We finished all of the DVD menus last week and towards the end of this week the first DVD masters should start to roll off the assembly line for us to start proofing. Proofing is the last step in the authoring process and depending how this step goes we hope to start sending “Masters” to the replicator towards the end of next week.
Once the replicator receives the “Masters” from us they will make what are called “Stampers” which you can think of as the “molds” that will make the DVDs. They will then send us samples (check disks) so we can make one last check to make sure everything is okay. Once we give our okay and sign off on the “check discs” your DVDs will be scheduled for production.
We will continue to let you know every step of the way where we are, but we will not be able to give you an updated firm ship date until the DVDs are loaded on a truck and on their way to us from California. Too many things can happen during the replication process that can cause unexpected delays, so we’ve learned from past experience not to raise false helps by giving a ship date until the replication process is completed.
As soon as we finish the authoring of the DVDs we will start working on some video clips to share with you. Lastly, the last day to pre-order ICE will be Nov 30th.
Here are all of the steps that every DVD and Video we make have to go through before our DVDs can be shipped to you:
1. Research and Development - Done!
2. Rehearsals - Done!
3. Filming - Done!
4. Rough editing - Done!
5. Final Editing - Done!
6. Video Graphics - Done
7. DVD Authoring - In Progress
8. Proofing - Not Started
9. Masters Sent to Replicator - Not Started
10. DVD Covers - Done
11. DVD Replication - Not Started
12. Shipping - Estimated for late Fall, 2015
*If you would like to learn more about Cathe's ICE workouts, or to take advantage of our pre-sale, just click on the following link:http://shop.cathe.com/ICE-s/119.htm
Sale Ends Nov 30th