I am so angry!!!!!


Hi everybody, I need to vent. I'm so angry at three of my friends and they think I have no right to be mad at them. Let me tell you the situation and let me know what you think. My three best friends are all doing the Body for Life system and I think that is great for them. They are all getting good results. I tried Body for Life and found it didn't suit me. I just don't like it. I bought the Pure Strength Series and the Cross Trainer Series. I have been doing them and eating well, I'm a vegan. I have gotten good results but you know those times that everyone goes through when you feel hopeless no matter what. I was feeling like that so I invited them over to have some company and they wanted to cheer me up. All they did was say that Cathe was a waste of time and BFL is the only to get in shape and I should get rid of my tapes and so forth. I told them how I felt and after a little argument, we decided to go out. Two of them and I went to the car, while the third one said she needed to use the bathroom and would be right out. Well, I drank a little and had a buzz so I went right to bed when they dropped me off. The next morning I realized my Cathe tapes were missing. So I went crazy looking for them and couldn't find my tapes anywhere. I called my friend and she confessed that while she was in the "bathroom", she slipped my tapes into her purse (which is the size of a backpack so I didn't notice) and went to the dump that morning and threw them out!!!!!! She said that they just did it for my welfare and now I can do Body for Life and not be depressed. What do you think?!
They has absolutely NO RIGHT on planet earth to do a thing like that. You had some bucks invested in those tapes.

These people are extremely unhealthy and controlling and I'd consider not being friends with them in the future. Good friends with healthy mature relationships may debate such a matter to some degree but they ultimately allow each other to make their on decisions and stick with them.

I can tell you what I'd do.

I would tell the person who threw the tapes away that she has 24 hours to bring them back or give you a receipt for her order replacing all of them or I would be filing a misdemeanor theft and vandalism charge at the D.A.'s office.

And I'd do it.
My mouth dropped when I read this. Many of us around here look and feel great and it's no thanks to BFL. It is because we work out doing workouts we love (Cathe) and eat healthy. I am angry for you. I hope you only had one or two tapes, and that you weren't out too much $$$.
Friendships are based on respecting your friends ability to make up your own mind. You have every right to be angry and I don't understand why your "friends" would feel they had the right to throw away your property, or to completely disregard your wishes.
I'm not a big Oprah person, but I remember she once said "eliminate toxic people from your life". These may be toxic people.
I'm sorry for your loss!! :-(
I would be so furious! My Cathe tapes and DVD's are my most prized material possesions! That is totally inexcusable! How could ANYBODY do that? Please make them replace them! My heart goes out to you :>(

I agree with K60 100%!

Plus I'd tell her it's only because of our "friendship" I'm not kicking off in her a** as we speak!

I would have lost my mind completely!


Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-10-02 AT 08:30PM (Est)[/font][p]OH MY GOD I would be SO ANGRY!! What the heck?? You totally deserve to be upset! What was she thinking??? And ok I missed the part about her THROWING THEM AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I agree with everyone, she needs to return those PRONTO!!!
I would be furious. I feel for you. What a loss, not only your tapes, but your friends. That is the worst when our friends hurt us...best of luck to you.
Lori S.
My mouth dropped open when I read this too! I don't know anything about body for life, but I do know how much those tapes cost!! I would have your "friend" replace the tapes, then look for new friends.

I can't believe that your so-called "friends" would do something like that to you. I agree with the poster who recommended bringing charges against them. If they really did throw them out, they should replace them. And I'd seriously reconsider your relationship with them unless they see what they did was wrong. It's true that they did what they thought was best for you but they had no right to disregard your feelings. A good friend will do what is best for you but they'll also understand that you don't have to be a min-them and it sounds to me like your "friends" are completely intolerant of your POV.
I would immediately call up the police and have those people arrested!
Just kidding!
Seriously, your "friends" are very ignorant. I'm not joking when I say you should demand that your friend pay you in cash exactly how much those tapes cost, because Cathe is superiour, long term, than the BFL program, which is basically a sensible diet plan and a very boring exercise rotation. What kind of person would take your private property and throw it away? That just sounds so messed up, and if it were me, I would never allow that person in my house again.
Oh, my!!! Yep, I'd be mad as a wet hen. Those tapes cost too much money to be thrown away...not to mention the sentimental value (OK, in my case, DEEP LOVE. :D) they have.

Granted, I think that BFL is a good program also and don't think one is better than the other in general. One *is* better than the other depending on the individual, tho. I don't care if you're doing 200 tapes called the 'Anna Nicole Smith's Drunk & Disorderly Workout Series'. They are still YOUR property and I would have no right to steal them and throw them away.

