Jackie Warner from Work Out on Bravo

I ordered the DVD from Amazon, 9.99 plus shipping, total 12.97. It was just shipped, so I should get it in a few days. I am not gay, but I LOVE that show. Jesse is my favorite. I am looking forward to trying the workout. We'll see.
Wow, I heard this workout get flamed on another site, but looking at the clip, it looks pretty good!

I love Erica and Greg,Rebecca, Jesse, and everyone BUT Jackie these days! To me she seems to be acting out, and I doubt that at her core she's as self-absorbed as she has become on screen this year. Its one of those guilty pleasures isn't it, like the Girls Next Door!
On the Jillian note - on her 2005 videos and books it lists her as the co-owner of Sky Sport - which I thought was really interesting since she is not part of the show Workout at all. I wouldnt be surprised if she kept her distance since she has her own show.

I can totally see Jackie and Jillian as co-owners - they have such similar styles.
I am kinda loving the new "abs boy" they hired. WOW. Cannot stand Rebecca, although what a bod she has too! Jackie is kinda strange, I liked her at first and now alot of the stuff they do seems staged for the camera..like all the girls "kissing' Jackie, etc...stupid.I have caught just a few episodes, its on too late and I miss the reruns..
The dvd is also available (or will be tomorrow) on Netflix.

Netflix is probably one of my better "investments." I have tried a lot of fitness dvd's I would have otherwise bought...and wasted money on!!

At least this season, the show is actually focusing a little bit on the clients and their workouts, as opposed to Jackie's private business. With her addiction to drama, one wonders WHEN Jackie works out. She has to be the most unprofessional employer ever. I think it was the first season when she was playing slap-and-tickle with one of her subordinates, in her glassed-in office. Everyone could see. Then she gets furious when her employees follow her behavioral example, whining about how nobody takes her authority serious. I think she picks crazy women to be with because she thinks it makes her appear more sane. But not when your life is on TV and everyone can see for themselves. And I hate the way she treated Rebecca like used toilet paper. That was so wrong.
I received the DVD and watched it yesterday while doing Cardio Coach, so did not hear everything, but watched. I have to say it looked really good. There were some cool new moves that I had not seen before. For the upper body they all warm up and the Jackie takes one of the trainers, Jesse, Augustina, Rebecca, or Renessa and goes through some moves with them, same with the lower body. On the core they all do it together. I am excited to try it. It looked like she was very strict about form and showed exactly where you should be feeling each exercise.
i love erika. she is beautiful, has a great body, and seems to stay out of the drama. rebecca is an attention whore just like jackie. i just don't think i can buy a jackie warner dvd.

so...if cathe went against jackie in the ring, who do you think would win? my bet is on cathe HANDS DOWN!!! i think jackie is a bit fake and doesn't really practice what she preaches or she wouldn't be drunk all the time!
I was one of the people "slamming" these dvds on VF. I had only previewed them. I decided to go ahead and do them and see if my preview thoughts lined up with actually doing the workout. I posted my thoughts about doing the workout on my check-in last week. I should note that I'm healing from a rotator cuff injury. I don't consider myself an advanced exerciser. I prefer heavy weights and HIIT or moderate cardio. I also did these with DOMS from MIS the day before.

Here's my review....

"I thought it only fair to do the three remaining Jackie Warner Workout workouts on Exercise TV. Well, the form really didn't matter much while actually doing the exercises considering I wasn't watching the tv. However, the rep pace was a problem when I followed along on tv or didn't glance up at the tv. Jackie doesn't count the reps aloud nor does the music tempo give any indication of the proper rep pace. You're basically on your own there. It reminds me of a fast pace, low weight, as many reps as you can muster in a minute type of workout. Perfect for a rehab patient such as myself. After a round of three of these types of exercises, you do 30 seconds to a minute of an intermediate plyo exercise. Some of them were the same as the ones in the X. There are 4 rounds total since there are four trainers. I thought the break between each trainer coming and going would be annoying. But, it was a nice mini rest. My heart rate didn't go up too high. I did break a sweat with the weighted lunges and squats. The upper body workout was EASY! And that's coming from an Injury Lister!!! I used 5 to 12 pounds depending on the exercise. I would have to rate this as an intermediate workout. Perfect for those days you don't want to work hard, but want to warm up for a Eoin yoga flow. Which, of course, I did afterwards."

I also posted the following about my preview thoughts after I had done the workout:

"Yeah, I posted on VF about Workout's One on One. I was a bit harsh about it. I'm not a big Jackie fan to begin with and those trainers, with the exception of Agostina, look like they don't get enough nutrition to support breathing much less exercising."

Previewing the workout and actually doing it was a big difference. However, I still wouldn't buy it. There's enough quality workouts with trainers who motivate me in life from which to choose.


ETA: I posted my second thoughts because I seriously wonder if some of the trainers could do the entire workout with proper form. When previewing it, there was some cheating going on when they thought the cameras weren't on them. The form also didn't matter much considering I already knew proper form from doing Cathe workouts. I would consider these workouts to be cardio vs. a strength workout. Compared to the 30 Day Shred, these workouts got my heart rate up more. But, that's not saying much. They both seem like they have the similar fusion style with a cardio focus.

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