I lost a furry baby today :(

Isn't it amazing how much love can be wrapped up in those tiny hamster bodies, and how important they become to us? It sounds like Stewart was a perfect example of that (and what a cutie)! I'm sorry for your loss.

I am so sorry for your loss. I had a hamster once, who lived for 17 months. His name was Sliptoh, and he was so loving and sweet. I will say a prayer for Stewart.
OMGoodness, Chastity, he is so cute!! I'm so sorry you lost your fur-baby, I know how hard it is to lose a precious member of the fur-family! My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and little Stewart. Have you heard of Rainbows Bridge? It's a nice website dedicated to fur-babies who have passed on. You can set up memorial page for little Stewart and find comfort in others going through this.


PS- Has anyone ever told you, you look just like A.J. Langer?? (beautiful actress!) I took a peek at your wedding pics and can't believe the resemblance!
Sending loving vibes to Stewart Little Pants as he makes his journey across the rainbow bridge!

I'm sure your being with him as he passed on made the transition easier for him.

ETA: I just checked out your photos of him. He looks like a very inquisitive and bright little guy. And what a cute fuzzy coat!
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I am sorry for your loss. I don't recall ever seeing a hamster in real life but they sound like they are absolutely adorable. I'm glad that you were such a devoted caretaker--there really needs to be more in this world.
I'm so sorry for your loss, such a sweet little darling. He was so lucky to live with such a good family and I'm sure he was comforted by your presence in the end. So many small animals are locked up in cages and ignored by their owners, Stewart was one of the lucky ones and it seems he showed his gratitude and love everyday. You're both in my thoughts.
Rest in peace, Stewart Little Pants. You must have been a very sweet and loved soul - prayers for you journey, little one.

Chachi - hugs to you and your family.
Gosh you guys...I'm moved to tears! Most would think that it's silly to be so emotional over a hamster but you all understand.

You're so wonderful! :)

A little story about my day yesterday but first let me mention that during the time that I owned Stewart I never saw another hamster that looked like him in the pet stores around my house. Well yesterday DH and I stopped into the pet store for some fish food and I couldn't believe my eyes...they had a cage full of little Stewarts!! There were six of them, all siblings and they were babies (3 months). I picked them all up individually and cuddled a bit. :) They were so sweet but quite squirmy and tiny..Stewart was much calmer. Anyways, I really wanted to scoop them all up and take them home but the look on DH's face told me different. I kept telling him that no one could give them a better home than me...selfish I know. DH was just protecting my feelings after going through a rough few days with Stewart. He thinks I should wait a bit longer. They were all so sweet and I hope they find loving homes. :)

Thanks again everyone! :)
OMG....your Stewart was just BEAUTIFUL!!! I am sooooo sorry for your loss and wish you both peace and loving memories during this difficult time.


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