I did Kick Punch and Crunch!


What a great workout! Last Sunday, when I previewed it, I wasn't feeling too well. I was laying down while I was watching it, and I thought that it was way too intense for me to make it all the way through. During the week, I used premixes from KPC for my cardio on three different days, and realized that maybe I could do the whole thing. Well, I did it today all the way through, and even managed to get my rear end all the up for all of the pikes! There's certainly room for improvement in my form, but I kept up the intensity and did it!

Sorry for going on and on, I'm just proud of myself right now!

Thanks, Cathe, for a fantastic series!
I was quite happy it wasn't all jumping around. Good workout. I have trouble with the block, knee up then front kick though.
Oh, good for you! It is just an amazing workout! I worked it in once this week in full and a couple of the premixes. I can't say enough good about this one - Cathe really out did herself!
It's a good one eh?
I did it yesterday and my lats are feeling it this morning....I love that kinda sore feel.
Oh this was a good one! :) I did it this morning. Didn't even preview it. Just jumped right into it! Cathe's cueing is SO fantastic in this one. I love that she "previewed" and demonstrated all the punches and kicks in the beginning. It really helped me throughout the workout. The stability ball exercises were tough, but do-able (except for that darn Pike thing!). The stretch was very relaxing...love the music...
Loved this workout too, but I can't believe how high the girls can get their side kick! ( the two side count, squat and then kick). I keep trying to kick as high as they do but can't. Loved the ball workout. Are there any good, Cathe difficulty, workouts just on the ball?
Is it your only DVD from the series? Have you tried E-mailing customer service? Was wondering if you have other DVD's from the same series and if they work. If so, it is probably a defect in the DVD itself. Good Luck!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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