Jogglers March 2011


Hi Everyone,

Starting us off this month.

Here's my workout:

20 Suitcase Deadlifts
Run 200m
20 Swings
Run 200m
20 Overhead Squats
Run 200m

20 Squat Jumps
Run 200m
20 Sit ups
Run 200m
20 Step ups
Run 200m
20 Squats
Run 200m
20 Ball Slams

Hope everyone is having a great day!
Hi Everyone,

Here is my workout for today.

Run 1 Mile
50 Swings
Run 1 Mile
3 Rounds of Cindy
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats

It's so beautiful today. I can't wait to get outside.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
Hi ladies,
Yesterday the pups and I did three miles of doggle plus the lower body and ab work from STS Full Body. This morning I did Ellen's Yogini workout and this afternoon we doggled for an hour - distance unknown. Hope everyone is having a great day.

Lisa-I love a doggle! btw I posted on the old thread my response about the couch 25k program. I forgot it was March already!

I did get Step Moves in last night. I plan an afternoon joggle. I'm on couch 25k week 6, workout 2, which is 10 min. jog intervals with 3 min. of walking. The only thing is I'm not really at the distances that they prescribe because I don't do a 10 min. mile on these dang hills. So, instead of stopping at week 9, I will be continuing to add 2 min. per workout until I make the distance. At that point I will probably switch over to the 8k training schedule by Hal Higdon. I'm such a goober, I made a list with all my Cathe workouts so that I would know exactly which ones were 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and 60 min. because Hal lists his cross train days in minutes. I did tell myself this was silly but I just wouldn't listen:p

Jane-Its beautiful here too! Sunny and in the 60s. Of course, we expect some rain next week, but maybe it will forget to come;)

Hi Tricia- I hope you found the new thread!

I am taking a rest day. I'm moving my long run day to Saturday because it is suppose to rain on Sunday. This is my last long run before my 1/2 on the 13th so I wanted to make sure to get it in.

Lisa ~ I would love to go for a doggle but I would actually need a dog. I set all the dogs barking last night on my run. There were about 4 or 5 of them barking up a storm.

Alisha ~ I'm glad you found us!! Good luck on the C25K. I don't do 10 minute/mile on most of my runs - hills or no hills. I don't think you are a goober because I would do the same thing or maybe are both goobers!! :)

Tricia ~ we need to send a map?

Hope everyone has a great Friday!
I'm going to do some yoga this morning and probably Athletic Step later today. I had dim sum for lunch yesterday so I was really thirsty and was up often to pee. If I had a prostate I would check it, boy am I glad I'm a girl:D
Hi ladies,
Friday I did PUB. Yesterday I did High and Tight. Today I did Providence. I need to do more kbs to get into swimsuit shape so I'm going to try to start doing them twice a week.

Jane - If you are ever in my neck of the woods, I will lend you a dog to doggle with :) Do you know which AOS dvds don't have a lot of body weight exercises in them? I have Providence and KB V2 (Brooklyn or Empire State or whatever). I like Providence better because I don't like all the body weight moves in V2.

Hi Alisha and Tricia!
Sheesh! March came flying in and I have totally forgotten to check in! Good grief, I'm losing my mind! Things have been kind of insane around here. I told you about the shrub incident. Well, Stephen is out of town and now all I can do is think about what might happen with him gone. I hate that I can't enjoy anything anymore because I'm scared he might come out and attack me since he doesn't see my husband around. Today, I came home from the grocery store and felt it necessary to lock the car after every load inside in case he came out and started throwing my bags in the street or something. He's old and crazy and I don't know what he may or may not do.

Anyway, I've been a bit of a slacker this weekend. Had to drive Stephen to Logan Airport in Boston yesterday and drive myself home and that stressed me out. Driving in Boston is a pain, traffic was bad, too. So far today, I haven't had a headache! Yay! Started using my netipot again last night. I'm hoping that is what has helped. Going to do it again today.

I find it weird that I've lost weight doing less and eating more. Hmm, I just can't figure this whole thing out! lol Whatever works I guess.
Hi Everyone,

I didn't go running on Saturday as planned. I did the upper body premix from High Reps. Today I did my 12.4 mile run. Yay! I'm ready for next week.

