January rotation 1/06/05


Good morning everybody. Following the great idea of kathy S I start today our new thread. First of all I wish Ruth will have a great anniversary. 26 years. Congratulations. Today is RS for me and I am going to add something more too. I was thinking about try one of the mish mosh of Aquajock but it is my second rotation in two moth and I have to mantain my energy.Have a great day everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:) :)
It's the 6th day of "Cathe's January Rotation" for me, so I did:
IMax2+ Cardio Gliding(35 min.)+ Power Yoga (10 min.).
Have a very nice day.:)
I did PUB only going up. Didn't have time to go up and down because we had to leave the house early (due to snow storm) and get to work. Tonight I am hoping to get in some more cardio (waiting on my gliding kit) yes I ordered online before I knew they were going to be in the stores so quickly.

Does anyone know of a sub for Imax2. I have Imax2 but depending on how my knees are feeling will depend on if I can handle it or not.


I have to take today off. My face is very sore and swollen from having my upper left impacted wisdom tooth pulled yesterday.

Maybe I can drop a few lbs from lack of being able to eat! tehehe

I will watch Cathe on FITtv and have a virtual workout!!!

Enjoy your day. It is very white here in Michigan. Kids have a two hour delay for school. Good thing because I doubt I could take them to the hills for sledding today had it been a snow day.

Good morning!

First to Ruth: Happy 26 year anniversary!!!

Today is one hour heavy full body weight training, 45 minutes easy stationary bike, followed by a 1.25 h step class and abs when i get home from the gym.

Everyone enjoy your workouts.
Hi Rhonda and everybody. Rhonda you can substitute IMAX 2 using the ctx workouts and the bootcamp cardio premix. CM is a great option too. Hope this helps.Dawn I hope you will be OK soon. Bfj great workout.Have a great day everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Hi, everyone.

Ruth-Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!
Dawn-I hope you're feeling much better soon.

For me, following the Jan 05 rotation, I did PUB today. I didn't do the stability ball abs because of my hand and wrist, but I held the plank position on my elbows the entire time, moving my knees and hips every once in a while. I hope that counts.

I am SO excited I decided to follow a rotation. Someone's comment yesterday about having my workouts feel more structured and purposeful is ringing true.

Have an awesome day!
Greetings Mariangeles, Ruth (happy anniversary!) Gayle, Suzanne and Dawn.Many of you have done your workouts already today.! Good job! Today is PUB and I am off to do it now. I haven't had it in a rotation for a while so I'm pleased to be doing it again. Upper body work will be a nice change after L&G yesterday.

AKA "Likes2bfit"

good morning all!

Nice to see so many early exercisers. when I tell my friends that I get up at 5:00 to exercise...they look at me like I'm from another planet! lol..

Ruth: congrats and Happy Anniversary!
Dawn: hope you are feeling well soon!!

Today was PUB and I skipped the stability ball as well...I decided to run a mile instead.

Yesterday in addition to legs and glutes, I also did 30 mins light cardio weight training class at the fitness center.

I feel great about this rotation thus far...I just hope that I can get these last lbs off!!!

Everyone: what eating plan are you following w/ this?????

thanks and
take care:)
Good Morning everyone!!

Today was PUB up only and Seasun's Rock Steady Step first portion along with RSS and PUB abs. I had a decent workout. I was in a little hurry today!! Have to go volunteer at my daughter's school this morning. I'll see ya all later!! Have a great day!!

I hope I am posting in the right check-in. (January Rotation?) Anyway....here was my morning!

I did Step Blast and L&G this morning along with the abs from SJ&P.I took yesterday off, so I did these together. It is actually a great set of workouts to combine! I have done several times and it works out really well!

Hope everyone has a good day!

Good morning everyone!

I was quite sore from PS L&A yesterday. I did PS CST today and plan on going to Tae Kwon Do class later this morning.

Have a great day!

-Michelle :)
Hi Mariangeles,

Thanks for the suggestions but I don't have the CTX or BC on DVD. When I got them I didn't have a DVD player so I have BC on VHS. I don't have CM.

Do you think PlyoX would be a good sub? For some reason my knees are not bothered with this workout.

Good morning folks! Thanks for combining our check-ins, Mariangeles! :)

After my weird bout with the 24-hour flu I waited til mid-afternoon to workout yesterday, and when I was sure I felt okay I did PUB (out of order -- it was supposed to be L&G day but I didn't feel confident that my legs were up to it). I skipped the abs section because I was running out of time and had an appointment to keep. So this morning I'm doing L&G plus the PUB abs section I missed yesterday, plus 30 minutes of cardio as an add-on. I'll either do CTX S&I or the step portion of MIC, I think. Will let y'all know later. ;-) I'm feeling confident, though -- I've already re-set my "ticker" below to include today's workout and am sitting here in my workout clothes. Just have to finish letting my breakfast "settle" and surf around here a few more minutes.

Have a great day, everybody. [font color=red][font size=4]Ruth, Happy Anniversary!![/font size][/font color] We've got a big one (20) coming up next week -- you'll have to let us know how you celebrated and maybe give me some ideas for DH and me! ;-)

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S.http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/spezial/spudniks/spudniklifter.gif
[font color=green]2005 Worked Out With Cathe Days: 5/365[/font color] :)
Gloria-I, too, have been so happy to see other early risers like me. I set my alarm for 4:15 am with a goal to get to my basement by 4:45am to begin my workout.

I am currently following WW's Flex plan, and have been since I joined last March.

I am looking for some advice. I just posted this topic as a new thread, but thought you guys might miss it:

Should I or should I NOT buy Cross Train Express series/DVD?

Hi everyone. I did PUB this am. I love that workout. Tonight I plan to get on the treadmill for 20-30 minutes and do some upperbody excercises on my bowflex. I wanted to do it following PUB but ran out of time.

Happy Anniversary Ruth - 26 years - way to go!!

Today is LG for me, but I don't have it, so I subbed a dbl premix of PP lower body and Cathe ab hits. Tomorrow is PUB, which I love!

Happy 26th Anniversary Ruth!!
PUB followed by the second half of KPC (my favorite - NOT!). Then I'll be taking a break until Monday. My knees will be very happy, I'm sure.
Good Day to all;
getting ready to do PUB , yesterday was L&G; my quads feel a nice slight soreness this morning.
Hope everyone is doing what they can and reaching upwards with delight afterwards.
See ya....
Good morning,

5:30 am - did PUB, minus the ball segment because I don't have a ball. So I substituted LL abs from CTX instead. The CTX DVD is so great for plugging in pieces into other workouts. Wish I had more time to throw in some cardio, but I only have an hour a day. For diet, I'm doing BFL. So far, so good.

Have a great day.
Shopgirl :)

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