Im sooooooo upset about this - I feel sick!


Woke up this morning to find our dining room had been trashed by a intruder or intruders. They had gained entry through our French Doors - which were double locked but they had wenched open.

Nothing like the TV or sterio etc were taken, but every drawer and cubboard had been overturned and contents dumped. Our tree was also vandalized but thank god we had no presents under there yet.

We called the Police of course and because nothing like the TV had been stolen, they told us it was more than likely young kids after money or credit cards for drugs.

We sleep down the hall with 2 shut doors seperating us from the dining room but didnt hear a thing so they were pretty quick.

The thing that is sickening is the fact they were so CLOSE to us sleeping that they could have come in!!!! and Im finding it hard to get over THAT thaught.

Im also really worried because they have seen what house contents we do have, and could come back with a bigger idea in mind.

Im not sure how Im going to get over this creepy feeling of what COULD HAVE happened!!!!!!.

Does anyone know how I can sleep easy after this?

I have nver been through any thing like that. I can imagine you feel very violated and vunerable. I would be sleeping with the lights on myself. Maybe you can check about an alarm system or get a dog that would bark if someone came in the house.

Maybe you will be able to rest easy soon. I am sorry this happened to you. I am thankful for your safety! LOL, Renee
This is so awful, especially considering the fact that you were home when this happened. The only advice I have for you is to get an alarm system for house. You'll feel more secure with one in place. Good luck.

I am so sorry you had this experience. I can imagine how violated & sick you must feel. I never do get why someone might get a kick out of this sort of activity. Just yesterday I was driving down my street and saw someone's mailbox smashed down by probably some kids having fun. I thought how disrespectful this was to someone else' feelings, property etc., and that is nothing compared to what you have now gone through. I am sorry. Thankfully you are safe.

How awful! You must be so upset! I understand your concern about them returning and I agree about getting an alarm. I hope the creeps get caught.
So Sorry to hear this happened to you!! I think it will probably be awhile before you get over something like this! The "might if's are so scary" but thank goodness you and your family are safe! I know I go to bed at night and rest a lot easier turning on my alarm system and I also have a dog.

Good Luck and Take care!!

I have had my house broke into 3 times. You feel violated to no end. It took me the longest time to ever sleep easy at night I however have never had our home broke into while I was sleeping.
I would suggest investing in an alarm system or dogs. I do have 3 dogs in my backyard. I just have to open the backdoor and let them in. They are house-broken but for the most part I keep them out-side.

When my husband has to be out of town on business for a week. I usually keep my boys (5 & 7) in our bed and I sleep in the recliner next to the bed. I will take our chow mix and keep him in our bedroom at night. He is great with our children but does not care for strangers at all.

I am so sorry this happened to you. It is very nerve racking to say the least:(

I find this disturbingly coincidental that this happened right after your informed your friend of her boyfriend's "too friendliness." Am I just too suspicious to think that maybe HE had something to do with it? The purpose was obviously NOT to steal anything, but to cause some destruction.
So sorry to hear this happened to you! Last summer our neighbors house was broken into during the day, using the front door. I was so upset by the incident that I immediately began looking for a dog. We now have a Boxer that is wonderful with friends and family, but guards our house like nobody's business!
My thoughts exactly like Kathryn's. Coincidence? That is why I suggested telling your DH from the get go. Perhaps I have watched too many movies, but...
By telling GF only, you can set yourself up. Afterall, you are slandering her BF. No one likes to be slandered.(Slander is also a criminal offense in some places) Now if the two of them tell your DH and make it all sound like it is your you were making the moves on BF... DH will wonder and have doubts because you didn't confide in him.
Again, too many soap operas and movies.. Things happen in the real world! I would still tell my DH.
I am so sorry to hear what has happened to you. Many years ago we had our house broken into and small things taken like jewelry, and a gun. They were not noticed right away. Also my daughter was home one morning at her house and had a strange man at her door at 8 a.m. He kept knocking. She had me on the phome because it was early and her husband was gone. The guy started trying to break in the door. She had her daughter hide in the closet. It turned out that the guy had already broken into a home in another town and had a gun and drugs on him. My grandaughter was three at the time. She would get upset for a long time when someone would come to our door. It really does give you a creepy feeling. They have a large dog and keep an alarm system.
Diane Sue
I am sorry. I didn't aim to sound insensitive in my first post. I just found the breakin to be a coincidence. Having your home broke into is a scary thing. You just feel so uncomforable knowing someone has been in your home. My nephew recently had Everything stolen in broad daylight. We have had thives break into our shop and take all our expensive tools. They loaded up the chest on wheels and everything. They case the place and study your routines so as to know when you are home or not.
Just to show you how panicky I am, last spring, two guys knocked on my front door, while another guy was leaning up against their car in my driveway. They were not from around my part of the woods, so I called my sister-in-law to get on the radio and tell my DH or any of the employees to get over here fast. Sure enough, they were up to no good as there was several breakins later in my area fitting their description.
Thieves are so bold. They know they law is on their side as they have to be caught in the act. (that is the way it is where I live) My nephew showed the police clear fingerprints but the police didn't even bother to take them! My nephew has a BIG dog and security cameras in the house now.
Hoping all goes well with you.
That is terrible and i can't imagine how awful it must be. My dh is gone alot for work and i have two dogs, a shot gun under the bed and a 9mm on my nightstand just in case. i live in the boonies and 911 would take way to long to get here. you can never be to careful. i second the idea of dogs and alamr system!

