January Rotation 1/5/05


Good Morning!!

Today was L&G along with Pilates. I think I may do some yoga later tonight. Between KPC & all the leg work today..I don't feel like I stretched enough. Have a great day!!

good morning to you all! :)

Yep, today was legs and glutes. This was my first time doing it and it was pleasantly challenging!! I did NOT do the floorwork, I have NEVER liked floorwork. Just me. So, I decided to walk on the TM on a 10%incline for a mile instead. Still a very good workout.

Did anyone feel an aerobic workout too!! I was sweating 10mins into this!

Tomorrow....PUB..love to work my upper body!! yeah

take care:)
Morning everyone,
L&G for me also today. My legs are wiped out. So glad tomorrow is upper body. I did some yoga yesterday and it felt so good. Not sure if I will be able to get anything in tonight, our neighbor was killed in an auto accident this weekend and we are planning on going to the funeral home tonight. That is, it all depends on if we get all the snow we are suppose to get. We could be hit with up to a foot. Oh yippee : )

L&G here as well.I like working UB more so then LB but I like L&G,so it should go well:) I am also going to run on the treadmill after.That should be a good leg workout.
I didn't workout twice yesterday.I knew I was going to be running today so I decided not to last night.I also won't be working out twice today either b/c I have to work early tomorrow morning so I will be going to bed early tonight.
My UB is sor sore from yesterdays workout! Even my back.Then tomorrow morning is PUB...my UB won't get a break this week.
Rhonda-sorry about your neighbour.Thats terrible.Over the holidays there was a grandmother and her grandson killed on the highway here.Around here thats all we will here over the next couple of monthes.Moose come out to the highways to lick the salt off of the road,plus if we get alot of snow they find it hard to walk in so they come out to the highway and they ALWAYS cause accidents.And then you have people who go on snowmobile and drown.I stay safe and stay home.
Good morning!
Today I did Step Blast, Mindy's Gliding Ultimate legs and glutes (30 min.), and 10 min. power yoga.
Have a good one.:)
Morning - :)

I did L&G on Monday, so today was Power Circuit in place of SJP. My legs are sore from L&G and KPC. Looking forward to PUB, it's been a while since I did that one.

KPC for me today. That one just gets easier and easier, really makes me feel like I am making strides!

I don't have Legs and Glutes, I think I will have to use a premix or two for tomorrow...

Have a great day!
Rhonda I am so sorry to hear of your nieghbors untimely death. Blessings to you and the family of your neighbor.

L&G is on for me today also. Time to get to it now. c ya later all...
AKA "Likes2bfit"

Good morning!

This morning I did Cardio & Weights step only premix, followed by Legs & Glutes. Terrific workout!

- has earned $3.00 so far!
I couldn't do legs & glutes today, I'm too much of a beginner and not only the 2 workouts I've done but also the workouts from the previous week have worn me out. I did a yoga video today, tomorrow I will pick up again with Legs & glutes.
I did L&G today using 5 lbs ankle weights. Then just did a mile on the treadmill but did it fast. (Fast for me anyways) Kim
Today I will do L&G and then after setting up the treadmill, I'll geti in a run!

Yesterday was the first time I was able to do the entire ab work on KPC!!! I was so excited:7
I did Step Blast today. My energy was high this morning so felt great throughout the entire workout.

Have a great day!
came back to say I did L&G timesaver version with a treadmill run inserted before the ankle weight work. Great workout!
I did KP&C this morning. Took yesterday as my day off, so I am kind of a day behind. But tomorrow I plan on doing L&G with SB, so I will be okay!

I tried what someone here had thought about doing with KP&C. I used the Blender and did combo's 1-3 before I did the high intensity drills. It was fun. I love it both ways, but this was a nice change.

I really do like the Workout Blender. I am surprised that more people aren't addicted to it, like me!!

Hello - is this the right place to "check-in" for the Jan rotation? Sort of looks like it, but you never know.

Anyhoo....I'm a bit ahead since I started the rotation on Sat the 1st, so today will be Step Blast if I can make it through. I'm pooped from the last four days.
Oooh, Linda, thank you for doing that! I think you are referring to me in y-day's check in? Now will you please try it this way:

warm up
drills to first cool-down
combos 1-3, teaching parts only
finsished combos 1-3, right side
finished combose 1-3, left side
abs & stretch.

Let me know how that feels, please, 'cause I'm too scared to try it myself :)

I think the workout is this finely chaptered, isn't it?
I did legs & glutes this am. I plan to do 30 min on the treadmill & bowflex tonight (I wanted to do them immediately following legs & glutes but ran out of time this am).

I hope everyone enjoys there workout today.

I haven't joined an exercise forum in a long time! I would like to join in on this January group if I may. I was religiously doing Cathe tapes for 2 years before taking a sabbatical, due to getting a new puppy and student teaching. But, now I'm back. I just saw the January rotation and have added it to my calendar. I was working off of Cynthia's ALL-CATHE Rotation, but wanted to use more recent videos (i.e., Body Blast Series). I did PS L&A this morning and boy are my legs tired.

I also am a three-stripe red belt in Tae Kwon Do and try to keep up with that training 3 times a week.

Happy exercising everyone.


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