IMAX-2 too difficult??


Hi all!

I have started doing IMAX-2 recently, and really love it - the music, the moves, the constant variation... However, I can only do the first 5 intervals. After that, my legs just won't move, and I'm almost feeling a bit sick. Am I the only one here who can't do the whole thing all the way through?? I can get through other Cathe workouts - both weights and cardio. How long do you think it will take to get all the way through it? Also, do any of you have a pre-workout snack to help?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
I remember the first time I did Imax2! I thought I was gonna pass out, my chest ached and I felt sick as well. I had to stop half way through. Well I had tried it on a 6inch step, which is what I normally use. Someone suggested that I try 4 inches, and use no risers, and that made all the difference in the world! It is still a VERY tough workout, but at least I can make it through without my heart popping through my chest and feeling sick. So if you aren't using 4 inch step, I would give that a shot! Also you can try building up to do the whole thing, try to do one more interval (then you did the time before) each time you try it. I guess the only way it will get better is to keep trying, and do the best you can!
Hi Sharon,

If all you can do now is the first five intervals, then stick with that until it becomes easier. Your muscles will soon learn to adjust to the higher intensities and neutralize the burn from the lactic acid (which might be making you feel sick).

Once you feel ready to tackle more of the workout, progress to Intervals 1-6, 1-7, etc. The key here is gradual progression. It is better to do fewer intervals with good technique than push yourself through the entire workout with sloppy technique.

Tina gave good advice about just using your platform with no risers. By taking down the intensity on the step portion, you will have more energy to give to the intervals. Focus on giving all of your power to the intervals, since the step portions are not out of your comfort zone.

Most of all, have fun! IMAX 2 is a great workout!! :7

You will get there, you have made a great start on it. I always have the urge to quit after interval 5, but I make it. I used to have no cardio capacity, it comes with time!
Hi Sharon,

Just pace yourself. You'll get there. What helps me get through it is I drink water during the recovery phases. This really helps me and gives me a "second wind".

You'll get through it very soon! Hang in there.


Lots of good advice given here. I think you're right that a pre-workout snack might also help. I get the same feeling you describe with both IMAX's, right around interval seven, if I haven't eaten something (and drank enough water) before hand.

I can't make it all the way through yet either - but we shouldn't feel bad. Many people in the world couldn't do even 1 interval, so I still feel pretty fit.

I tend to take longer recovery times between intervals as well, to get my heart rate down, but I've just decided I'm going to keep working on it twice a week until I can beat it!

Hang in there!

EXACTLY - I used to get down on myself when I couldn't do all of IMAX or had to modify in others and suddenly I realized - how many people could do ANY of this? We are all awesome for even trying! :7
I did this for the first time last week and also kept my step at 4 inches. I made it through and loved it! I think I will keep my step at 4 inches for awhile on this one.


I think it would really help you to eat a banana about 30 min. before IMAX 2. You need some availabe sugar in your bloodsteam to keep your energy pumping for the high intensity intervals. I think this may be your problem since you say your muscles are really what are getting tired and not so much your cardiovascular system. I get that on the long interval, don't know which one it is, but the one where you do the two plyo jacks and two air born jacks and then over-the-step 6 times. My legs just LOCK on the final one. That one and the power hop one. They just kill me!! Make sure to drink lots of H2O beforehand too. It is very important to be hydrated before you start the workout, not only to stay hydrated while you workout...some people forget this....

Good Luck!
Oh yeah..try dropping to 6 or 4 inch step for now. It will make it slightly easier and you will feel more like a success rather than a failure!!

Hi Sharon,

I just daren't do this workout, it petrifies me. I bought it way back in January, and I watch it when there is nothing on TV (I love the music), but just from watching it makes my knees knock ! :D
Maybe I should try it as a floor cardio workout first ?

I do prefer Imax 1, which I can get to the end with, using modifications.

Anna :)
I can only do the first 5 intervals.(or the 6 - 10 pre-mix)

In fact, I prefer to make my own 20 -30 minute workout with the mix and match option on the DVD.

This is one tough workout - I figure if I can make it through 30 minutes I'm doing okay. I don't think I'll ever be able to get through the entire workout.
Have a snack b4 you do the workout. Lower to a 4 inch step. Try doing 1-6 next time 1-7 then 1-8 and so on until you can do the whole thing on a 4 inch step, OK.

Then start this over with a six inch step. When you get up to doing the whole thing on a six inch step MISSION ACCOMPLISHED GIRL.

Edith :p
Wow, I hadn't logged on for a few days, and have only just seen all of your responses. Thanks so much for all of your advice. I have been through the choreography in interval 6, and plan to try to add this in as soon as I can, and keep going from there. I had my step on the middle height (not sure of the inches), and have now lowered to the lowerst step height. It seems really low during the easy step parts, but it makes the hard parts more managable. I am detemined to get through the whole workout on the middle step height some day soon!

Also, I will try the banana 30 minutes before, and will increase my water intake.

Thanks for the support!
I love IM2 ... but enjoy it more by splitting it up and then adding the cardio portions of C&W after the 5 intervals.
At first, I found IMAX2 a real challenge too, but working away at it over a month or so , I got through it. I thought Rhythmic Step was a challenge at first . Working away at IMAX2, Boot Camp and Cardio Step, I then found that Rhythmic Step was a breeze! And gradually all those IS videos become easier with time and IMAX2 is becoming easier. It's all about time and conditioning ...although I must admit I still haven't conquered the pyramid upper and lower body videos but with time and persistence... aerobic and strength capacity builds. Even though i don't seem to see significant results on the scale ... knowing that I can get through IMAX 2 and still have energy for the rest of the day tells me that every workout session builds on the last one. It can only get better! Good luck and keep on moving!:)
I too found this one to be very hard, I can actually do the first one with less mods than I have to make for IMAX2. I still can't get the step part of #9 down, forget straddle taps, and those one legged hops hurt my lower legs too much so I do various other things like regular jumps or jacks.
I may take note of lowering the step height for the next few rounds and see how that goes, good suggestions all.

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