RE: Jay Leno - I'm glad I live in America - This is lon...
Another email, this one from David Letterman:
Top Ten Reasons I'm not a Liberal:
10. If you criticize the administration, you are automatically a...well, you know.
9. They hate the troops!! (my favorite)
8. If you're not with us, you're a liberal (the horror!!)!!
7. Liberals don't realize that this country is at war, so.. (interject reasons for diminishing personal freedoms here).
6. Liberals don't use cool phrases like 'axis of evil' and 'unsticker'.
5. Liberals don't usually go to really good law schools like Regent University!
4. Liberals are probably going to hell (afterall, they are 'godless').
3. Liberals think torture is not fun. C'mon you squares!
2. Aren't they un-American?
1. I hate educated people!!
All in good fun people!