I'm quitting these forums


Hi everyone. Just wanted to tell you that I have met so many great people from these forums. I consider many of your friends. Lately, however, it seems that some of the posts are bordering on scary in terms of rotations, amount of exercise, etc. I am not pointing fingers, but as a recovered/recovering anorexic, I can't continue to read these kinds of posts because comparisons and competitiveness are seeds that grow into symptom use. For those of you that workout a lot and maintain a healthy, balanced, happy life - I am very proud of you, inspired and impressed! For those of you that feel an obsessive need to exercise, not take days off, and keep pressing even when your body says stop - my heart goes out to you and I hope you take care of yourselves. If anyone cares to email me sometime, feel free. Later.
No....you can't go.I won't allow it!!!!! Do you really have to? Your just like the "littlest hobo".Remember that show.You just pop into peoples lives and then you move on.That show always made me sad;( What about if you don't read those post,is it possible? Just a suggestion. But if you feel that you have to for your well being then I guess I will let you.I wouldn't want you to start showing symptoms again.God Bless
Hope you pop in to visit us sometime...
Hi Jilly,

I know you have to do what you feel is "healthiest" for you, especially given how far you've come with your recovery, but maybe you could take just a "break" and pop in every now and then? :) I'd really miss you too if you were gone, I've grown accustomed to your input and just being here in general. But I respect what you need to do!
I'll miss you if you do decide to go :(

Maybe you could "pop in" every now and then on our weekly weight loss check in thread just to say "hi" to me and some of the regulars over there? Can you tell I don't deal with change graciously?!:-(

Hope to "see you" around,

Jillybean are you really quitting?

I know we dont really know each other, but I feel sad.
Dont quit ,Ive never been anorexic or a recovering one, and I can not even begin to walk in your shoes, but I can empathise as I used to have this obsession with laxatives and getting on and of the scales 10 times per day and if I saw en extra pound on, then I would get really depressed, but I realised that the worlds idea and my idea of my body were two different things.
I dont take laxatives anymore and I have thrown away the scales, never use them, and I dont exercise obsessively just enough to keep me energetic and fit I am also much happier now with myself.
I suppose you could just pick and choose which posts you look at, but on the other hand, I can understand that certain things that you see on this site might be a trigger, or reminder of things that you have struggled with.
But do whats best for you, because you are important.

God bless

Hi Jilly,
I agree with Lori and Donna, that you know how you feel and know what is healthiest for you.
But I sure will miss you a whole bunch if you go.:-( I was hoping that later on you could help me with a rotation. I have never seen anyone that is so good at putting rotations together like you can. Except...Cathe of course.:D

Take care of yourself and please don't be a stranger. I always love reading your posts.
Jillybean - You sure will be missed!! I just replied to another one of your posts in the Video Q's forum. You are knowledgable and good to have around!! I understand and respect your decision, though!! Good luck to you and hopefully you will pop in and visit again sometime.
Oh Jilly,
I hope that you can ignore those posters and stay with us. You've impacted my life in such a positive way, and I'm sure many others here feel the same way. I am doing my current MIS/PH rotation because of one of your posts. I just read that totally sad book that made me cry for two days:) on your suggestion. You're such an important part of this group. I always read your posts because I know that they'll be wise and funny and insightful. You were so welcoming to me when I first joined the group! I will miss you so much. I truly hope that you can find a way to reconsider! If not, I understand and will miss you and will think of you often.
Best of luck,
Hi Jillybean! I haven't been on the forums much this week and when I seen your post I had to see what was up! I'm sad to hear that you are leaving the forum! That's like Cedie not being in a video! A missing link! Not only are you the Rotation Queen, You,personally bring a warm,cozy ,feeling to this forum-- you're part of our extended family here! You always will be! Take a break ~come back, we'll be here! or just avoid the posts that will urk you! I respect whatever decision you have to make and you have to do what is right for you! I had to chime in here and say that you have impacted my life in a postive way and I thank you for that;-) If you ever want to talk fitness you could always email me! Take care and Stay Fit!:*
Jilly~This truly makes me sooo sad. Cathe's place would not be Cathe's place without you! I do understand and also admire your being able to recognize signs that could cause you trouble down the road. Please consider popping in from time to time to say Hi and I know many will still want your expertise on rotations. You have been so helpful to many. I love your wit and honesty. I will miss you.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Jillybean - I'm so sad!!!!!!!!! However, I do respect your decision and am glad you see the signs to recognize it. You have been such an inspiration to me. It is because of you I strated a CTX rotation today. Francine is right that you bring such a warm and cozy feeling to this forum! You will truly be missed. Hopefully you can pop in from time to time:+
As another recovered anorexic, I understand what you're saying. I find myself feeling I should be pushing harder, doing more, doing it longer, doing it better. Fortunately (I guess), the time I spend exercising is absolutely ALL I can spend on it, so I'm limited in how far I can go without shortchanging other areas of my life (I'm a wife, mom, schoolteacher, etc.) in which I'm equally perfectionistic.

