RM exercises! Woo-Hoo!
Tricia-So, after P90x and STS this year, do you have plans for later or are you going to do something less structured?

Actually, I picked up the Supreme-90 program a couple of weeks ago. I'm going to do that after STS, so I'm pretty full for this year! lol Not sure what I'll do after that. Maybe, a different Cathe rotation, maybe cycle back through P90X, STS and S-90 again! Depends on my results after all 3 of those!
Hi Everyone,

I did a quick workout tonight. I was very tired tonight. Still trying to get everything settled at the new office.

35 reps of:
Reverse Grip Jumping Pull ups
Sit ups
Jumping Pull ups
Overhead Squats

Alisha ~ I'm glad you got to see the sun today. We have had some rainy weather lately but we really need it. Last night we had hail and the power was out for an hour. Hail was about quarter sized.

Lisa ~ The pollen has been really thick here too. I'm glad it rained and my car finally got cleaned. It was looking really bad.

Tricia ~ Chinese and the violin makes an interesting combination. I'm glad you got that all sorted out.

See you guys tomorrow!
Tricia- I play violin too. :eek: I'm always having trouble with 2nd position. :eek:

Jane- I hope you start to get some sun instead of hail!

Lisa-The more I think about it, I really prefer running off leash all the time!:D

I did Athletic Step this morning. I plan to go for a 3 mile walk this afternoon. Its starting to get sunny. The weather man is saying ridiculous things like highs in the 70s. yeah, right:rolleyes: I will believe it when I see it. I plan to joggle tomorrow.

I took a 35 minute run tonight. It was misty, damp and cool not to mention humid. We will have another rainy day tomorrow. :(

Alisha ~ I hope the weatherman is right and it gets warm and sunny.

Hi to the rest of the gang!

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