Im sooooooo upset about this - I feel sick!

So scary! I am glad no one was physically hurt.

You might also consider putting motion sensor lights outside. In addition to a monitored alarm system, double locks and and defense sprays, I also have this thing that looks like a door jam (those wedge shaped things) that is actually an alarm, so you can put it under your bedroom door, or in a hotel which is what I use it for, and if someone tries to open the door it sets off a really loud alarm. I got it at

ANother suggestion is taking self defense classes, it might help you feel a little more empowered and less vulnerable? I wound up getting a black belt in Tae Kwon Do where we do a lot of practical self defense and what made me start taking the classes was the thought of living alone and endless worrying of "what if". At the very least it takes away that fear women have of "what would I do if..." and gives you some good mental and physical tools should, god forbid, the need ever arise.

Book suggestion about general saftey is Tom Patire's Personal Protection Handbook. Easy to read, non-scary look at how to be safe in every aspect of your life. Heard about it through my martial arts studio.

Be safe,
Thank you so much everyone for your kind replies and best thaughts. Saying a simple thankyou seems "TOO" simple but I do mean it. I felt I received a "giant group hug" from you all.

Well yesterday after the incident, was clean up for me while DH phoned around Security Alarm Companies to see who could install a system for us the quickest. He found someone so that should be up and going next week. We also had the Lock Smith in for the French Doors. I am thankful, we didnt have to replace the entire doors.

Just reading all your responses makes me feel very "nieve" that we havent had a security system before!.....but there you go........

I love the idea of a guard dog but unfortunatly the landlord wont allow anything bigger than goldfish, but it proberly wouldnt be fair anyway as there is no one home most of the day.

Australia doesnt allow the ownership of guns either (Im talking non-farmers and non criminals here) but I dont honestly know if I would feel comfortable with one in my home anyway. I surpose Id be too worried my own gun would be used against me in a confrontation

Wanda - I didnt take your post as insencetive because the thaught of my girlfriends boyfriend being responsible did cross my mind for a fleeting
second, but no, it was mearly a coincidence, we are sure it was just young thugs

Jill - you got me thinking I havent taken seff defense classes since High School, so Ive decided to enroll in the next course available where I live. I may never need to use what I learn, but I think it may help me replace my "fear" with "anger" over this. Now Ive gotton over the shock abit, I am starting to feel really "pissed of " instead.

And to all you lovely people who also had the misfortune of experiencing something similiar (or worse for some of you) Im returning to you, my own sympathy, kind thaughts, and a a giant hug as well.


One more thing to think about but it may help. It helped me when our house was robbed about 10 years ago. They got right through the French doors like your house.

If you start or continue to obsess about what happened, you are giving the perpetrators more power over you than they deserve. Don't let them win. Take hold of your fears and then let them go. I know this is easier said than done but really, really try.

Another thing that helped me was to realize, "Gee, what's the chance of this happening again in the near future?!". Probably nil.

Not trying to minimize what happened to you because it is awful, but, things could always be worse, right?

Oh I am so glad to hear you are taking a self defense class! I know I'll probably never have to use any of the stuff I've learned but I just feel better knowing it! Also, I have read that people who are skilled in self defense tend to be less likely to be a target in the first place because of the way you hold yourself, or the way you use common sense to avoid bad situations in the first place. I think it will also be a good outlet for the anger you are feeling.

Definitely check out the Personal Protection Handbook (Tom Patire) as well, it is very enlightening.

Girl power!
Jill :)

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