I'm likin' it. I'm likin' it a lot!
So far I've previewed the Dig Deep Fit Test, the Plyometric Cardio Circuit, and the Cardio Power & Resistance workouts.
The Dig Deep Fit Test includes a warm-up and extended stretch, then has eight 1:00 drills which you perform at your own best pace then log how many reps you do. Shaun has two performers, one male and one female, and after each drill 1:00 is taken to log your reps and catch your breath. The drills are:
"Switch Kicks" (very similar to sequential power kicks, except that you are alternating each leg AND it's continuous; NO LET UP!)
"Power Jacks" (plyo jacks but the inward bounce is FAST; again, NO LET UP!)
"Power Knees" (you stand in a static side lunge and perform a fast core repeater; form is crucial here; note that Shaun only works one side; if you want this as a proper workout you need to rewind and do the other leg; note too that the support leg works hard!)
"Power Jumps" (from a wide squat position execute a jump tucking the knees up high keeping them abducted)
"Globe Jumps" (maintaining a wide squat position, jump forward, jump left, jump back, jump right; this is one full rotation and you do as many as you can; I think you might touch the floor at each jump)
"Suicide Jumps" (squat thrusts into a vertical jump continuously; NO LET UP!)
"Push-Up Jacks (****these are mean****) (Execute push-ups jacking the legs out on the down phase and jacking them in on the up phase) (****i told you these are mean****)
"Low Plank Obliques" (planks on the elbows bringing alternating knees into the armpits; very similar to the plank drills in the LIC core routine)
Part of the Insanity package is a glossy that contains a grid for you to log in your rep performance for the Fit Test workout; you can gauge your progress this way as you go through the program.
With Plyometric Cardio Circuit and Cardio Power & Resistance, each of which is about 41:00 including warm-up, stretch, cardio and cooldown, Shaun organizes series of 4-5 drills in a clump; he puts you through them once, then a 30-second rest and he puts you through them again FASTER, then a 30-second rest and he puts you through them again FAST AS YOU CAN; he usually throws in a bonus-burn drill at the end of the fastest cycle. (He follows this same format for the warm-ups as well.) Thus for each of these two workouts there are three drill blocks (including the warm-up drill block) that you do three times with increased speed and power.
Most if not all of the drills will be very familiar to those who have done Cathe's boot-camp-style workouts and other types of power drills; think original Boot Camp, 4DS Boot Camp, Drill Max, Cardio Kicks's power drills segment, Plyo Legs plyo drills, and many of her plank-oriented core routines.
I really like Shaun's style - he's a coach and a drill sergeant and a form-checker. I find absolutely no condescension in his demeanor, and that's refreshing. I like the music, AND the fact that there is no on-the-beat cueing or execution; that's a refreshing variation from other types of cardio I usually do.
I see this as a very welcome addition to my cardio collection! Well worth the dough already, in my book.
That's it for now! I'm interested in others' takes as well!