I'm surprised the DVD Updates are so few and far betwee...


The update on October 29 said they had received the proof copies, would review them over a few days time and send them to the replicator sometime "next week". "Next week "is flowing into the following week and no word. I would love an update one way or another. Have they gone to the replicator? Is there a problem that needs correcting? Even an approximation is better than no word at all!

Chicks's Rule! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Bobbi
RE: I'm surprised the DVD Updates are so few and far be...

The wait is killing me... Well, not really. But I have read soo many good reviews about these workouts I can barely handle it...

The DVDs will be worth the wait!!

RE: I'm surprised the DVD Updates are so few and far be...

I was going to say the suspense was killing me but I thought it sounded to dramatic! I am so excited about the new DVD's. I need some new stuff at this juncture and I'll be jumping for joy when the announcement is made that the DVD's are on the way!
Chicks's Rule! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Bobbi
Oh Bobbi, I have been holding my excitement for too long. My envy, too, with those lucky ones who've gotten and tried the BB series. And now I'm just filled to bursting! With winter on the way, I need something to motivate me big time, and the BB DVD's would be just that. I hope we can get those before Thanksgiving so we can have new fatburners the day after The Great Meal.:7

I was hoping for an update soon too. I'm checking the forum far too often and I need to get some work done!:D

Did you see Carol's post with "I kissed the UPS man" in the subject line? I have never kissed the UPS man (neither did Carol, by the way) but I have told him I love him! Ok, I love seeing his truck pull up! Once he is gone, I remove all the wrappers, read all the information on the back of the case, then start previewing while my family make fun of me and roll their eyes. Then there's the process of deciding what to try first and the anticipation of the next morning when I can do the first choice......

It would be great to have them by Thanksgiving! I used to do a ten miler on the big day but the only thing that will be running this year is my nose! lol! I wait so badly but it seems like it's been ages since I ordered those babies!
Chicks's Rule! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Bobbi
I try not to think about them too much (although it's really hard especially when you see all the great reviews!). I hope the next update will have a shipping date on it. I really am looking forward to this series!

Well my BF bought the DVDs for me for my birthday..and since my birthday's in December, I guess the arrival time will be about right..

Doesn't mean I don't want them NOW though!!!! I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The way I figure it, Cathe said a few days to reviw it, then off to the replicator, which then takes 2 weeks. I figured right away that brings us to Nov. 14 - my estimate in my mind has been to send them out on the 17th - I am hoping that anyway.

I do have the VHS of BB, I order both - I will use the tapes at my cottage (that is how I justify getting both) -

With the Intensity Series, the DVD's took one month longer than the tapes. Remember Cathe said she had the tapes when expected but there was the audio problems, which they said did not affect the DVD's. But is was also stated that there was more premixes so more to look at to make sure everything is well with the DVD's.

I am assuming that they are being made up now. I hope that we get them by the 19th of November.

Bobbi, that is so funny that your family makes fun of you while you preview your workouts. My husband thinks my friend Stacy and I are crazy when we get together, because if one of us got something new we always have to sit, drink wine and preview it. Then one or the other almost always say I'm am going to have to steal this from you when you are not looking to do it tomarrow! Ha, ha!
Yeah, I am with you on the can't wait thing. But I think that it just makes them even better when we get them, kind of like Christmas when you were a kid, ya know!
I just saw it and I am sitting here grinning happily!

Kathy, they make fun of all of my obsessions. Cathe's workouts are at the top of my, what did my husband call them, "fixiations". If they ship in a couple of weeks, it'll be three before they get here since I am in Arizona. So, I'll gain a pound over Thanksgiving weekend.

Previewing is so much fun. You make it a party! Sounds like fun!

Mindi, they should be a shoo in for your birthday! Mine is in December too.
Chicks's Rule! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Bobbi

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