Hi everyone!

Let me first apologize to anyone who has been waiting for these rotations. I have not been online for awhile due to illness & then a death in the family.

Anyone who has emailed me their request...I have been unable to face wading through 500+ emails yet, but I promise I will have them out to you before the weekend is over.

I could not discern from the requests whether you wanted just Volume 4, or all the volumes...to play it safe, I have sent them all. If any new requests could stipulate which you need, I would appreciate it greatly!

I have sent out to: Willow, Irina, Marla, Kotacam, & Seabush just now. I have sent each volume separately as this seems to cause the least problems. So you should each receive 5 emails. As always, let me know if there are problems as there are things we can try. (Things We Can Try...sounds like a self help book!)

As noted, Chloe, I still need your email address.

Speaking of which, I have sent this batch out from a secondary email address...please do not reply to this address as I won't see it for weeks...I rarely use it. Send all questions, requests, problems, comments to [email protected]. Thanks!

Sorry this is so wordy! Take care everyone,

Me again!

Hi Ruth! I just posted a note to you in another thread, but wanted to say I am so sorry to here about the sickness and the death in your family. Were you sick??? Hope all is well. Here's a big cyber hug for you. {{{RUTH}}}

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Me again!

Hi Debbie!

You are always SO sweet, & you always make me feel better! Thanks so much. Hope you're doing well?

I will email you with the gory details!

Kotacam...problem here...

>please send! to:
>[email protected]

Before I signed off this email address, I started getting returns from your service. It looks like you were able to get Volume 1 only...the other 4 emails were returned with an error message indicating that your storage allocation was full. Maybe if you were to printout Volume 1 & then delete it, I could get Volume 2 to you, and so forth. If you can't do that, email me your snail mail address, & I will be happy to send them to you.

Or, if you have access to a different email box, we could try that. It seems that hotmail causes the most problems in trying to send these out. No idea why!

Marla (Happy Go Lucky)...Problem here!

>Oh please, please, please email me
>... [email protected]
>I greatly appreciate it!!!!!

Hi Marla, I've started getting my emails back just now from your service. I usually have problems getting these to anyone on hotmail. Do you have access to another email address I could send them to? If not, mail me your real (snail mail) address, & I will print them out & send them to you.

That goes for anyone else who can't get them too.

[email protected]


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