Is the crew happy?

When I first read the original post, the first thing that went through my mind was why shouldn't the crew appear more subdued, some of us really went on a tangent about all the whopping. I feel the whooper was stopped! Sadly I miss all the energy the whooping made.

Wow...who'd have thunk so much discussion over "whopping" or "not whopping"....WOW!!!

All I can say is I LOVE CATHE's DVD and can't bring myself to do any others. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!

Ok I am chiming in here with my OPINION: I did notice something different about Cedie in this Series so maybe she wasn't smile I don't know I have to check it out the next time I do the video but to tell you the truth it doesn't really bother me as you can see I didn't notice about the smile or not. I do have to agree with Bobbi though because when I was reading Carol post It sounded pure sarcasm and I was suprise to read this from her.
Thank you too, Valerie because I am asking myself why I felt compelled to respond when I am so cranky today. And the answer is, I am so cranky today! :) But you are right and I have to laugh at getting my back up and carrying on. It's so silly! Flame wars can be upsetting though. I think I may be becoming jaded because I love to play the devil's advocate and I love to argue too! ;)
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"
Hey Carol,
I noticed you removed private messaging from your profile. Good Move! Last time I "spoke my mind" - I received a private message saying I should be killed and have my head chopped off, in addition to a few choice swear words. I thought it was pretty funny!

Debate and different opinions are what make these forums interesting, sometimes they get a little too nice and get boring. Not that I want to see fighting and bickering either - I get enough of that from my teenagers!

Bobbi I know what you mean. I guess i was a little cranky too!! I guess we all have our own opnion and it is ok to say what you have to say, "right". So how are you? Still lifting heavy? Well take care:)
Thanks! Those are my babies - they will be 7 this year! When they were puppies, I used to carry them around in that basket all the time. The one on the left is Oscar Mac (brown & white face) and the one on the right (white face) is Savannah Jane.

Awwww man, I told myself I wasn't getting into this but being Miss Poster of the Year, well.....I just want to say that I know I have had a couple of experiences in my classes where some of my close friends/students would say something to me afterwards that they thought something was wrong. (out of concern of course) I even had someone say the same thing to me after Bunko one night. One of my best friends asked me if something was wrong because I just didn't seem myself. I was fine all of those times. It actually made me feel bad that I gave that impression and tried to re-think how I acted. Not sure I am making any sense but we all do have different emotions at different times. I think sometimes we are concentrating/thinking of other things and it can be interpreted wrong. I also agree maybe there have been times I have been stressed about something and it showed too. I am not trying to take sides but I just think this is not worth getting upset over. BTW, I never noticed any change in Cedie or any of the crew this time. Matter of fact, I used the warm-up to SS today and everyone was smiling BIG! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Too cute Margie! LOVE their names too!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
When one person has a voice and another does not, there exists a double standard. There are voices on here before my post which say the same things, and express the same opinions, yet mine is the one singled out as "sarcastic" and "flaming". No one knows my heart but ME. I said it was not meant as sarcastic. If someone chooses to believe otherwise, so be it. What the accusers have to ask themselves is ... why? Why MY post and not the others? Only those who singled mine out know the true and real answer in their own hearts.

Well ... I do believe we've all learned something new here this evening. I know I certainly have. And, I have to thank all of you for it. I just realized how much of my precious time and energy I've wasted here. So ... THANK YOU. You've freed me tonight.

You missed your calling, Carol. You should have been an actress. This was a little light-hearted speculation as to whether or not the crew was more serious. Period. Your 7 point diatribe was singled out because it was childish and accusatory. I have no ulterior motives. What's going on in your head I can only guess but I'm glad you are free. No doubt you'll be sharing your dramatic flare on another board soon. By the way, have you seen this quote?
"No one can make you feel inferior without your permission" ... Eleanor Roosevelt
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Wow....I never thought this post would get so.....BUSY?....I do believe Carol, that you have a complete right to your opinion. I think that is what these forums are for. I'm not sure I agree with everyone that disagreed, jumping all over you. I just don't like to see that myself. Makes me a bit uncomfortable. Yes...we all have a right to our opinions, so as I am not disagreeing with anyone opinions...I have to say....I really never thought much about the crew being happy. I love the workouts to much to really notice I guess...or it could be my blonde hair....:)...Carole
I just had a thought,
Can you imagime if Cathes crew stopped being so whopless(for lack of a better word:) )b/c of the posting here monthes back...(that I beleive I may have contributed to,Im not a whopping fan) so b/c someone read that post ,they tamed it down a little.
NOw,can you imagine if someone gets a hold of these post.Cathes crew will probably have to get surgery done to look like the joker.:7 So that they will constantly be smiling!
Im not being sarcastic to anything anyone else post.I just wanted to add that if cathes crew had to listen to everything we commented on and then they did it...those videos would look like a circuis!:7 :+ But Id still buy them:)
Please just let this go ladies. I think the thread has run it's course and now two people I respect quite a bit are feuding.
Just drop it please! And I am asking nicely. :)
I agree completely Trevor...this one got way out of hand....I'd like to see it dropped too...:)...Carole
How about changing the subject?

How's this? Don't you think workouts, in general, have gotten less "whoopy" since they hit the scene? Early workouts are really hysterical with the big hair and the leotards and the yipping and yelling! I used to do a fair amount of whooping but don't whoop so much anymore. Occasionally though, a whoop will spring forth from within, when it's all flowing well and I feel like a million dollars and enthusiasm in the form of a whoop comes shooting out of my head! This does not apply to strength training where I am more likely to curse than to whoop, especially if someone say 4 more reps or something like that! :)
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"
Sorry, Trevor, I want to let it drop, but I can't email Carol personally, and I want to respond to this post, so here's one more and then hopefully it will be over.
Carol, I had absolutely no evil motives when I responded to your post. Maybe you are right that other people expressed the same opionion as you did, but I didn't really notice such a thing. Perhaps I read your's more carefully than the others because it was longer. I really felt that your post was critical of other people, not just their opionions, and that you were accusing people of being nit-picky, and that they should just go buy other videos if they didn't like Cathe's crew without smiles plastered on their faces. Maybe I read it wrong--as we all know, there is no way to really express what you are feeling if you are communicating through writing.
I hope you haven't been attacked in the past, but maybe if you have (and I'm talking about being attacked on this forum, where things can get out of hand if you say one thing wrong) that is why you felt you were being singled out this time. I can honestly say that I have no idea who you are, and I responded because of the reasons listed above. I actually didn't think my response to you was rude--I just was pointing out another way to look at it...

Anyway--I apologize!

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