I've gained weight, too--suggestions?


Over the past year and a half I have gained ten pounds while working out like never before. I'm 27, have had two kids, and am 5'4" and weigh 132. I've probably put some muscle on, but have gained two inches in hips and waist (just enough to mess with my clothes). And it's not the intensity of my workouts, I promise. I just finished the bootcamp rotation!

While trolling the forums I discovered Fitday.com, and use it everyday. What frustrates me to no end is that the calorie recommendations I get everywhere after filling in my body and activity info DO NOT WORK for me. If I eat 2000 calories I will put on weight. I go for at least 80, but closer to 120 gms of protein, and about 30 grams of fat a day. Also, I've had a free consultation with a dietician who explained that even if you eat too few calories and go into starvation mode you'll still lose weight--just screw up your body trying to do it. I know I'm going on forever, but this drives me up the wall.

BTW, I am getting my thyroid checked this month, but have no other symptoms of a problem (hair loss, fatigue...).

Any suggestions? Also, can overtraining really cause this much of a problem?


Have you thought about trying calorie staggering? You eat the cals needed to sustain your current weight for one day only and then eat at a 20 to 30% deficit for 3 days and repeat. I have been doing this for 3 weeks and lost 5 pounds...

I gained 8 pounds after working out like crazy because I wasn't eating enough...I mean was waaay under my calorie needs for 3 solid months pretty much! This calorie staggering plan saved me from gaining even more!!!
I work out like crazy, too, and even though I don't always eat the right foods, I eat very well most of the time. I eat better now than I ever have, and yet, it's much harder to lose the weight. In fact, I really don't even see a weight loss, anymore. I've just about given up. I'll do really well for a few weeks and lose a few pounds, and then SLAM! I stop losing weight and start gaining it back.

I've gotten to the point where I have just started admitting to myself that my body type isn't made for being tiny, anymore. I know I am more predispositioned to building muscle and have a disproportionate amount of muscle mass compared to most women, so no amount of exercise is going to get rid of it. It will make it more toned, but as long as I'm using it, it isn't going anywhere...does that make sense?

Still, it IS a little discouraging when you are trying to lose weight but can't, even when you're doing all the right things. I'm not going to give up, but I'm not going to "try as hard", either. Maybe if I stop worrying so much about it, it will just start happening. :)
Wendy -

It sounds like what you're doing is something like "The Cleveland Clinic Diet". The way it was explained to me is it is a diet that was developed by the Cleveland Clinic for people undergoing heart surgery, but needed to lose some weight beforehand.

It's a day of "normal" eating and two (or three, I forget) "light" days, where you really back off the calories. I guess the thing is to keep the body guessing.

I'm not sure if it really works, but hey - you're getting results, so that's all that counts, right?

Kelly - I would try to zig-zag your calories each day. I lost 5 lbs. fairly easily without changing anything else about my routine or diet (food-wise). My weight hovers closer to the low-end range for my height so I was shocked that it really worked.

I used this calorie calculator, and it was very accurate for me. I know others have had success with it, too. Enter your stats, and it will create a 7-day zig-zag for you. I used the more moderate fat-loss plan as opposed to extreme fat-loss one.


Good luck!
Great website! The zig-zag table really helps. It's annoying to keep track of your calorie intake everyday, though, but I guess it's necessary.

Your welcome, Elaine.

I thought it was a pain at first also, but once you've done it for a few weeks, you will have each day memorized.

Calorie staggering or zig zagging...whatever you'd like to call it really does work! :)

I am not the only one doing it and all have gotten good results from it. I was never a calorie counter and found it VERY annoying to do at first BUT it is sooo worth the effort if you have weight you want to lose and eventually you get used to it and it gets easier....

Take care!
Thanks for all your responses, I really appreciate it. I will try the zigzagging and see what happens. That link looks great. I'll let you guys know if it works. I've been counting my calories for so long now that it's hard not to! It's good to know I'm not the only one (thanks catwoman :) )


When you zig-zag are you still using fitday.com to track calories? Do you just eat 20% - 30% less than what fitday says you should eat for 3 days in a row?

Yes, I am using Fit Day. I would not be able to do this w/o it. Makes my life sooo much easier! I am also on the 20-50-30 plan...20% fat, 50% carbs, 30% protein...or as close as I can get it anyway. It's not usually perfect but I try and I come close. :) And yes, I just eat 20%-30% less cals for 3 days in a row and then bump it up for one. I aim for 30% all of the time, that way if I over-do it a bit, I am still with in a good deficit range. It's working wonders for me! :) Those full calorie days can be tough though to get it all in! Lots of times I am struggling by dinner time to cram the last of the cals in. I usually fall a little short but not enough to matter...it's still working for me.
Love this idea, but my problem is that I make most of my meals homemade?? Chili, spaghetti, turkey burgars, etc......so how do you track it!! Anyone know of a homemade recipe website where it gives you total calories per serving of the stuff??
I looked at the zig zag plan and realized I do a close variation of that on my own--except for trying to eat more calories on that one day. Does it matter if you do it just like the calculator suggests, or can I choose which days to do what as long as they are varied? Meaning, must I do 1500, 1300, 1200, 1400, 1700, etc. in that exact order or can I switch them around to fit my plans for the day. I just want the best possible results.

Thanks Fit Mom--I love fitday, too. Major time saver.

Reba-I cook homemade and do my best to guesstimate how many cals I am consuming by looking at the labels for the ingredients in my meals and doing a little math to figure out how many cals the serving I ate had in it...I guess I must come close enough because I am losing weight on my calculations!

Kelly-I don't know if a calorie stagger like that would work or not...It might but I really don't know so I don't want to give you wrong info! Put a separate post up for that question! I'm sure you'll get the answer!

:) :) :)

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