Jari Love--yikes

Can you please share what kind of rotation you've been doing to get such good results? Which Jari videos do you have? Based on all the reviews I read, I bought RTTC many months ago, and it's ok. I'm spoiled by Cathe so it's hard for me to warm up to other instructors. But that won't keep me from trying something new. What is Ripped and Chiseled like? Is that her latest Ripped workout? I've been a little out of the loop lately...

I will publicly apologize if my comments about Jari's small breast offended anyone. I was pretty shocked to read the comment Jari has large breast and flaunts them.

I've been doing Jari's rotations for 5 weeks and have enjoyed every minute of them. I can honestly say I look forward to each ripped workout. I love her calm presence. She reminds me of my sister:) A very sweet person.

I would like to comment on Jari's ribs though. Mine stick out like Jari's no matter what my weight is. My chest caves in slightly and so the bottom of my rib cage sort of flares out. It is a condition called pectus excavatum.
>"Good on you" is a very Canadian phrase. Charlene Prickett
>uses it in her workouts. I am originally from Calgary and
>remember as a little girl in the 60's watching my mom to
>Charlene's half hour workouts every morning and hearing "good
>on you". It means that what you are doing looks...good on
>you. I love that phrase as it brings back good memories.

Well, maybe it is a very Calgary phrase ... I've lived in Toronto all my life and never heard it before I heard Jari say it.

Thanks for the explanation of what it means. I was hearing it as "good anu" like the other poster above.

Videos utilized:

Jari Love's: Ripped and Chiseled, Ripped 1000
Cathe's: Cardio - KP&C,Drill Max,IMAX 1,Low Max,Rythmic Step,MIC
Weights - CTX Upper Body Split, Gym Style Lower Body,
Legs and Glutes, Power Hour, Muscle Endurance
Kimberly Spreen: Absolute KickBox

M - Ripped and Chiseled including Abs
T - Cathe cardio from list above (45 minutes)
W - Cathe leg workout either GSLB or L&G(rotate weekly), Abs from PH
TH - CTX Upper Body Split
F - Cathe cardio of choice (45 minutes)
S - Absolue Kickbox (cardio and ab sections)
S - Ripped 1000, Abs from ME

I am keeping my calories in check between 1200 and 1300. That may seem low for some but I am 53 and menopausal so my metabolism is slow. I'm loading up on the veggies and fruit so I'm not really hungry.

Ripped and Chiseled is comparable to Power Hour IMHO but with a lot more reps. Ripped 1000 is more of a circuit workout. I use the same weights as Jari uses in Ripped 1000 because I am using weights again the next day. In Ripped and Chiseled I match what the men use or one increment higher.

Like you, I've been out of the loop a it myself. I believe Rippied and Chiseled is the newest Jari workout but not sure. I don't remember seeing it when I bought Ripped 1000 and RTTC.


Thank you so much for all the info and sharing your routine, etc. I'm going to look into the Jari workouts you're using, esp. Ripped and Chiseled. Sounds like what I need to shake up my routine. I'm going to incorporate some of your ideas and maybe a few less calories wouldn't hurt either. Those darn Cheez-its add up. :p (I'm finding it hard to eat well this summer so far.)

Thanks again!
>Videos utilized:
>Jari Love's: Ripped and Chiseled, Ripped 1000
>Cathe's: Cardio - KP&C,Drill Max,IMAX 1,Low Max,Rythmic
> Weights - CTX Upper Body Split, Gym Style Lower
> Legs and Glutes, Power Hour, Muscle
>Kimberly Spreen: Absolute KickBox
>M - Ripped and Chiseled including Abs
>T - Cathe cardio from list above (45 minutes)
>W - Cathe leg workout either GSLB or L&G(rotate weekly), Abs
>from PH
>TH - CTX Upper Body Split
>F - Cathe cardio of choice (45 minutes)
>S - Absolue Kickbox (cardio and ab sections)
>S - Ripped 1000, Abs from ME
>I am keeping my calories in check between 1200 and 1300. That
>may seem low for some but I am 53 and menopausal so my
>metabolism is slow. I'm loading up on the veggies and fruit
>so I'm not really hungry.
>Ripped and Chiseled is comparable to Power Hour IMHO but with
>a lot more reps. Ripped 1000 is more of a circuit workout. I
>use the same weights as Jari uses in Ripped 1000 because I am
>using weights again the next day. In Ripped and Chiseled I
>match what the men use or one increment higher.
>Like you, I've been out of the loop a it myself. I believe
>Rippied and Chiseled is the newest Jari workout but not sure.
>I don't remember seeing it when I bought Ripped 1000 and
Yep, R&C is the newest. Do you take a rest day? Thanks for sharing your rotation!

I've been doing this routine for about four weeks and have taken a Saturday off. That would be the Kimberly Spreen Absolute Kickbox.

Again, because of my slow metabolism, I usually work out every day. I've been doing this for ten years and have never had a overuse injury :)

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