There, I said it. I realize Cathe's known for her step workouts, but I didn't start with her DVD's until 2006, so I missed the bulk of that. I've been doing pretty much everything ever since, but even though I bought when it first came out, I didn't have the nerve to do Party Rockin' Step #2 until today. OMG!!! I was fine until Cathe turned around. Every single time. The fact that everything was filmed facing her (so that it's a mirror image) has sometimes been a problem for me, but whenever she's on a step, that problem is compounded. I get turned around and almost fall off the step. Over and over. I took jazz dance classes for years, and choreography is usually taught where you're behind the instructor, so you can follow the steps and know which foot to use. With this and similar workouts, I'm afraid I'm going to get hurt and it's so incredibly frustrating trying to follow and failing. I plan on trying this another couple of times, but if I still can't learn it, then it's going into the "fuggedaboutit" pile. I hate doing that with anything related to Cathe, but I just can't seem to get the hang of it. Anyone have some tips for me?