Lisa - I only have Providence, Newport and Firepower from AOS. I haven't done Newport in a long time but Firepower only has 2 body weight moves - super burpees and super planks. There are some double kettlebell moves but if you don't have 2 kettlebells of the same weight, you can do one side for 30 seconds and then change to the other side. Firepower is one of my favorites.

Have you looked into the Extreme Cardio Kettlebell workout from Keith Weber? It's good. They have it at Dragon Door.

Alisha ~ Hope you had a good workout yesterday!

Tricia ~ I can't remember the shrub incident but it sounds scary that some crazy person may be around to harm you. That has to be horrible. I'm glad your headache is gone though. Take care!
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Tricia If he bothers you again call the police. That is what they are for.

Jane-I did not know that KBs get a person into swimsuit shape. Good job on that 12 mile run!!

Lisa- Hi!

I have a joggle and maybe a MMA disc late this afternoon. It was raining this morning. I took a rest day yesterday. Tomorrow will be a Cathe step disc, I haven't decided which one.

I was tired tonight but did the following workout:

Tabata Couplets
Intervals of 20 seconds of work/10 seconds of rest going back and forth between couplets. 6 rounds at each station
1. Jump Rope/Burpees
2. Tuck Jumps over bench/kettlebell see saw press
3. Suicide Slalom run/Ball Slams
4. Jumping Pull ups/Push ups

Then 3 rounds of up and back med ball tosses.

Alisha ~ How was your joggle? Kettlebells can definitely get you into swimsuit shape.

Hi Lisa and Tricia!

I did Step Blast this morning. What a sweat fest! I didn't even use risers, I'm such a wimp. Tomorrow will be a joggle.

Tricia- I hope you are ok today.

Lisa-I bet you did a doggle today.

Jane-that looks like a great workout.
Hi ladies!

Well, all's quiet on the Western Front! lol I guess it's more like the Eastern Front!

Anyway, you guys are doing great! Me, I did my P90X Chest, Shoulders & Tricpes/ARX workout last night. I'm sore today! Sheesh! I've been on this program for 9 weeks now and am still getting sore! A good thing, I suppose! I skipped Plyo tonight. Just needed veg time. I'm finding that I need that more and more. I don't know if it's stress or what, but I'm taking it! Interestingly, that even with the week off and only 3 workouts last week, I lost a couple of pounds. I'm back below 125 to 124.2! I haven't been below 125 in many, many weeks. Go figure. I give up trying to figure it all out!

Anyway, I'll be doing my Back & Biceps workout tomorrow.

Who has Step Moves? It's up on sale for this week as a download. Is it really good? I can get it for around $10.50 with the 30% coupon. Thinking about it.

I'm so depressed, too. I can't believe how hard it is this week with Stephen gone. He used to do this every month! When he was active duty, he was gone all the time! Funny how you get used to it, then when he doesn't have to go away anymore, it gets really hard. It's only Tuesday and I can't believe he's going to be gone another 5 days!

I know. I'm whining. I guess I'm more needy than I thought. I've got to have someone around. I love my pets, but they're just not cutting this time around! lol

Oh, well. I'm stuck with it. I think I'll pick up a bottle of wine tomorrow after work to keep me company after my workout tomorrow night! Of course, I'll eat dinner too!

Keep up the good work! Have a great night! I'm going to go sip my chamomile tea and finish watching Biggest Loser. I think this is going to be the last season I watch. It's just so much of the same old thing and the same old stories. Ho-hum.

Have a great night everyone!
I'm about to go for a joggle. I had planned some boxing afterwards, I might just do some stretch max instead. Its sunny, clear and 48 degrees out there. The turkeys are hanging out in our yard because we don't have a dog to pester them. I have finished the authoring portion of my project and now I'm working on creating an all encompassing index of all the chapters (73 sequences and about 150 chapters each.) I hope to be done with this project by the end of the week. The sad part is I thought I would be done last November. :(

There is a Jo-Ann's fabrics opening in the next town over. Talk about crafter city. Its a good thing I don't have any money because otherwise that could be a gateway drug to knick-knack town.