Oh I feel for you and thankful that nothing happened to you or your husband! How AWFUL! I would definitely get an alarm system.

We live in a secluded area and have an alarm system. We used to also have a guard dog but he has since passed away. I know this ordeal is very unsettling and hope you can find resolution with this soon for your own peace of mind!

I am so sorry to you had such a horrible experience. The only good thing is that you and your family are safe. The best thing I can think of is to get a dog or dogs or an alarm sytem if you do not already have one. I have 3 large mean german sheperds and I sleep with my windows open and might I add most comfortably and securely. My logic is that if anyone can get past my dogs well then they have earned the right to help themselves to what little I have }( this might even sound far fetched but maybe 1 or 2 sessions with a therapist might help considering how violated you must feel. Best of luck.
Thank goodness you're OK. I've been broken into, and I was in my apartment - I had to scream and scare the two guys off. I know so well that feeling of violation and vulnerability, that someone was in YOUR place going through YOUR things. I'll agree with all the other advice - get a dog and/or an alarm system. I have a central-station alarm with every window in the apartment plus the front door hooked up, and I use it all the time, even if I'm 'only' running to the grocery store for fifteen minutes. A good security salesperson (or the police officer(s) in your area assigned to community patrol) can go through your residence with you and point out the vulnerable areas - basement windows, thick shrubbery, sliding doors, dim outdoor lighting.

I second the DOG suggestion. I have two and I think they are MUCH better than an expensive alarm system.
I am very sorry for what happened to you, I know how worried you are, I would do the alarm system but from what I heard on the news police ignore them or take a long time responding to them since some of the time they are false alarms, I heard this on The Discovery channel. I would do a dog for sure and put a sign that says you have an alarm system even though you don't. have outside lights that come on when someone comes near the house. Also get seriel numbers on ALL your stuff, take pictures of things. Also mark things so you know they are yours if found if they ever get stolen. I would find a special place to lock your purse and wallet with credit cards and money in it.
Good luck. I sure hope they catch who did this to you, and you can eventually live without fear of them coming back.
I HATE when people rob others for things they may not have or just for the hell of it. I'm sorry this has happened to you, but I like everyone else hope the PERSON or PEOPLE involved get caught. I'm sorry you have to lose sleep over this. I don't want to sound violent or anything, but I swear I think I would sleep near that area with a baseball bat a steel one at that or better yet do a "WALKING TALL".

Edited to say:

My mother has 12 children; 11 girls and one boy, and when we were young she would sleep with a 45 mm under her pillow.

That is a very good point. My alarm system is probably as old as I am and it includes 2 sets of panic buttons. One in my bedroom and one right by our front door (inside) and if I press these buttons the police are summoned immediately and the alarm company will not bother with the follow up call. I don't know if the newer systems (mine is from the 70's) have that feature but it certainly is worth inquiring about.

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