I Hate My Job!!!!!!!!


I find myself so ready to go in the morning; I wake up, workout, and drive to work in a great mood. But as soon as my foot hits that tile floor of my office, I get in a horrible mood. Basically, my job sucks. I get that things are still shaky with the economy and all so I (hastily) accept my 15% paycut because at least I am still getting a regular paycheck.

But on top of that, things are so horrible at work. Summer is our busy season and the Customer Service manager told our boss that his team will need help. That is fine, but his team comes in late, takes extended lunch breaks, and leave as soon as 5 oclock hits. I have no problem helping people but when they don't give a concerted effort to get their work done, I have no patience!! There is also a coworker who just doesn't understand the aspects of his job and he has been there for 3 years. His boss always gives excuses as to why his work isn't done or done correctly so he slips under the radar of the VP of our office. My boss told me I basically have to babysit this kid (he is actually older than me), make sure his work gets out on time, check it before he sends it, and follow up with him EVERY DAY. In the meantime, his boss told him "Don't listen to Melissa; she's not your manager." Mind you, I have 3 job titles as it is.

This week I have been working 7AM-7PM, no lunch break, just to get all my work done. I told my boss I feel overwhelmed and it is way too much to handle for one person. I also told her how am I supposed to keep tabs on people when my authority is undermined? The response? Be grateful you have a job in this economy & sorry but there's nothing that can be done about it.

I really feel so helpless and I don't know what to do. I almost started crying this morning at work because I can't take it anymore. My salary sucks; I can barely afford to make ends meet. Not that all this stress is worth a good salary but I am getting ZERO out of this. Has anyone experienced anything like this? What kind of advice would you give???
Look for other work - just the looking will make you feel empowered, that you aren't just taking what's handed to you.

Also, ask for a job performance/raise review. Bring everything you have accomplished and do well to the table and toot the hell out of your own horn. DO NOT trash anyone else at the review - this is about your performance, not theirs. Ask for a certain amount, and back it up with facts about why you not only deserve it, but why they'd be fools to see you go.
I haven't been in your position so I can't really give advice- just wanted to say I am sorry that you are having such a crappy time at work! Have you every seen the movie "Office Space"? It might cheer you up a bit.

Unfortunately, the economy does stink right now and you are lucky to have a job. Maybe you can start looking for another job, but do it quietly? If your company finds out you are searching for other work they may decide to let you go before you are ready.

Good luck and hang in there!
I haven't been in a situation that extreme, but there have been jobs I couldn't stand and getting stressed out from. This behavior from your supervisors cannot be acceptable on any level. Yes, alot of us should be happy to have a job but I can't stand when people tell me that because it doesn't make the situation any better :mad: .

Have you tried talking to someone in your human resources department? I know here in Arizona you have to take a lunch break otherwise they should (not that they have to) but should be paying you overtime for that. I just can't imagine that having to babysit someone else and all of the emotional stress that you are going through is acceptable :confused:.

I think looking for a new job in the meantime is needed but like someone said here do it quietly, even when speaking to HR, do that quietly as well. I think you will need to find some kind of therapy that can help get you through the day until something better comes along.

Sorry this is happening to you :(
Oh, I am so sorry, I know it sucks. Been thru the crappy job situation. Somedays, all that got me thru was a little kick boxing at the end of the day. Visualize the boss's face on the TV.

Also, repeat in your head in a sarcastic tone

I love my job/it is my friend/I love my job/it pays my bills, and put a smile.

Some some days it was all that worked.

I don't have a whole lot of practical advise, my last crap job I quit w/out another job, I ended up lucky and found work in 2 or 3 weeks. I shouldn't have done it, but couldn't take it anymore.

Sending you some good luck, a hug, and dart board with the boss's face.

Melissa - I'm so sorry you're having to deal with such an untenable situation right now! I have been where you are, but in a very different economy! It was much easier to find other work and give them the ultimatum of treating me better, giving me a raise or I'm gone.

I agree with Morningstar. Look for other work. Keep it on the down low and expect to spend quite a while trying to find that better job with better pay since they are few and far between right now. I don't know if hitting your boss up for a raise right now would be wise in your situation. They may just tell you to pack your things and put someone else in your place who's more desperate for a job that they won't complain.

It is really tough to stick with something that you know is beating you down. I ended up on anti-anxiety medication for a while. I realized it just wasn't worth it and left.

Try to hang in there! It could be worse! You could be completely out of work and out of unemployment benefits! Get your resume out there and start networking!

Sending you positive energy and good luck!
Look for other work - just the looking will make you feel empowered, that you aren't just taking what's handed to you.

Also, ask for a job performance/raise review. Bring everything you have accomplished and do well to the table and toot the hell out of your own horn. DO NOT trash anyone else at the review - this is about your performance, not theirs. Ask for a certain amount, and back it up with facts about why you not only deserve it, but why they'd be fools to see you go.

I totally agree with all of this! I'm so sorry you are in this situation but my mom always said 'everything happens for a reason'. Maybe you were meant to find a different job.....one that you love. Life's too short to settle for anything less, so be persistent and demand happiness in your life....even if that means finding a new job.;)

Best of luck to you!!!
Yep what Tricia said!

Girl I hate my job too. Go in do your job and go home. Do what you can when you can and keep the feelers out there. ((hugs)) hang in there.
Thanks so much for all of your advice!! I have been actively looking; I am so desperate that I'm even looking out of state and will relocate if I need to!!!!! I'm in touch with some industry-specific recruiters and have been hitting the job boards hardcore. Cross your fingers!
it is required by law,at least here,that u should get a lunch/break after 4 hrs. i had a coworker that was liked by my supervisor so she got away with many things. sometimes a manager needs physical proof that an employee is not doing her job not just here say.
also,(i am not using this as an excuse for your coworker), but i do have a few disabilities so i have needed help. i am lucky that my managers/supervisors listen to me when they tell me i need to improve on something and are willing to help me get better. they know i'm a hard worker.

Oh, I am with you girlfriend. I have had several horrible jobs. Here is how I dealt with it. Dont bust your butt trying to get all the work done. Just do what you can do. I used to rush through all my work to get it done and ended up making mistakes. Slow down and take your time because it will all be there tomorrow.

Do you get paid for overtime? If not, dont work so many long hours. If you do, well, that will help your paycheck. If you are not compensated for working those long hours, discontinue.

I know there are not many jobs out there right now because I am always on the lookout. If you have been at your job for five years and have not progressed to where you want to be, it is time to leave. So continue to look while you still have a job.

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