I want to know!!!



Hey! Just venting here, but, you know, I really would like to see a sample weekly menu of what the Cathe team eats. The whole cast (at least, those who have been around), have leaned out considerably over the years. This includes Cathe, who has become more muscular and lost some fat (not that she was ever, ever fat).

I know workouts count towards this transformation, but what you put in the mouth counts for at least 75% of the results, right? Now, I know all about how Cathe says she eats "CLEAN". Well, I eat 98% CLEAN too, and I'm not seeing as good results. I can do all her videos no problem, and run on my own. But I'm just not seeing the results.

I doubt she's post a menu. Over the years, I've noticed that she is VERY WARY of addressing body weight/nutrition questions. But I'd LOVE to see a menu of what the others eat, too.
They help us out in so many ways, I wonder why they couldn't help us out in this way.
Sigh. :D
I'd love to see that menu consist of cookies, ice cream, and chips. This would reaffirm the idea that Cathe and I are more alike than I once thought.
I think their evolving bodies are full force proof of what the right kind of consistent cardio and weights can do for a person.

I'm not so sure I'd go with food being 75% of it for everyone either. For some yes, others maybe as low as 50% or less. It's hard to say. I do know that the exercise is a huge factor though as is being consistent over the years.

Edith :+ :+
It's hard not to be curious, but even if we knew, I doubt if it would mean much. We're all very different in terms of metabolism, body type, level of activity, food sensitivities, etc. What might be more helpful would be to schedule a consultation with a personal trainer and/or nutrition expert who can look at your very unique needs and come up with a plan suited to you.

Maybe it's because of their years of regular exercise that they lean out more.

I've noticed that I am leaning out now without even trying and I am still eating 2500 kcal a day. I've been exercising (weight lifting )for years, picked up running and spinning and my muscles seem to be the best yet.

Cathe and the crew have been working on their bodies for decades - don't forget that.
Angela you raise a good point.

By paying attention to what we eat we can see what works for us and what doesn't

I am a WW lifetime member, and I've learned that when I want to really eat healthy AND be conscious about it, I need to journal my eating. Do I do it all the time ? No, I human. But when I do, I get amazing results.

I really only get a few pounds away from ideal. When I've had enough of the flab. I start to journal.

Anyone can experiment with more or less carb, or more or less protein or fat. But to really learn what works for your body, keeping a food journal can be very helpful.

Good luck everyone!

That may be where the "higher percentage of muscle = higher metabolism and more calories burned, even at rest" comes into play.
>I know workouts count towards this transformation, but what
>you put in the mouth counts for at least 75% of the results,

Wrong! Everyone is different and there are people out there who live on nothing but Mars Bars, are inactive and are still thin. I'm not that kind of person but I am the kind of person for whom exercise counts for more than diet. I don't mean to vent here but it does get rather annoying when you hear statements like this over and over. Please don't worry about what anyone else eats. You can pick up great tips from other people but the same combination may never give you the results you are looking for. Age, metabolism, body composition, activity level, diet (of course it means something - it's just that some people find that diet is a small or irrelevant aspect to their lives), personality and lifestyle vary greatly from person to person. Just a suggestion but perhaps it's worth getting in touch with a personal trainer/nuitritionist to get a tailor made programme? Their expertise and experience may be what you need.

I wish exercise and diet were an exact science. My weight loss comes through exercise and my back problems hamper my efforts to exercise and lose weight. I wish an eating plan would work for me, but, like you, there's not much in my diet that I can change or would want to change.

Best of luck; I hope you find the right combination soon :)
- Lisa :)
>>I know workouts count towards this transformation, but what
>>you put in the mouth counts for at least 75% of the results,
>Wrong! I don't mean to vent here but it does get rather annoying >when you hear statements like this over and over.

I apologize...I have to say I'm guilty of having said that. But what I should have said is, it works for "me" and not necessarily everyone.
>>>I know workouts count towards this transformation, but what
>>>you put in the mouth counts for at least 75% of the
>>Wrong! I don't mean to vent here but it does get rather
>annoying >when you hear statements like this over and over.
>I apologize...I have to say I'm guilty of having said that.
>But what I should have said is, it works for "me" and not
>necessarily everyone.
I don't think anyone needs to apologise :) But thanks anyway. :)
Btw, Danielle did you see all three of the Cindy Crawford workouts are coming out on DVD in January? Yay! The Next Challenge will always be my favourite workout for legs but Cathe's Legs & Glutes is really close second.
- Lisa ;)
>Btw, Danielle did you see all three of the Cindy Crawford
>workouts are coming out on DVD in January? Yay! The Next
>Challenge will always be my favourite workout for legs but
>Cathe's Legs & Glutes is really close second.
> - Lisa ;)

You are kidding!! OMG! Will it be available on Amazon!!!?
I am so excited, there is a HUGE smile on my face!!! How did you hear about it? :7
The propper percentages, from the American Society of Body Transformation, is 25% exercise, 32% diet, 18% blood type, 29% mitochondrial density, and 12% ratio of fast-twitch fibers to lung volume capacity.
Here's a thought or two or three...

Hi, Everyone! I have a sister, let's call her Marcie, because that's her name. She smokes like a chimney, drinks half and half with a splash of coffee in it and consumes up to 12 Pepsis' a day. She has a beautiful long-limbed body, great muscle tone and the flattest stomach I have ever envied! She doesn't work out! But I'd much rather have my body with it's disproportionately long legs, short waist, jelly belly and even my small muscles because it's our good health which is important. God designed us to come in all shapes and sizes and, in the end, ony fitness matters! Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have a lean muscled body like Cathe and crew and, heaven knows, I keep on trying to attain it. But I also accept it because, for me, this MUST be the perfect bod! Short of a boob job and lipo, I am gorgeous! LOL! There's no procedure to have your ribcage made smaller is there? I'd need that too to make the standard that'd get me onto a magazine cover and it's too late anyway becasue I'll be forty-one Thursday and they don't use old broads to sell we old broads our favoirte goodies!
http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/user.gif Bobbi
RE: Bobbi!

I'd looooooove to be tall!! I bet you are a knock out!! :p
It's all in how we carry ourselves and how confident we feel inside.

Oh, and after a Cathe workout, boy do I feel confident. :D
RE: Bobbi!

Amen, sister-friend! I feel like a million bucks and there's something very attractive about that! Plus my husband tells me I am gorgeous even when I KNOW I look like I've been rode hard and put away wet to borrow one of my dad's more descriptive sayings! And he means it! I think we all need to learn to love ourselves as perfect in the way we are now! How can you not be beautiful when someone loves you like that!
http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/user.gif Bobbi
>>Btw, Danielle did you see all three of the Cindy Crawford
>>workouts are coming out on DVD in January? Yay! The Next
>>Challenge will always be my favourite workout for legs but
>>Cathe's Legs & Glutes is really close second.
>> - Lisa ;)
>You are kidding!! OMG! Will it be available on Amazon!!!?
>I am so excited, there is a HUGE smile on my face!!! How did
>you hear about it? :7

I heard about it from one of the VFers at VF a little while ago. I jumped up out of my chair, (which happened to be my stability ball, which rolled back and knocked a load of stuff over... but that's another story ;) ) when I read the post. :D They're all available on Amazon.com and they're all out on the 6th of Jan. Here's the link for The Next Challenge:
Shape Your Body:
New Dimension:
I can't wait to get them :)
- Lisa :)

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