Get your money back. I don't know how valuable these friendships are to you in the long run, but consider K60's advice.

Robin http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/flower.gif
Oh my lord!!!!! I didn't even get a chance to read anyone elses response to this but this is CRAZY.I think I would kill each and everyone one of those friends. I am dumb found.....I can't beleive that someone would take the things that are most important to you, things that cost you a fortune.....and throw them away as if it was a piece of garbage.
It takes ALOT to make me angry but I diffently think that this is one thing that would get my blood boiling and I would be out of control.No stopp'in me.
I would probably make her buy me new tapes and if she didn't I would sue her.I don't even know if it is possible to sue someone for something like that but I would certainly try.
I remember one time that my sister-in-law said something about aerobics being a waste of time.That made me pretty angry.Just b/c you don't like it and you don't do it doesn't mean that it is a waste of time or money.As far as I am concerned,this is the best place that I have spent my money and my time.
I hope that you have come to realize that you my dear, need some new friends.Let's just see how long they will stick to BFL.Probably not as long as you will be doing Cathe.
I can't beleive that someone would take something belong to someone else and throw it away........oh my, I won't be able to sleep tonight:-mad.
That is the ultimate in betrayal. This woman needs to be adjusted maybe even physically. I would be so mad, I don't think I would be able to control myself.

Who does she think she is? The Queen of "I know everything"? Well, who taught her manners? IShe is definitely one I would never associate with again.

She is really probably just jealous. Did you ever think she didn't throw them at the dump, but kept them for herself?

Cathe's tapes have worked better for me than anything else. What works for one doesn't always work for everyone.

Please let us know how this dilemna turns out. I think you should enlarge a photo of her and use it for a dartboard.

Thanks for the responses everyone. I told my "friend" that she was totally wrong and she needs to give me some money for the tapes. I am a very loving forgiving person but I am also assertive. She wants to make a deal, that I give BFL a chance again for about six weeks and if I still don't like it, she'll pay back the money. She calls it tough love and helping me to be committed. I told her mother who is giving me a check!! Ha-ha. She says I need to be sensible.
THAT"S not tough love, it's called controlling and it's 100% out of order. NO ONE has the right to throw someones property away and then insist they try some other program for a certain period of time b4 returning it or re purchasing it for them. That's sick.

If your friend had gotten you the BFL book and offered to take you as a guest to her gym or something I could see that as being halfway OK, but still pretty controlling and insistent. However, anything over and above that is just NUTS.

Sounds like your "friend" has some control issues. Tough love? Please, you're not a drug addict or doing something destructive for goodness sake. This person needs a dose of reality. She does not have the right to dictate what you do. If I were in your shoes, I cut her out of my life until she apologized and quit trying to manipulate me.
Another one here with her mouth hanging open!! x( x( x( Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness!!!

She had better pay you back INCLUDING SHIPPING! Or I'LL KICK HER A$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not just NO, but HECK NO -- you don't need to try BFL for 6 weeks or 6 hours. She's so wrong it's not even funny. Demand your tapes, or payment plus shipping IN FULL!!!

Oh dear..... I feel for you!!!!!!!! I would tell them they have 2 days to replace your tapes PLUS buy you the new series!!!!!!!!! I would be absolutely livid!!!!!!!!! I would give you a big ol' hug if you were here! You have every right to be upset. I too think you should consider if these people are truly your friends. They sound really immature and insensitive. BFL does not work for everyone! Anyway, what does that matter? The point is they were your tapes and they have NO right to do ANYTHING with them!

Go get em' girlfriend! We're all here cheerin' you on:)

-Pammer http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/sport/sport001.gif If Only I Can Be 1/2 the Woman my Dog Thinks I am!
>I can tell you what I'd
>I would tell the person who
>threw the tapes away that
>she has 24 hours to
>bring them back or give
>you a receipt for her
>order replacing all of them
>or I would be filing
>a misdemeanor theft and vandalism
>charge at the D.A.'s office.
>And I'd do it.

Cookiebaby, I would do this too. I am so0000ooo angry for you. They stole valuables from you to coerce you into a fitness plan? It's just fitness plan, for crying out loud! What's the matter with these people???? These people are not just mean, they're goofy!

Good luck with this! I hope they'll come to their senses and replace your tapes.

(who also doesn't care for BFL, but who is doing quite well without it, thank you very much.)

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