I can't believe I ate that....!!!!

OMG the fried bologna sandwich club!:+

My toast used to be slapped with tons of butter sprinkled with tons of sugar and then toasted in the oven....thank grandma for that one.
In grandma's defense, she lived to be 91 and was living alone and completely sane and coherent until she literally "went to sleep" one last time.
Speaking of family influences, my dad used to make a mean batch of fried potatoes:
cut up left-over boiled potatoes and onions fried in the grease saved from bacon, then, when they were almost done, crumble in some white bread to soak up the extra grease and get crispy. (He made the same thing when I went veggie, but with crisco instead of bacon grease).
OK, I miss my grandmother's chicken and dumplings now, and her pear perserves and her potato salad cause she'd prepare 5 different huge bowls just to please every family member (mine couldn't have pimentos:) ) and her chocolate cake with about 10 paperthin layers, and her lemon pie and her biscuits which the most fun was watching her make and...

nope, it's not really the food....I WANT MY GRANDMOMMY....;(
This thread is making me miss my mommy and my granny. My grandma used to bake bread every week. We lived fairly close to her and on bread baking day she would make a pizza and walk over to our house with it. We used to walk home for lunch when we were in elementary school, and grandma would meet us there about once a week with fresh, warm pizza right out of the oven. She was so wonderful. She loved us more than life and we loved her. God, I miss her! And I haven't had a good pizza since she passed away.

My mom used to make fried potatoes and onions, too. I think she fried hers in a combo of melted butter and oil. Man, they were good. Okay, I may have to make some of those. This thread is actually making me hungry now--lol!

My grandmother used to make the most wonderful assortment of Christmas cookies. When she got to old to bake anymore, I asked her for the recipes. She gave me pages she had torn out of a magazine, but never marked which ones she made. I've figured out a couple, but can't remember the rest. All I know was I loved them all.
* Orange halves dipped in sugar
* Cantelope sprinkled with salt
* Entire bags of Doritos in one sitting
* McDonald's fries AND a large milkshake

It amazes me that I only weighed 100 pounds when I got out of college!!! If I ate that stuff now, I'd put on 50 pounds in a month, lol.

Hmmm... I hate to say this, but I don't think any of these things I would NEVER again. But I used to eat them regularly and now I eat them hardly ever. And of course in moderation.

-I'd make an entire lunch of 3 bagels.
-3 Boston Cream filled doughnuts (yes, 3 of them!!!)
-2 double packages of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
-An entire Tombstone frozen pizza
-Roast Beef Hash from a can with worsteshire sauce
-Steak Um's sandwiches
-Reddi Whip sprayed straight into my mouth (several times)
-Big Mac, Supersize Fries and a chocolate shake (this would probably make me seriously sick if I ate it now)
-The largest size Blizzard they make with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

I could go on for awhile I'm sure.

When my Mom would make roast beef, after cleaning my plate of beef, gravy, potatoes, veggies, I would take a piece of squishy white bread, butter it and pour gravy on it and eat it. I learned that from my Dad;)
My great-grandmother made the best ginger snaps I have ever eaten!

My grandma also used to make these candies she called "oysters". They were milk chocolate combined with real whipping cream, then rolled in to balls, dunked in dark chocolate, and rolled in ground peanuts. Oh my gosh, I used to eat my weight in these every Christmas growing up!
Ice cream of any kind (I cant stand it now)
chocolate icing out of the can
kidneys (grandfathers influence)
bisquick right out of the box
spaghetti (also repluses me now)
limburger cheese with yogurt (yikes- what was i thinking)
salami chunks
harolds fried (in lard) chicken with fries and hot sauce
triple cheeseburger (heartattack in a box)
popcorn with butter and salt
wonder white bread
fluff on celery

and I am still living...amazing
Chips and Dip
Cake and cupcakes
In and Out burgers with FF and Choc Milkshake (thank God I live in TX and there are NONE here in town!)
DR. Pepper uhhh
Pasts with alfredo saucs (uh makes me sick to think about it)
Did I mention chips and dip....bad, bad, bad!!!

Ok is anyone else getting hungry??
>Also as a teenager fried bologna sandwiches on white bread
>with tons of the real mayonaise.

Oh Melody...fried balogna is DA BOMB!!!!:9 I would eat that with cheese melted on top on white bread with mustard. OMG it was heaven!

I would also eat at a diner on a weekly if not almost daily basis at times so you can imagine all of the wonderful stuff I would eat! LOL My FAVE though which I would order often was along the lines of the fried balogna only BETTER....pork roll and cheese on a roll! YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:9 :9 :9 :9 :9

I STILL love both! I haven't eaten either in ages but am not against the occasional treat either!;) }(
I also still like to eat at a diner in general but it has become a very occassional thing as opposed to something I could count on doing ATLEAST a couple times a week! :eek:
Ok, a million years ago pregnant with my first DS I packed a healthy lunch for work everyday and THEN went to the bakery next door to the bank (where I worked) and had my choice of cakes or cookies or donuts or pie and THEN 1 block away would walk to the FUDGE shop and have a little and next door to the fudge shop was an old-fashion ICE CREAM PARLOR and next to the ice cream parlor was a COOKIE BAKERY which was yummy and then back to work. I kid you not, had some of each almost every day of pregnancy. At least I walked a couple of blocks, huh. :+

Well, needless to say I gained 60# before the birth of my DS and he was 1-1/2 months premature. At that young age it all a fell off after birth which would NEVER happen at this age!
I see there's a trend growing with the grandmommas!:D I have to give a shout out to my grandmas homemade biscuits and sausage gravy- she would wake us up cooking this everytime we went to visit. It was sooooooo goood! and sooooooo BAD at the same time!:D
Grated cheddar cheese, chopped green olives, and ranch dressing mixed together.
Salt on cheese
Peanut butter dipped in sugar (that one is from Grandma!)
Strawberries dipped in sugar
The mix for apple crisp topping raw
I always put chips on my sandwich and will still sometimes do it with baked lays or baked tostitos
Pretzels dipped in BBQ sauce (I can barely stomach the thought of this one now)
Sugar mixed with water just until a thick grainy paste was formed

My grandparents used to make the best buckwheat pancakes for us when my brother and I would spend the night. These were HEAVEN and I always ate them with brown sugar instead of maple syrup!:9

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