
Everyone - You are going to love this one, and I'm joining in with the others who gave it two thumbs up! I previewed it yesterday, and decided to do the warmup and first five intervals today. This was because the choreography was more complicated than IMAX1 and there was some choreography in the anaerobic parts. Anyway, Cathe's cuing was so excellent that I had no problems catching on to the pre-blast cardio routines. They are lots of fun---she works you around the board a lot, so make sure you give yourself plenty of room on all four sides of your step. Lots of moves you will recognize but put together in new and interesting patterns. The blasts were incredible, especially the Genie hops (you squat hop on one leg 16x w/your arms like I Dream of Jeannie for 8 and circling for 8 counts, and switch legs---it's a burner!!!!). Even poor Cedie's legs were giving out toward the end of that interval (I think it was either interval 3 or 4). I was wobbling right along w/her. Time flew by. Can't wait to do the rest of the tape. Thank goodness these tapes came just in time to work off all those Christmas cookies and chocolate, eh? Suzanne
Suzanne, I am in love with this workout too! I received my videos yesterday, ripped open the box, previewed IMAX for about 3 minutes, and had to do it right away. I couldn't just sit there and watch it (let alone twice as she recommends).

I don't have IMAX, so I couldn't compare IMAX 2 to that, but it was very intense. I was drenched by the 4th interval and took a few water breaks in addition to the "official" water break Cathe gives. For not previewing the whole thing, I did pretty well, but there were a few times where I didn't have clue. She has great cuing, so it didn't take me long to jump back in. I also love how she incorporates some combinations from other workouts into this one-it's like deja vu. I also love the music as it's very upbeat and motivating.

I have to say that unless I do Tae Bo, my legs don't hurt, but today I am in pain. I could be because of the Jeanie moves or that move where you straddle the board and go back and forth very quickly (or a combination of everything). My outer thighs and butt hurt the most.

I can't wait to do the rest of the series.
I have never completed IMAX1, so I was a little fearful of jumping on this one. But I set my mind to it & MODIFIED a great deal. I LOVE IT!!! Now I have no excuse not to get through IMax1. Everyone has given pretty good descriptions of the intervals so I won't.

I will, however, say the music is STUPENDOUS!!! You will recognize almost all of it. The Pina Colada song is thrown in here somewhere, set to a dance beat. It's awesome! I found myself wanted to sing--YEAH RIGHT--I could hardly breath never mind sing! But the songs were running through my head.

You will really enjoy this one!

I'm ready to take the next step!

Hi Deborah,

Does the Pina Colada song go something like this......

'If you like Pina Colada's,
Or getting caught in the rain,
If your not into yoghurt,
But are into champagne.... (blah, blah, blah- can't remember the rest of the song !!!!!!!!!!!!! La la la la..)'

Is it that one ? Cause if it is I am ordering IMAX 2 later into January ?

I LOVE that song :7

Anna :)

Yes, Anna - that's it. The song is at the end of the workout and it was fun to exercise to it.

Thanks Erica,

Then I am definitely ordering Imax 2 this month !!!!!!! Sold to Anna/Bernard !!!

Anna :)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-01-03 AT 04:08PM (Est)[/font][p]BUT Anna/Bernard will be singing:

If you like plyos with, do, do, do
Quads are burning with, do, do, do
IMAX I was a cake, do, do, do
Aquajock is your, do, do do

Sorry, I was intending to go somewhere else with that, but somehow I can't separate AJ and IMAX.

Oh, but there's more...

If you've been drooling for the IS, do, do, do
Working out turns you, do, do, do
I'm the sadist you've dreamed, do, do, do
Turn to Cathe dot, do, do, do

Copyright pending, all rights reserved

Too cute! And now that d@mn tune will be stuck in my head for the rest of the night! :)

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
RE: Laughing My HEAD off......

Oh, Briee,

That is so funny :7 :7 :7 I like that alot !!!!!!!!!! :7 That is so good - you should post it for Cathe on ASK CATHE !!!!!!! Briee, your lyrics have been a good start to 2003 !!!!!

Anna :)
RE: Laughing My HEAD off......

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-01-03 AT 10:24PM (Est)[/font][p]I'm sorry Donna, I hate it when that happens. (I'll probably be humming it all week too) and Anna, that is not worthy to clog up the Ask Cathe site. She deserves much better :) :) (but you are so sweet!!). I would like to post you all a question on the open forum now that I'm thinking about it's off to OF. (oops I meant Open Discussion)


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