January rotation 1/06/05

Good morning!

I did PUB today, as per rotation day 6, and I prefaced it with All-Step. I am very pleased to have been able to increase some of the weight work in PUB. Progress is such a motivating reward.

Kathy S., I was just kidding about the grammar in y-day's discussion; I hope I didn't hurt your feelings. I make more than my share of grammatical errors in a day. I find lanuage in general very interesting, and grammatical mistakes are sometimes very amusing. There's a book out called "Eats, Shoots and Leaves" which is all about grammar mix-ups, and it is on my wish-list of books. I'm a bit odd in that regard, I suppose.

Linda, I think the BB Series is pure genious in that every workout complements the others so well. You really can't go wrong with any combination. Love it!

I'm following the eating plan I've been using for a long time now: high fiber, low & healthy fat, low-glycemic carbs, lean protein, lots of water. I'm a WW Lifetime member, so I generally try to shoot for my maintenance points, but don't fret too much about hitting the exact number, as long as what I'm eating is nutritious. I'm not eating to lose weight, either, only to feel good, keep myself healthy, and fuel my workouts.

Have a good day!
PUB was the scheduled workout for me. Those pikes on the ball were not a possibility for me as I just kept on falling off! LOL
Doing any of the plank moves on the ball really bothers my wrists--does anyone else have this problem?
Oops! Sorry, Sandy, I switched the CW Step premix and the All-Step workouts in my rotation, but didn't mention it to you. I was more in the mood for CW Step y-day, so I did it instead. As far as step workouts go, though, they're quite comparable. Enjoy your workout!

Hi Sandra!

Of course you didn't hurt my feelings, girlfriend! You were right and it was pretty funny. :)

I do happen to live on a very long, very hilly street, now that I think about it.....:p

Edited to add: I just read "Eats, Shoots and Leaves" and it's an odd little book, but VERY funny!

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S.http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/spezial/spudniks/spudniklifter.gif
[font color=green]2005 Worked Out With Cathe Days: 5/365[/font color]
>PUB was the scheduled workout for me. Those pikes on the
>ball were not a possibility for me as I just kept on falling
>off! LOL
>Doing any of the plank moves on the ball really bothers my
>wrists--does anyone else have this problem?

Planks do bother my wrists, so if we are on the floor I usually stay on my elbows. I try to do the best I can with planks. This morning though with PUB my shoulders were really feeling the plank position, I think I wasn't doing it right but after a few I just laid on the ball and did regular crunches.

Hi everyone, KATHY...

20 years is no small potatoes! What day is it? This year we're only going out to dinner...can't do more than that because of my SITUATION! (Will explain in a minute.)

However, last year on our 25th, DH surprised me with a trip to the beach, which he knows is my fave thing in the world to do. It was great. Maybe you could take a couple of days & go to a nice Hotel? Room service...gym...indoor pool...maids to clean up...fancy dinners...??

This is what happened to me to ruin 2005 already. ~sigh~ Yesterday I found out that my checking account check card number has been stolen & whoever it is managed to put almost $2000.00 onto the account, which left me with a huge deficit...I think my balance is negative $1200.00 or so. Naturally I called the bank right away...they told me another charge had attempted to come in for another $800.00, but that one was declined. They are starting an investigation & sending me paperwork in the mail to sign, blah blah blah, but the bottom line is my funds are frozen until they aren't! Which is basically what they said! ~sigh~ Meanwhile, one of the companies that had been used had a phone number and I called them. The guy there is very nice & told me the charge did not come in under my name...he is running a search but apparently his clearing house's server is down so it is taking forever. But I hope he will eventually have a name & address which I can give my bank. The other company which was used had no phone number listed, but the bank is looking into that. The bad part of all this is, without my funds I could not cover my rent, Visa bill payment, or AOL automatic payment. I called AOL...they can't stop the attempt but have noted on my account what is wrong & will just add it to next month after it bounces. My Visa people were very nice & said they have noted on my account also what is wrong, & to just pay it whenever I can. (!! THAT surprised me !!) The rent...DH called our landlady & she was very kind...DH has enough money from his second job to send her a money order for the full amount, but she said just to send half now & half when the situation changes or somebody gets paid again, whatever. I was touched by that...of course we have been living here & paying rent here for approx. 15 years. So that is my story so far, & way more than anyone wanted to know, I'm sure!

Thank you ALL so much for your good wishes...DH & I appreciate it greatly. You guys are all so sweet!

I'm sorry if I did something wrong where I posted...I'm seriously confused here (what else is new?:p ) so will refrain from posting again until I figure it out.

Have a great evening everyone,
PUB for me today (I posted on the wrong one earlier). And then I will do some step from All Step.

Ruth, that's terrible, do you know how or where your number was stolen from? What a pain!!
Ciao tutti!

Today was PUB. My arms were still a little sore from KPC on Tuesday, so this was extra tough. My biceps are so weak, will they ever get stronger? Any advice?

The stability ball pikes went well, or so i thought. It had been a while since I have done PUB and I was so proud of myself when I made it through the pikes, and then she does a second set!!! No way, not today!

So that is my tale of what I thought was going to be a nice simple Thursday workout!

Enjoy your workouts girls!

Til tomorrow,

Hi bj...assume it was from the internet. I did a lot of Christmas shopping, but mostly with known sites I've been using for years, like Amazon. However I did shop at two new sites trying to buy my horse-crazy niece "horse stuff". One of the sites was a pain in every possible way & I wouldn't be surprised if someone got it there.

Oh well, things could be worse...if it had happened 2 weeks ago I would have had checks bouncing all over town...I paid the bulk of my bills then, probably a dozen at least. Can you imagine?

And, of course, things could always be even worse than that. I try to count my blessings every day & remember how lucky I am! DH says it's a pain & a small setback but otherwise not worth stressing over.

Unfortunately, when I'm stressed...I eat!:9 LOL


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