It's Tootsie Roll MADNESS!!!!!


Color me happy! We have this lady who works in my office (we do services for the developmentally disabled) and she is one of our "consumers". She's SO sweet. I just mentioned to her that I love Tootsie Rolls, and she brought me in two fistfuls! There's no way I'll be able to stop at one!

What are some of your favorite candies? I'm a sucker for Tootie Rolls, M&M's and Milky Way Midnights.
I too am a tootsie roll addict!!! and I to can't stop at just one tootsie roll!! That has to be my biggest weakness if candy. I can pass up just about anything but tootsie rolls, Once a friend of mine bought me a HUGE bag of them. Over 300 pieces.
Peanut M&M's are at the top of my list followed by Snickers! :9
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
OH!!!! Chocolate covered cherries with the liquid centers. My mom and I used to buy one each whenever we went to the local pharmacy (the had a display on the counter). One year, Mom bought me a whole box as my "birthday cake".
Great thread... I love to talk about food!

While I love me a nice mouthful of Tootsie Rolls, I absolutely adore peanut M&Ms (mmmmmmmmmm) and yes, DebbieH, SNICKERS! Both at the top of my list. I put my Snickers in the freezer and they're just wonderful! They both have peanuts, so you're really doing something good for your body, right??? RIGHT???

Also topping my list would be dark chocolate (especially dark chocolate covered orange peels). Also a plus: the antioxidants in dark chocolate make it a good choice, of course!

See, I'm all about the healthy eating.}(

And, I realize it's not candy, but it's an all-time fave: nobody better get in between me and my Cheez-its. And don't try to pass off Cheese NIPS as Cheez-its, because it just isn't the same. (However, I can't allow myself to have them in the house, because it's just simply too dangerous!)

BreckGirl (the connoisseur of the orange 3/4" square, hole-in-the-middle, genius creation of the Cheez-it)
Hey BreckGirl - ever have those orange chocolate balls? They're shaped like an orange and segmented, so when you tap the ball on a hard surface, the segments come apart just like an orange. I LOVE orange chocolate!!!

I'm not so into Cheez-its (DH is though), but I really like Snyders cheese pretzels
~ Breck Girl!!
Nobody better between me and my Cheez-Its either! I loved it when the back of the box was printed: GET YOUR OWN BOX! I absolutely, positively will NOT ACCEPT any substitutions for them! Happy munching (in moderation, of course!)
~ Kim
Oh yes, Donna - I love those orange chocolate balls. Cold, anyway. But I haven't had one in forever.

Stop it... you're making me hungry (she says as she munches faithfully on her apple).
Candy Corn!! We buy it off and on all year longx(

I'd say reeses peanut butter cups are #1, but I just can't have them in the house...I will down the whole bag myself. Haven't bought any for about 15 years...LOVE THEM!!

Hey Donna I read your post and was reminded that I have two mini tootsie rolls (chocolate) in my coat pocket. Gone now.

But I LOVE Tootsie Rolls, Reese's peanut butter cups, Almond Joy and Mounds....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm the coconut.

It's almost lunchtime for me, uh oh....I...think...I...feel...a...craving...coming...on....must....gain...strength.........................x(

What a fun thread!!!

I love Dove Promise dark chocolates (so does my husband). We always have a bowl of them in the kitchen. We rationalize that they're fairly healthy (and small!). ;-)

Now, if ALL candy fit that description ...

Chocolate covered cherries, Mounds, Almond Joy, peanut M&Ms, cherry tootsie pops, haystacks, Reece's pb cups ...

Yummy! :9

Marla G.
I love caramelos, and milk chocolate Dove promises. MMM... I dont' buy either because I can't stop at just one, and I end up eating the whole bag in about 2 days, yikes!

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Burnt Almond bars and Crispy Crunch and Coffee Crisp and Chocolate Covered Pretzels and I absolutely love a little handful of bittersweet chocolate chips with a strong coffee...mmmmmmmmmmm, yummy!:)

Take Care
I like to snack on tootsie rolls to :) Also I LOVE lemon heads!! I really like Fanny May trinadads YUM!!! And I sometimes I get cravings for those sour patch kids...... Oh my I could go on and on better stop}(

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