I've got first dibs on the back row of the classes in J...



Just a SMALL case of pre-trip jitters!(nothing like a couple months early!) I just got my SJP/SB and I'm having a slight case of the nerves. My goal is to be the most un-noticed person(if there is such a thing). Where's the "den mother" for some reassurance? I'm afraid I'll look like a dork with all the cathe neophytes. At least it's 60,00 square feet, maybe noone will notice.
Mary :D
Hi Mary!

I am very shy and I have pre-trip jitters too! You are going on the road trip because you really want to do this for yourself!

Please know that no one is there to judge you. We Cathe-ites are all shapes and sizes, and at various levels of fitness. So come on down and have a great time. We are all going for the same reason...

I hope I get to meet you while I am there!

RE: I've got first dibs on the back row of the classes ...

You wouldn't know that around people I don't know I'm an introvert--I can be a chatty cathy at work(it's that comfort zone)!!
It'll be fine, what else would make me buy Imax 3 and KPC/Leg and Glutes just now!!!!
Thanks for the support!
RE: I've got first dibs on the back row of the classes ...

Your welcome...and KPC/L&G and IM#3 are excellent choices!

KPC grew on me each and everytime I did it, and well, I love all the IMaxes.

See you in Jersey!

I'll hang out in the back row with you. Sometimes I am so uncoordinated, I don't want to distract the rest of the class. Do you ever take classes at the gym? I've been thinking about it, since I never work out in groups any more. Haven't since college Phys Ed. I thought it might help ease the nervousness about having others see me stumble around my step.

RE: I've got first dibs on the back row of the classes ...

Nope I sure haven't--the room is all glassed in at the gym so everyone that's on the treadmill or stationary bikes can see us and I'd be more worried about being watched(not that anyone would but it's the I don't know if they are factor)--I'll stay with my miniscule room at home. There will be so many of us in July I'll be less stressed there I think. I've come to grips that I'm just going to do as much of the workouts as I can as well as I can and if I have to rest while others are still going, I'm ok with that. For me, it's just about doing the best that I can and try to learn some things and meet some great people(but I'm still going to be in the back row--lol) We'll be fine and have a blast!
Mary :)
RE: I've got first dibs on the back row of the classes ...

Sorry, no offense but I'm just going to be so focused on Cathe. She's my Idol. I doub't we'll notice each other much, taking a live class. :) :) :)

RE: I've got first dibs on the back row of the classes ...

Hi, my preference is to stay near the front so I can focus on what the instructor is doing. I agree with Marla, everyone is going to be in their own little world with Cathe and no one is going to notice each other much during the workouts. Also, everyone here is supportive so don't feel self concious. This is going to be a lot of fun.
RE: I've got first dibs on the back row of the classes ...

I don't know about front row, but I sure don't want to be in the back row in a 6000 sq ft aerobics studio! Maybe 2nd or 3rd row!
RE: I've got first dibs on the back row of the classes ...

I'm going to bring my sleeping bag and camp out next to the aerobic studio door so I can be close to the front.:+
RE: I've got first dibs on the back row of the classes ...

I'm with a couple of you guys and I want want the FRONT ROW! My friends call me the class geek because I always have to be right near the instructor. Cathe is going to think we're all NUTS! LOL but who cares?


As many of the posts indicate, we all come in different shapes, sizes, coordination, fitness level, and personalities. When you meet all of us, you will be swept up in a wave of pure energetic positive energy that will make you want to sing, dance, step, jump, pump, in the studio; whether it's towards the front, middle, side, or back of the room. We all will be there supporting each other!

Hope this helps.
RE: I've got first dibs on the back row of the classes ...

Thanks for the support, I know, I'll be fine(don't want you to think I'm a nutcase--lol)but when you go from no stepping to Cathe's level(basic step and on up)it's like from 0 to 60. I AM SO LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS--and I know what'll happen when I get there, I'm going to say, "what the heck was I so worried about?"
Thanks again!
RE: I've got first dibs on the back row of the classes ...

I'm assuming that everybody will be focusing on Cathe. The good part of being in the back of the room is that you can see how other people accommodate moves...it can help you make your workout more effective. I am not sure how I feel about being in the very back because of windows or mirrors. My goal is to have fun, meet people who I have been reading on the forum, and to learn how to improve my workout.


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