Jennifer Love Hewitt issue

>I agree with Michelle - that photo of Jari Love was gross.

I am totally with you guys!!! I thought that photo was disturbing and even more disturbing was the writer of the article going on and on about how good she looked and how great her ribs.. er...I mean "abs" looked. I prefer JLH's look to that any day!
>This society has gotten so insane about womens bodies. My
>goodness there is not a woman out there who is sheer
>perfection. Jennifer is a very pretty girl and her body looks
>just fine. Should'nt we all feel like we are able to enjoy
>ourselves at a beach whether or not the person standing or
>sitting next to us thinks we look good in our swimsuit? Men
>don't get nearly this much crap! Sorry for using such a
>strong word, but come on. Women contribute so much to this
>society and it has absolutely nothing to do with our waist
>size, breasts, or hips. It has to do with who we are inside.
>Okay, I'm done now.

This was awesome.
I do not particularly "like" her, but sheesh, thank god, a REAL pic of a REAL makes us "regular" folks feel better about the whole "perfection" crap Hollywood shoves down our throats. I liked her rebuttal (no pun intended)about being more concerned about girls and their twisted body images.

I have been watching "Friends" the first seasons, and Courtney Cox, and Jennifer Aniston actually had figures back then. Butts, tummies, hips and thighs! In the later seasons, both of them are stick figures, so yes, I believe even 10 years ago, women's bodies were bigger, more curvy and beautiful in my opinion. We have just gotten used to seeing these actresses or whatever with pin-thin bodies and anything that isn't sickly looking is "fat". Screw that noise, I am totally sick of it! What the heck is attractive about a skinny, nonexistent flat ass???

Men, you can chime in here....:7
I don't keep up on celebrity stuff at all, but out of curiosity I clicked the link someone posted and took a look.

What was shocking to me was how mean the comments were. I had to stop reading them. To think that people get off on being mean in such a personal, catty sort of way kind of makes me sick. The anonymity of the computer screen can bring out the worst in people, IMHO.

Other random observations--water and sunlight are brutal. I'll bet most pics of models are air brushed.

Also, I obviously can't speak for all men, but my husband would rather have 10 lbs too much flesh on my body, than 10 lbs too little.

Maggie, who is really feeling like a fat cow now:p
>Well, they say the camera adds 10 pounds, don't they?
> I dunno, I don't think she looked like a 2, but I don't think
>she looked HUGE either. She looks better in a bikini than I

What Emily said!

I would feel pretty darn happy to look like that in a bikini. But then again I'm not a celebrity, thankfully.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
My fitness blog:[/font]
ALL pics of models are air-brushed. They're computer enhanced, too. Eye color is changed, legs are lengthened, sometimes full cropping goes on. Remember the flack a while back with Kate Winslett. They totally redid her body - practically put her head on someone else's body. She called them on it publically. She was livid that they did that.
>I don't know...I have a hard time believing that pic is
>really her at all!!!! If it IS, well then no, she's NOT a
>size 2 but it's just hard to fathom!:eek:

I AGREE - how do we know if that is even her! Aren't the paparazzi know for lying??? And if it her - she's human! And thank God - she's a real women, unlike alot of other Hollywood stars.

Just my 2 cents.
EGADS! :eek: I am sure to have nightmares from that picture of the Presleys.

On the JLH issue...I do think there is a newsworthy aspect of this -- that she has chosen to speak out about our society's ridiculous standards of beauty. As a middle school teacher, I see too many young girls who simply *don't eat* because of what other kids consider "fat."

Look how many people reacted not by supporting her or accepting that either the camera was unkind that day, or hey, not every part of her body is flawless, but by ripping her apart.

Our beauty ideals and our issues have become seriously warped and are very deeply ingrained, so I think it's a positive when somebody like Hewitt or Winslet or Jamie Lee Curtis is willing to be real for the rest of us.

[font face="heather" font color=black size=+2]~Cathy[/font]
JLH didn't get famous for her acting, she got famous for showing off her big chest, and parading around half-naked in skimpy clothes. There wouldn't be this much media glee if this were Meryl Streep. When your body is all you're known for, you're going to have to expect this kind of attention. She is partly responsible for all the media glare because she drew everyone's attention to her body in the first place. Now, the comments are awful mean, but it's just like when some self-righteous politician gets caught with his pants down. People love the hypocrisy.
While I agree it's a shame that this even happened to JLH, I have to say that she's certainly not a size 2. What I wonder is, why in her denial she claimed to be a size 2? Why not just say, "Hey, I'm not fat. Leave me alone" or something to that effect? By insisting that she's a size 2, she negates her whole argument.

It really is strange to me that the public and the media are so fixated on women's bodies. The only woman's body I care what looks like is my very own!
>JLH didn't get famous for her acting, she got famous for
>showing off her big chest, and parading around half-naked in
>skimpy clothes. There wouldn't be this much media glee if this
>were Meryl Streep. When your body is all you're known for,
>you're going to have to expect this kind of attention. She is
>partly responsible for all the media glare because she drew
>everyone's attention to her body in the first place. Now, the
>comments are awful mean, but it's just like when some
>self-righteous politician gets caught with his pants down.
>People love the hypocrisy.

I guess I don't see the hypocrisy here on behalf of Jennifer Love Hewitt. She may have become famous for being beautiful, but from what I've heard she has said about this, she still thinks she is beautiful (and rightfully so, in my opinion). She's not changed or doing anything in contradiction to what she once did. Her concern is with how she's been assessed, not in how she is presenting herself.

Where I see the problem is in the media criticizing a beautiful woman for being fat and out of shape simply because they love to mock, not because that woman is fat or out of shape. She may not be a size two, but she definitely isn't morbidly obese or unhealthy in her proportions at all.

So I sit here amazed that anybody would think those photos of her should be presented in a negative light. She may have made her living beautiful, but frankly, if I looked like she did in those photos that are supposed to make her look bad, I'd show off my beauty too.

I will never excuse the media for making a story where there shouldn't be one, and that's what has happened here, in my opinion. This was a woman celebrating her engagement. If they wanted to present the photos, couldn't they have simply said that? Why the need to tear her down even if she has made a living out of her looks?

I guess the seeming need to unnecessarily insult people by the tabloid media in particular is a really sore subject to me.

I think her boobs are real, she has always had a big chest. I never thought she had implants , if so, they look real to me. and most famous people show a big chest off, look at pamela anderson, those things never stay in a shirt.
Could be the lense that was used for the picture too. Just a month of some good lower body workouts and she could get that butt firmed up.

Personally, I'm really sick of seeing how nasty everyone is about the imperfections of celebrities. The girl is really cute, and seems like a nice enough person. Are people so disgusted with their own lives that they have to knock others down to make them feel better? I really hate that mentality.

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