Tricia-I have Step Moves, I like it a lot and use it frequently. The choreography is fun and I choose the low impact moves (when possible.) You should get it. I'm so sorry you have a bad case of the 'lonelies'. Hey, at least you have us, right?
Yesterday I walked the pups but that was my only workout. Today, I did all of the lower body rounds from Providence twice plus the ab round twice. Then we checked out the local rec park which was fine except for the giant (oh about 130-140# or so) dog not onleash running up on us. Lovely.

Alisha - Hi!

Jane - Thanks for the info. Haven't checked out any kb workouts other than AOS and the Iron Core ones which I don't care for.

Tricia - I hate to hear about the creepiness. Hope you are relaxing and feeling a little better!

Hi there ladies!

Just finished P90X Back & Biceps/ARX and my arms are shaking!

Alisha - Yes, if it wasn't for you guys, I'd really be in the dumps! Hope you had a good joggle! Jo-Ann's, huh? Yep, that would do me in too if I had a sewing machine! I used to sew a lot. Thanks for the info on SM. I just may get it! How can you beat the price, right?

Lisa - That stinks that people won't keep their dogs on a leash! Everyone thinks their dogs are perfectly manageable off-leash! Yeah, right!

I'm going to go up and change, feed the pets and myself, settle in to watch Bride Wars with a bottle of wine! May not drink the whole bottle tonight, but who knows! lol I haven't had any wine in over a week. Hey, that's a long time for me!

One day closer to having my honey home! Yeah, yeah, yadda, yadda, broken record and all that . . . see you all tomorrow! We're supposed to get some serious rain tomorrow! I hope it's not as bad as they say! It makes me nervous!
Morning ladies!

I think my current weight loss is all stress related. I'm down another .5 lbs. Doesn't sound like much, but in one wk I've gone from 125.2 to 123.6. I don't think I'm doing THAT well with food and workouts!
Tricia- I really wish that stress had that effect on my body!

I did get that joggle yesterday. Today is a rest day. I might do some yoga late in the day. Tomorrow will be another joggle. I keep intending to add an MMA workout but by the time I am done with those darn hills I just don't have the pep.

Lisa-That sounds like an additive doggle, you go out with just a couple of dogs and every time you come back you add one. Its like a word problem for algebra class.

Jane- I hope you are having a good run day.

Alisha - It's not fun. My stomach is all in knots all day, my hands have been shaking. I should be fine since my attorney at work said it wasn't anything they could really do about it because of the circumstances. But, I'm a huge worrier and things stress me out a lot.

Needless to say, I came home and sat down with the pups and am hoping it rains enough to keep them inside all night tonight. I really need some sleep!

Lisa and Jane - I hope you're having a good day and good workouts!

Oh! If any of you use Cardio Coach, Sean has a new HIIT workout for free. You can download it at

It looks really awesome and I think I'm going to break ranks tomorrow just to try it out! I'll push my P90X workout to Saturday.

Have a great night Alisha!
Hi Chickas,

I took Tuesday and Wednesday as rest days. I was tired and with my 1/2 marathon coming up on Sunday, I really didn't want to push myself. This was my workout for tonight.

3 Rounds
200m run
30 Squats
200m run
200m run
15 Swings

Tricia ~ I'm so sorry you are all stressed out. When I'm stressed, the weight just piles on, even if I'm working out and eating healthy. I hope the rain stays away.

Lisa ~ People around here just let their animals run loose. It drives me nuts. On my long run last week, I saw a dog just standing on the corner looking around. He was so sweet too. He didn't bark or follow us and he looked very sad.

Alisha ~ Great workouts!

We leave tomorrow for the 1/2. Mom is coming with us. She is having a touch of the gout again but she is on steriods which always makes her feel good so there is no telling what will happen this weekend. The race is Sunday morning and due to the time change, I will be up really early. Luckily the start line is only 3 blocks away from the hotel so I won't have to travel far.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. I'll see you guys back here on Monday!
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