Jari Love--yikes

I'll admit I was shocked the first time I did one of her dvds. "Where's the flesh???" But I love the hi-rep workouts, and her calm, non-annoying demeanor. The occasional cheesy inspirational line I can handle, but I can't do bubbly or loud. For some reason they seem easier to me too, without actually being easier physically, if that makes any sense. If I don't feel like going balls to the wall, I can "relax" with a Jari workout.

Plus they're about $10 cheaper than Cathe's. That doesn't hurt. Hey, that's like 14 cans of tuna.
>Here's a link to the interview where Jari talks about her
>mother restricting her daughters' eating habits, and her
>current diet.
>http://www.newliving.com/issues/july_2005/articles/Jari Love.html
>Growing up in that kind of atmosphere, it's probably would
>make her very cautious about food, I think it would be hard to
>overcome that kind of childhood conditioning.

I know it doesn't take much to go too far. My sister has no idea when she drops weight too low. She honestly doesn't see it. I've seen her so emaciated she looks like walking death. Luckily, someone in her church was able to get through to her. While she is still very careful with food, she has not gone that far in a while.
>Plus they're about $10 cheaper than Cathe's. That doesn't
>hurt. Hey, that's like 14 cans of tuna.

Or a little more than 2 gals. of gas here in CT. I paid $4.59 the other day. I nearly cried!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Thank you for posting that fit44, it helped me to understand where she is coming from, I too came from a similar background and understand the eating thing. She sounds like a very wonderful lady, just wish she would lose the extensions or something....but again, its her thing, and who am I to judge right?:) I mean I walk around with very large fake boobs so I can't talk.:+
I think I would be pissed off if anybody compared me to Denise Austin.....Canada's answer to Denise Austin? What an insult for poor Jari!
I agree about gas prices! That is why I almost never go anywhere.

I only go out to have my nails done, my hair done, or to donate items to Goodwill or sell something on consignment.

I also go to my doctor appointments.

Fortunately, all are within a short distance from my home.

And fortunately my husband works only 2 miles from home.

Still, the gasoline bill is horrible.
I love Jari's workouts! They are up there with Cathe for me. I do think shes a bit thin. I wondered if it was genetics or if she was being too strict with her diet. I really like her teaching style/personality though. Even though some of her comments are sorta canned like the "Your worth it" every so often. lol. But it's not enough to annoy me. I'm inspired by how some of the other people look in the video and don't even think about trying to be as thin as Jari is. She does keep up though so has the strength. I just think she should loosen up on her diet a bit. I haven't read the article yet so I'm going to read that.
I always feel great after completing one of her workouts and I'll definetly keep them in my rotation.
Is it just me or are there others who think that Jari's workouts are not as tough as PH and ME? I think they are good and effective but I don't think they are advanced as Cathe's. They are meant to be of the same type of workouts i.e. high reps, low weight muscle endurance training. I bought them because I wanted variety for endurance training, I only have PH & ME from Cathe.

As for the way Jari looks, I agree she gets thinner with every video and far from being fit I don't she is. She does her push ups on her knees! She modifies some exercises a lot. Cathe does all the reps (and more) and uses heavier weights than her background exercisers, she NEVER modifies. I think with Jari, it's more about the 'look' than the fitness i.e. she wants to look thin and lean rather being fit. Cathe is all about the fitness, she would never sacrifice her muscles for thinness.

My friends actually think Cathe is very muscular and looks like a man, but that's what I really like about Cathe, she is not in it to be beautiful. She's a total fitness professional.

I think the key to Jari's workouts are picking up the right amount of weight. When I first began doing her ripped series, I did not like them. I thought they were ok for a beginner. I was picking up 5lb dumbbells.
I quit doing them and moved on the Red Carpet Ready. Another workout many view as wimpy. Well, Red Carpet kicked my butt!!! Are these programs meant to increase muscle? No. That is not my current goal. I'm not eating enough calories to gain muscle.

I liked the results I was getting from doing total body workouts so after I finished RCR, I gave Jari another try. I started picking up the same weights I use for Cathe.

Now, I'm dropping my weights, or close to dropping them the end of the rep cycles. I'm ok with dropping them before the sets over.
The high reps on the lower half is how I work my lower body and always have. I supplement some of Jari's workouts with more leg work with my Valslides( from Red Carpet Ready.)
My lower half is where I gain, and I hate it when my thighs become too bulky. I work my legs almost everyday. I study ballet throughout my early to late teens and I prefer the look of a dancer. Not soft and not ripped. Doesnt' mean I can't use Cathe's workouts or Jari's! I think you can take any workout and make it work. I modify all my taped workouts. Some I make more challenging, some I have to make easier. I use the taped workouts as a guide.

My husband does Cathe workouts with me. He would never do Jari.
I may get flamed for this, but he does not like Cathe's muscular look either. He thinks she a little too hard looking. Hey, we all have a certain body type we are attracted to! I prefer a big guy to a small one.
I don't want to be Cathe or Jari. I want to be the best I can be for me.
>Ok, so I just have a quick question....
> How do you pronounce her name? Is it Jari--as in....a JAR of
>pickles? Or is it Jari--as in...the name "Jerry"??? Just
>wondering. :D

She pronounces it "jerry."

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
I read the link to her bio/interview. Anyone know what "I was getting abnormal cancer cell readings" means????
"Anyone know what "I was getting abnormal cancer cell readings" means????"

I was wondering about that too. Aren't all cancer cells abnormal? Maybe she means she got the call that her pap came back abnormal i.e. possibly cancerous.
Fit44, I just ordered the Red Carpet Ready Workout and thought the same thing...wimpy. But looks are deceiving I think...so you got good results from it? For the upper body work, did you increase your weights, she suggests 8 pounds, and I much stronger than that?
Since you are all posting about Jari I was wondering which of her workouts you like the best? I had the original and traded it because I didn't like the motivational comments near the end. It just bugged me. But I am open to trying again. Any suggestions?
hmmm honestly I do use heavier weights than Jari often. Usually I use what the modifier using a bit heavier weight is using behind her. I did RTTC last night and also used one more riser on the part where you use the step also. I thought maybe it was cause she wanted to focus on teaching. She never sounds much out of breath/working too hard when doing her exercises. If the workouts are not tuff enough... I agree though to just increase your weight. They are all pretty strait forward exercises and should work as long as you use the right weight for the length of the exercises IMHO.
I am sore today although I did take off almost two weeks on a trip. I felt like a slug till last night and I feel better being back into it.
I was impressed with Jari because I actually was able to buy a DVD at Walmart that was advanced and she is from Calgary to boot!

I was also very impressed with the amount of technical research that went into the Original Get Ripped.

I have the original, R1000, and Ripped to the Core. I like R1000 the best for fun factor but think ripped to the core is more effective.

I want to try the other two she has out.

It seems to me that the more popular people get in the public eye the more pressure there is to be thin. For instance, the ladies of friends where heathy looking and by the end they were about 10 pounds lighter with stick arms. Terri Hatcher on Superman with full breast and now she is a toothpick on DH. It's an epidemic! I seen a preview for a new action movie with Angelina and was sick to the fact that her cheeks were all sunk in!


to be honnest at first i thought the jari was HE and now she is a SHE

then i looked again and she? remined me the women that compete in the 'miss fitness' contest, those girls who has lots of prety muscle takes lots of hormons and looks a little bit like men so i have not decided yet,
but if people like her and she make them feel good and healty then it doesnt matter how she looks,


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