January Rotation 1/5/05


Sounds like everyone is sticking to the plan. Except for me maybe. I had to pass on a MOnday workout. Ended up at he Chiro. Sciatic nerve issue that appears from time to time and a pulled muscle in my back. SO:

Monday - nothin
Tuesday - Pyramid Upper and walked/jogged dag for three miles.
Today - walked/jogged dog in snow for three miles at 7 am and then had an impacted wisdom tooth removed at around noon.
Tomorrow - we shall see!

Good Luck Everyone and hope to be back in full swing by Monday if not sooner!
Hi all-
Just checking in - missed my check in yesterday! On Tuesday I was actually able to go tot the gym for the second day in a row so I did a kickboxing class. I figured that was close to KPC. However, my legs were fired from the past two days so tonight I did PUB (only about 30 min of it) and I think I will have to take timorrow off. Since I've just started up again, I need a day to recover.

Anyway, have a wonderful evening and great job everyone!!

Hi everyone,

Today was L&G in the AM & I did some rebounding this evening. I have one of those stress-inducing-WHY ME-pounding headache situations going on so the workouts were truly a blessing.

I gotta tell you though, SJP & KPC early in the morning is, like, heavy dude!:p That's the kind of workout I usually reserve for a day off or occasionally an evening workout. YIKES!!!!!!

Tomorrow should be great...I love PUB & it's my day off with plenty of time for extra cardio. I'm looking forward to doing a step tape...haven't chosen yet.

Have a great Thursday,

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