If I'm getting the Gymstyles......do I need S/H, too?


Before I got the HardCores I absolutely loved S/H and was doing 1 body part per day and adding in some extra cardio (ty, Jordan ;) ). Anyway, I had them on VHS and I only have DVDs for Cathe's others so once I was done w/ that rotation I figured I'd sell them on Ebay and get the money to use for the DVDs.

Fast forward to now and I'll be getting the Gym Style's on Friday so I haven't previewed them yet. Should I still purchase the S/H dvd? Are any of you thinking that these new gymstyles will take their place, or while I have the money should I purchase them? TIA


"Happiness is knowing what you are doing next without me saying it!" - Cathe
RE: If I'm getting the Gymstyles......do I need S/H, to...

Stephanie, the Gym Style workouts could replace the Pure Strength series, but not Slow & Heavy. GS plays with tempo, but usually has lots of reps, which pushes it towards endurance work.

Not that one must have S&H, but it's unique in Cathe's workouts with low reps, slow tempo, & lots of stretching for every exercise. And the postural work is awesome. I'd want S&H for rut busting.

Just my 2 cents.

RE: If I'm getting the Gymstyles......do I need S/H, to...

Good to hear...I just ordered it 5 minutes ago! S&H, that is. I'm hoping for GS from my DH for my birthday.
RE: If I'm getting the Gymstyles......do I need S/H, to...

Thanks Debra!! I really, really did love S/H.....but wasn't sure if it would be redundant....I will order it also.

I do have PS but have yet to use it....sort of got an influx of workouts and haven't gotten a chance to use them all.


"Happiness is knowing what you are doing next without me saying it!" - Cathe
RE: If I'm getting the Gymstyles......do I need S/H, to...

Hi Stephanie,
The GymStyle Legs is definitely endurance based and so couldn't replace S&H. The Gym Style Upper Body seems to be a hybrid of S&H and endurance typeof workouts. For the upper body workouts, I am using the same weight load that I use for S&H but the tempo is more varied on the Gym Style workouts but in general the lifting is slow, but there are lots of reps for some of the exercises and there are certainly more exercises/body part than in the S&H series. These will be great to rotate in with the S&H workouts.
RE: If I'm getting the Gymstyles......do I need S/H, to...

I have to agree with Debra 100%.

I am doing S&H rotation right now and loving it. It is unique. I am able to go much heavier than with endurance style workouts and breaking through plateaus with each workout. I am real happy!

RE: If I'm getting the Gymstyles......do I need S/H, to...

So far nothing can replace S&H. I was actually rather disappointed there was no S&H II this time around...maybe next time!

RE: If I'm getting the Gymstyles......do I need S/H, to...

Thanks Cathy, Clare and Ruth for taking the time to respond. I now know that I'll need S/H too (as w/ all Cathe's, right?)......lol

I know some don't like the slow pace, but I really welcomed all the concentration. I agree that I couldn't do this more than 3 weeks at a time.....but doing a part a day for 6 days, with some cardio was an awesome rotation for me. I really felt worked and could see progress.

Thanks again, ladies!

"Happiness is knowing what you are doing next without me saying it!" - Cathe
RE: If I'm getting the Gymstyles......do I need S/H, to...

I think you need both S/H and Gym Styles. However, I dont necessarily think having S/H on dvd is that different than VHS b/c there aren't any premixes, it would merely be a convenience from switching from one body part to another. Enjoy your GS's!
RE: If I'm getting the Gymstyles......do I need S/H, to...

Hi there,

I don't need to post because the first post says it for me.

RE: If I'm getting the Gymstyles......do I need S/H, to...

Go ahead and get them both}( You know you WILL anyways:D :D
Ordinarially I love anything Cathe does, but the S&H workouts are very long, and I sold mine on e-bay because I did not want to devote the time to doing them. So, I would say it depends on your time available to work out.

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