I can't believe I ate that....!!!!

oh my. I'm not sure you guys want to know what I consumed. Cheetos...tons of tons of cheetos. Whole pizzas, yes the delivery kind. Boxes of cereal. I loved those ready made fruit turnovers, I think hostess. I could eat two or three in a sitting. Stromboli (a pound worth) filled w/ cheese and pepperoni. Anyone nauseous yet? I guess I don't wonder too much why I was 150 lbs overweight. Oh, but I always like diet soda. Weird. I'm not sure that offset all that oh so nutritious food :p

Live with sincerity, love with passion, and dance like you mean it.

My mother would mop a greasy skillet with a hunk of white bread! Triple yuck!

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
When I was little I loved fat, my siblings and parent would cut off the fat from their meat and give it to me, pretty disgusting really!

My Dad also loved fat (no surprise he had is first heart attack at 38) I remember when he would cook a roast of pork, he would let the drippings congeal and later spread the fat and agar on bread, crackers or melba toast and we would have it as a treat. Make me want to hurl just thinking about it:p I guess a lot of this had to do with my Dad living through the depression and conserving any and all food worth consuming.

Brickhouse, I remember being so jealous of Kids in our class who came to school with chocolate sprinkle sandwiches with a thick layer of butter.

Bologna was an old favourite of mine as well as Kam or Spam, I liked it really thick and it would coat the roof of my mouth with a layer of fat. We used to fry that up too but nothing beat thick fried bologna. We thought that was a real treat and we LOVED IT!:7

I feel completely dissed about the saltines and non-natural PB, I had some of that last night AND I LIKED IT A LOT!:p :p :+ :p :p

Take Care
Oooooo, saw the word hostess in Deb's post:

those chocolate cupcakes filled with creme

Not just one or 2 from the box, but most of the box.
half a gallon of ice cream usually strawberry, then hit the ritz with sharp cheddar. and that was one sitting.

diner fries with lots of salt and ketchup and sometimes ranch dressing

bagel with cream cheese and jelly

pork roll,egg,and cheese and either kaiser roll or bagel.

great now i am hungry LOL.



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
As a teenager, I worked in the deli of a grocery store and my best friend was a cashier. We would sneak the tubes of raw chocolate chip cookie dough and eat it straight out of the container hiding out by the deep fryer.

Deep fried cheese curds. Oh, I need to go back to Wisconsin!
When I was pregnant with my third daughter, my MIL made me a kielbasi, mayonaise and tomato sandwich on that huge bread that Pepperidge Farm makes. The thought of it made my stomach turn. I ate it so I wouldn't hurt her feelings and then proceeded to live on it for the rest of my pregnancy. Don't knock it 'till you try it. It was great!!! I haven't touched the stuff in years!:)
ANYTHING Little Debbie, but especially the Nutty Bars. I still will eat one of those every once in awhile (320 calories!!!!!!!!!)

I still eat the PB toast. It is my comfort food at bedtime sometimes. I tell myself that the protein is good for me and it is wheat toast, after all...only fooling myself!!!

I would eat an entire 12" sub and still be hungry. Now I will eat half of a 6" from Subway and be full!

Strange how we have all changed!
I can't believe I made it through this whole thread without losing my dinner. Okay, here goes:

I used to sit down with a quart of whole milk and a bag of Oreos and dunk and eat my way through all the milk. Ring Dings: I used to pick all the chocolate off the outside and eat that first before eating the cake and cream. Ritz crackers with cream cheese: I would eat half a box of Ritz crackers and practically a whole package of cream cheese. That peanut butter that had the jelly already in it: I used to eat it straight out of the jar.

But the most disgusting thing was cookie dough. I would eat too much of it and it would expand in my stomach. Ugh.

I can't even imagine eating any of that stuff today.

Those ramen noodles and those boxes of macaroni and cheese. I still break down every once in a while for the sodium loaded Kraft.
I loved french fries with mayo & mustard. oh and mcdonalds french fries dipped in their vanilla ice cream. ramen noodles with that mystery meat (spam)..lol fried banana's, oranges dipped in vinegar (when i was pregnant).vienna sausages. peanut butter w/sugar sammiches. i can go on and on. but it gets gross. so i should stop.
All of these foods are bringing back memories.

Steak um sandwiches fried in butter and loaded with mayo - more than one sandwich of course.

Mayo on fried ham or french fries or anything.

Suzy Q's, chocolate milk shakes and french fries for lunch in High School.

I dream of eating this stuff now.

Wow...I've never even heard of some of these combinations..haha. This has been enlightening. For me, I'd have to say my downfall was Nacho Cheese Doritos, Sun Chips, Cheetos, Cheese nips...etc. I would eat the entire bag or box at one sitting, and I'm not talking about the snack sized bags. I just loved anything salty and crunchy.

Thanks for this thread Shelly..it makes me feel better to know how far I've come with my "clean" healthy eating.
i must say after giving this serious thought, that there is nothing that i no longer eat that i don't really miss! all of the "bad for you" food i ate - mcd's, donuts, twinkies, french fries, cake batter, etc. is all stuff that i still wish i could eat, lol. i can't, and i don't, but i want to :)
Well here it is...

-Suzy Q's, Funny Bones, pretty much anything made by Hostess, Drake's, or Little Debbie!
-Nestle's Strawberry Quick - usally accompanied by a Suzy Q (gross)
-McDonalds - anything - can't even think about a Mc'Stomach-ache right now without potentially losing my lunch!
-Dunkin Donuts ham, cheese, and egg on a croissant usually at 2am when the bar's let out...
-Entemanns Coffee Cake - oh the corner pieces were my ab fab!
-Bags of carrots slathered in blue cheese dressing!
-Bologna and cheese sandwich's at my Grams house - while she was watching her 'programs'
-Chipwich Ice Cream Cookie sandwich's - I think these are like 600 calories a pop!!! (still a classic)

...and the best of them all
-Girl Scout Cookies! I was a girl scout and I firmly believe this planted my life long cookie addiction that I still struggle with to this day! I never met a cookie I didn't like, curse those scouts!

This was too much fun - and sobering!
This thread is too funny!

In fact, Michele recommended I take a look here when I told her that I was having trouble figuring out a good cheat meal for the day. Lots of good stuff here! :p

So now I'll post mine.

I can't believe I used to eat these:

1) Strawberry icecream with a ton of Nestle's Chocolate Quik powder mixed in
2) RAW brownie mix with just enough water in it to make it into the texture of a thick, cold chocolate souffle

Wow. I wouldn't mind having some of that right now. :9
This was a typical lunch prepared by my mother (who would never eat this now,nor would I, but my brother will still sometimes eat these):

Deviled ham, peanut butter and mayonaise sandwiches on white bread! It sounds disgusting, but really was very tasty!


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