I'm scared! Surgery coming.


Ok, in a nutshell, I have cryptic tonsils and get sick A LOT, what seems like every other month. Some of you know I'm sick as we speak from my previous thread. I will be having surgery to remove my tonsils!

Anyway, does anyone have any advice for post surgery? How can I keep the muscle I have, how do I not gain weight? I was told I'll be in bed for 2 weeks! Anything will help! THANKS LADIES!!
Alana - I had my tonsils taken out a few years ago and I wasn't in bed for two weeks. Not sure why they told you you would be? I just couldn't talk or answer my phone at work - that was kind of nice actually! I definitely wouldn't say it was a fun experience, but I didn't really think it was that awful. I did miss solid food, but hey, I lost a few pounds! I had had mono previously and it basically destroyed my tonsils so I was just relieved to get them out. You WILL need a humidifier though. It's important to keep your throat from drying out while it is healing. It REALLY hurts when that happens. Also, they will probably warn you about this, but when you wake up, don't panic when you can't feel yourself breathing in. The whole back of your throat will be completely numb and the natural reaction to kind of hyperventilate a little when you first wake up and can't feel anything. It's no biggie when you know it will happen, but if they don't warn you it can freak you out a little. Stock up on jello, pudding, and ice pops. Stay away from anything acidic or high in sodium. After a few days depending on how doped you are on medicine you should be able to do some light exercise. I would stay away from any intense cardio whille healing, but weights should be fine. Trust me, gaining weight will be the least of your problems. You will not be able to eat enough to have that problem.

p.s. You will probably want to also stay away from a lot of dairy products right at first. That always causes phlegm (gross word) to develop in the back of the throat and you'll end up having to gargle with salt water to clear it out. Sorry to be so gross, just trying to think of everything. Anything high in sugar will do the same thing.
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I had my tonsils removed 4 years ago, i was 20 and it was horrible, it is gonna hurt really bad. I just wanna warn you, i wish I would have been told. I could not eat barely anything for two weeks.
I was literally down for 2 weeks, you probably won't be able to work out til the 3rd week, that's when I started again and I was fine. My throat was still sore but it did not effect my workouts.
that is true, when you wake up you will feel like you can't breathe, don't panic! i did and it made everything worse.
Ok now I'm really scared! hehe. But I know is HAS to be done or I'll just keep getting sick! Liann and Amanda, thank you SO much for your info and advice! I have to wait a week before I make my appt, but I know within a month, I'll be sliced and diced! lol...(eeek!)

And don't worry, nothing grossed me out you two! Takes alot for me to get grossed out. haha! I just made a list of what you mentioned (food/humidifier).

The only thing I'm scared of now is the "can't feel me breath" thing cause of the numbness, but I'll remember what you said so I won't freak out as much!

THANKS LADIES! I'll go through Cathe workout WITHDRAWALS during the time I can't workout! aaargh! but at least I won't get sick SO DARN OFTEN!!
It'll go fine! Everyone's different and you may just make it out of surgery without too much discomfort! I've never had mine out, but my sister did and she was fine! Got to eat all the ice cream and jello she wanted for a while! Lucky girl! When you feel up to it, let us know how you are doing!
Bummer keep us posted on how it all turns out. Surgery is never fun but look at the bright side, . . .hopefully after this is done you won't get as sick anymore.
Wanted to wish you the best for your recovery! Take what others say about their experiences with a grain of salt. Your experience will be different because YOU are different :)

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