
Do any of you guys do IMAX 3 on an eight inch step? I use eight inches for just about everything else, but I can't seem to do it for IMAX 3.


There is no way I could do it on 8". I am 5'2" and would probably kill myself :7 I tried Imax 2 on 8" and thought I was going to die. DH pretty much had to pick me up off the floor when I was done :p
Now the only Cathe that I do on 8" are the older (Step Works, Step Heat, etc.) cardio workouts :)
No way. I'm also shorter and would potentially kill myself with all the jumping on and off the step. I think if you are a wee bit taller and can handle it, go for it. Don't get me wrong, some go for it on an 8 inch step, but I think I'd be checking in from the ER ;)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

No way! I use an 8 inch step for Lowmax only, and my knees thank me the rest of the time!
I'm 5'6". I have fallen exactly 3 times working out to Cathe--all during IMAX 3. I use 6 inches and have considered no risers at all. All the jumping gets the better of me--especially jumping sideways! That's where I usually stumble--the first blast.
I sometimes do Imax 3 on an 8" step with no modifications. I'm 5'7" though. I only do it when I feel up to it. Sometimes I use a 6" step. I use 8" for most of Cathe's workouts.
NO WAY! I'm 5'8 and theres no way I even want to go to 8". I just did this work out today and I was soaking wet when I was done. If I went to 8" I wouldnt be writing this post right now I would still be laying on the floor! Lori BC
I do about everything on an 8" step as well - I'm 5'10. IMax 3- no way. It's tough enough on a six inch. I'd kill myself. LOL
Well, I even hesitate to write this, because you all are going to probably think I'm nuts, but I am 5'2" and have always done IMAX 3 and all of Cathe's other videos on an 8 inch step. I just started that way, and when I then heard that everyone else does it on 6", I found it hard to make the switch--I think it's all what you get used to!

But I don't want to be responsible for any broken bones, so don't try it on 8 inches unless you feel you're safe at that height!

Good luck!

I don't think you're nuts.

I do all step workouts on 8" and I'm (almost) 5'. But on Imax3, I use just the bench on the first blast and the blast with jacks on the step. Then I put it back on the risers for the rest of the workout.

I also don't like the dancey/floor stuff (triples, figure 8's, hamstrings on the floor, other variations of walks) so I continue to do athletic steps on the 8" step (otherwise, my heart rate drops while boredom rises). Low Max on 8" challenges my leg strength, but not my cardiovascular system. But I like it--it's a nice change, I do an interval from it between intervals from the Imaxes and KickMax Blast for an active rest.
Ditto what (the other) Amy said, almost exactly! I'm 5'2" and I only use 8 inches for Low Max and sometimes Cardio and Weights if I'm feeling crazy. I was so beat when I tried Imax 2 on the 8" step last week I've just barely recovered! My knee was bothering me for a few days, too, so now I'm considering it unsafe for me!
I am 5'4" I do them all on an 8" step. However, for intervals 1 and 7 in IMax3 I lower the step to 6" for the blasts - there is a lot of jumping on and off step and I found myself nearly falling several times. I agree with the poster who suggested that if you get used to it, it's strange to lower it to 6.
Thanks for all your responses! I'm glad I'm not alone in my inability to master Imax 3 on 8 inches. I think I will try again - this time with some modifications. When I started to really stumble on the first blast, I just lowered the step to six inches for the rest of the workout. Maybe I'll try lowering it for the first blast and raising it again after that and see how I do! Wish me luck!
I'm 5'4" and do everything on an 8 inch step except for LowMax, which I do on a 10 inch step. I used to do everything on a 10-inch step, until I finally realized I had given myself Achilles tendonitis. I miss it though.
Hi, Amy,

I tried to e-mail you, but it came back to me as the wrong address. I was away for a week, and I got your e-mail when I came back yesterday.

I don't have Imax 3, but I do Imax 2 on a six inch step. I am 5'2" tall, and if a workout isn't too high impact, I can do it on an eight inch step. I also found that when I didn't exercise for a week, I ate too much, and I haven't gotten back on track since I started exercising yesterday.

I find that if I am strict with WW, I usually lose about two pounds a week.
Thanks for the reply. I had my e-mail address typed in wrong, it's fixed now. That's great that you can use a 6" and 8" step. I'm working on it.

Keep it up with WW. Sometimes I lose my motivation, but somehow it always comes back! Working out to Cathe really keeps me going.

I am impressed with anyone who can get through Imax3. I received mine about 2 weeks ago and was so disapointed in myself when I couldnt get through it. But Im sticking with it and Im almost there, yesterday I just skipped 2 blasts and finally learned the step combo I was having trouble with.
I am 5' 3" and doubt (right now atleast) that I'll EVER do any of the work outs on an 8" step! I do the imaxes on just the step alone (4") and do SOME of the other work outs on 6" but that's it.

I don't have a lot of room for "error" in my w/o room. If I fall there are just waaay to many things I can crash into and hurt myself...or worse even!:eek: If I had more room I might tend to be more daring but my skull being in tact is much more important to me than trying to do any work out on an 8" step!:p
I used to do IMax 3 on 8" step. I'm 5'8". I lowered it though. I find that this one with 6" is more effective. My tendons were really hurting on 8", not to mention how many times I tripped!:+ I also had some neck problems, so I needed to lower it for awhile. I recently highered it back to 8" for all my non-IMax workouts. I just get a better workout. When my tendons hurt I lower it to 6" for awhile. I did Power MAx on 6" a couple weeks ago, but I didn't really get a very good workout.

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