I'm quitting these forums

I can understand your feelings. Maybe you can check back in a month or two and see if things are better here on the forums for you.

I mostly read the posts here, but have noticed a change in them lately. I can't believe some of the responses and obsessions here, but I try and keep an open mind and sometimes I think things are misinterpreted. I remember posting some treadmill workouts and someone said they seemed way to easy because she does some treadmill W/Os that go 10mph. I thought good for her. But, I don't think running at that speed would be healthy everyday. I just wanted to share some nice 30 minute W/Os for an easy day or time crunch..

Best of Luck to you and you do create incredible rotations.


Hi Jillybean:

I understand your decision perfectly. I think you are not alone in either your alarm at the obsessive level to which some take their exercise and/or your alarm at the way you personally might find yourself responding to this and lose balance.

I often feel the competitiveness myself (yes, I too have had trouble with eating disorders since I was 16, most recently a 2 year bout with depression due to a life lead out of balance and I am struggling continuously to find that balance) and find myself staying away from the forums for several weeks in order to find a sense of balance again, before I feel I can come back and see what's new with some select others who have been friendly to me. There are people here who work out for hours every day and since I cannot always muster up the energy or desire to work out more than 4 times per week, they are not a good role model for me either. I understand your fear of the competitiveness, I cannot afford to get into that either.

I actuallly thank you for having the courage to write this post. It has helped me to take stock of my own situation. You are the voice of reason.

I think you are right to stay away for your own physical and emotional health. You know better than anyone else what serves as a trigger to unhinge your balance and so you know that you have to avoid these things. That is called self-knowledge and to have achieved this is indeed to have come very far in your personal growth and journey of recovery.

I salute you Jillybean and wish you well. You have always seemed to me to be one of the warmest and most friendly and sensible members of Cathe's forums. One of the most down to earth people, one of the few I could imagine ever meeting on a street and having a cup of coffee with.

Be strong girl and true to yourself always. Cheers, ;-)

I wish you would reconsider and maybe take a break from the forums like others have suggested. I personally am not too sure what posts you are refering to mostly since I do not read a majority of them. I tend to read posts that I have an interest in. I exercise 3 or 4 days a week and when I read about a 6 or a 7 day routine I ignore the post. I just think that is excercising way too much. I know Cathe offers alot of 6 day routines and I also think that is just too many days of working out. Personally, if I worked out that much I would have burn out in a matter of weeks!! But it sounds like you need to take care of yourself for awhile and I hope to see you back posting soon.

JillyB - We'll miss you. Remember that you always have friends here. What's great is that you can recognize that some of these postings might set you back and you care enough about yourself to avoid them. That's excellent :). I join the others in hoping you'll pop back in and let us know how you are doing. You're a special lady. Suzanne

I'm shocked to read this. You're my favorite poster on these forums. Just today I put a spreadsheet together of all your rotation suggestions. (10 different ones!) I always look for your name first when I'm reading these forums. You're so knowledgeable and I really enjoy your upbeat personality. I haven't seen any of the negative posts you are talking about. I really wish you all the best and hope you come back. ;(

I can relate with what you said because I too am struggling with an eating disorder.

Danielle :-(
Well, Jillybean obviously you can see you will be missed! You are a very wise and sweet lady. I have often admired you're advice and common sense in your replies! Please take care of yourself and don't give up on us completely! We'd love to know how you are and that you're healthy and happy!
God Bless, stay strong - Susan
Jillybean, Your inner beauty has always shown thru on all your posts. You've made a courageous decision. Please let us know how you are doing from time to time.
I will keep you in my prayers.
Jillybean – There are so many great people here on these forums. You are one of the friendliest, funniest and most down to earth people I’ve encountered here and I will definitely miss your cheery, witty posts. I understand your point of view, however, and completely agree that in many posts there is a dangerous degree of obsession with caloric intake, exercise, and weight loss in general. In fact, I find myself passing over so many threads these days for that very reason.

I’ll chime in with the others in saying that I admire your self-awareness. It’s great that you have the ability to recognize that it’s become unhealthy for you to read those posts. Please do check in occasionally, I would hate to think you’re be gone for good… POOF!

We’ll miss you a ton, but you take care of yourself!


JillyBean -

We will really really miss you! You've been a key part of these forums! Good to see though how this was becoming toxic for you and for you taking the action you needed.

Maybe this should be a wake up call to many of us!

Hope at some point you join us again.
Hi Jillybean,
I am not around these forums too often, but I have seen your posts and they are great!

I have been in your boat, and you don't want to trigger those feelings again, but maybe you could just participate in some parts of the board?

Maybe the board can be turned around you know, to not be so negative (IMO I am not sure which posts were the offenders) ..I think it would be sad to run from something that you love to participate in!
I'm sorry to hear you are leaving us.

I haven't had anorexia, but I definitely understand your concern about rotations that seem to me like overtraining.

I know that reading some of those posts can be difficult and possibly bring about competitiveness, BUT, you are crazy about fitness and you love to talk about it and share your ideas, SOOOO, I hate to say it but whereever you go you may run into these kind of problems. I know it is hard but can't you just try to ignore those people who obsess about working out. Good luck!!! You can always change your mind!!!
Jillybean....I totally support your decision. I was once an anorexic as well. I never had a body image problem until then.....even though I looked like a skelton in those days, I look in the mirror everyday and compare myself to that time and think I am "fat", which I know I am not, but I can't seem to get past it. It is something I think about everyday. I don't think I would ever be anorexic again, but, I can relate to what you are saying. I often workout harder, longer, or beyond the point that my body can take it....not because of anything that I have read in these forums...just myself playing mind games (I don't think I am one of the people you are referring to in your post though....I keep it to myself) secretly thinking that I will lose another 5 or 10 lbs., which I don't need to lose, only to totally burn myself out to the point of exhaustion. I have been really trying to let go of the scale as well. I had a doctor's appointment today and refused to look at the scale when I was weighted. Even though I am at a very healthy weight for me right now.....126 at 5'6", I can get so obsessed with those 5# that I think I must lose. I was down to 122 at one point and I caught myself saying, lets see if I can get another 5# off. That way of thinking is what got me into trouble the first time. And what is scary for me is I know that those 5# wouldn't be enough, I would have to try for another 5 and then another. If leaving these forums is what you need to do to stay healthy, I am proud of you for recognizing this...that is a huge step in recovery. I will be thinking about you. God Bless.....


Just wanted to say I am also very sorry to see you leaving this forum. While I hardly ever post, and sometimes go for days without checking the forum, I am always glad to know it is here. Your posts have been encouraging to me and always without pressure.

As with anything in life, balance is the key. Since I work 2 jobs, do volunteer work, have 4 teens, husband and a dog, I don't always find the time to work out as much as I'd like to. I read other posts by those who do find/have the time and say "bravo" to them. But I don't feel guilty because I can't. Nor do I feel guilty for not following a rotation. I tried it, because everyone else seemed to, but it didn't work for me.

I am really going to miss your knowledge, warmth, humor and compassion, on this forum. Not to mention your occasional "reality checks".

Please don't forget us entirely. Let us know how things are going with you now and then! There are so many special people in this world and you are one of them! Take care of you and know we love ya!


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