I do hope you'll come back someday, though, when you've spent enough time away to gain that always-crucial perspective. I truly believe that will make the difference--distancing yourself for a time and getting your mind clear on your OWN goals, without the influence of others. At that point, I believe you'll feel strong enough to avoid wavering in the goals you set for yourself and in not trying to overachieve those goals, based on what someone else is trying to achieve. I certainly hope so. In the meantime, I'll miss you, too.

Please don't go......your advice and friendship has meant so much. You are a huge asset to the forum.

I haven't been posting as much, so I am not quite sure which posts you are referring to about the competitiveness, etc ? Maybe I don't read them, I don't read all the posts.
I am a recovered anorexic, and I still fight demons (mainly weight gain), maybe that is why I don't read the obsessive posts ?

Please pop in occassionaly, Jillybean, like Donna said, on our Weight Loss check in, it would be great for you to say Hi :). Even so, a decision has to be respected, <<<<<HUGS>>>>> to you Jillybean...Take Care :)

I can't help but agree with Jillybean's comments about a sobering direction the forums seem to have taken; in fact, I too decided several weeks ago to drastically reduce my participation on these forums for that very reason. I've sensed a profound drift from information, athletics and workouts for health from the inside out, over to 99% aesthetics, and I feel increasingly disconnected from that.

While it is all very well and good to take pride in one's appearance and to be aware of where exercise fits into that, far too often I see it slide into self-obsession, and the relentless deconstruction of each and every workout and rep and "rotation" and mouthful of food and muscle cut and drop of storage fat is indeed unhealthy. And painful to read. And self-reinforcing.

While I cannot quit these forums entirely (I too have met too many fine people here!) I can say that I find fewer and fewer posts to respond to.

Beans - you rock! Glad I've gotten to know ya!

Jillybean, I will miss you. I so love to read your rotations, and you have the cutest poster name of all. Best of luck to you.
Lori S.
I can't imagine these forums without you. It's hard to believe I've only been on these forums for about 7 months, but it seems to me that I've learned so much from you in that time. Your comments have always been wise and helpful. I think we're all trying to maintain a healthy, balanced, happy life, but that's not easy and it helps to come here and discuss all the issues with others who are struggling to keep their priorities in order too.

Perhaps you would consider returning to these forums after taking a break for awhile? Please give it some thought. Meanwhile, my best wishes to you!

Every time I login I look to see if you have posted. You will be greatly missed. Please come back to us when you feel enough time has passed. I understand why you need to go and I respect you even more because you are such a strong person to understand your own needs. Good luck and send us a note once in a while to let us know you are doing okay.

Best wishes and God bless.
Wow, Jillybean, that must have been difficult to post! I have been backing off on the forums as well, because a lot of what I read (as a Fitness Specialist, ACE PT and Group Exercise Instructor) is downright scarey! One recent post a PT made put me right over the edge, and it took all of my willpower NOT to respond and start a flame war. I am so tired of reading about rotations that will increase the need for physical therapy, and eating plans that border on obssessive/compulsive.

The obssession with "clean" eating in here is very unhealthy. As PT's, we are not permitted to recommend any sort of nutritional plans to our clients. ACE's code of ethics is that we refer them out to professionals in that area. Every person is different, and any PT who "guarantees" you will lose weight on their diet plan (and pushes supplements of any kind, even natural ones) should turn in their certification.

What is so difficult about the following?

*If you are feeling hunger pangs - EAT
*If you feel full - You ate too much!
*Everything in moderation (including exercise) and portion control

I see so much exercise abuse in my everyday life on the job so as you can imagine, it sucks to see it here as well.

Good luck to you, Jillybean. We should all learn from your positive and very healthy attitude.


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