I am having trouble lifting my coffee cup thanks to......


Gym Style Chest & Triceps. Even typing is pretty tough. I did this workout yesterday morning and all I can say is WOW!! I haven't felt my triceps like this since I was a beginner just starting to lift weights. My chest is sore too, but not like my triceps. I did Lo Max this morning and had trouble clapping(yes, i'm a clapper) and lifting my arms. I wonder if it's all the band work or just the combo of the two. Anyone else pretty sore after this one??

I am doing this one today, I will let you know!!!! I did B,S, and B yesterday, and I am sore today from that one. That band is a killer. It doesn't look like much, but it gets you good.
I did this 2 days ago. I was slightly sore first thing the morning after, but DOMS really set in the evening and then some into the next day. My triceps were the sorest.

I'm recovered now!:)
I did this one on Saturday morning, and the DOMS settled in the hardest on Sunday afternoon and into the evening. I was still sore yesterday morning, but the soreness is all gone now (Tuesday). Yes...my triceps were the sorest, but I felt soreness in my shoulders, upper pecs, and upper traps, as well. What a fantastic workout this is!
I am right there with ya.. I did this one on Sunday and last night when I was doing step I could barely do jumping jacks my chest was so sore!! Love it
I just finished this about 2.5 hr. ago and my chest muscles are still twitching and quivering - I fear waking up tomorrow morning!
I did this one Monday morning and I'm having trouble lifting my arms above my head. My entire upper body is so sore today! I love it! I'm actually wondering if I'll be able to do GS BSB tomorrow. Hopefully I will! Hardcores kick @ss!!!
Debbie in OH
My triceps were on FIRE! They were very sore the next day and a little the day after. I did this w/o on Saturday and then tried Muscle Max this morning. I attempted the tricep portion and was still a little sore, and didn't want to hurt anything, so I skipped the triceps part! (THREE days later!!!). Loved the chest and tricep DVD!
Oh Yeah I hear ya on this one. I went to the grocery yesterday after I did it and I remember thinking I didn't know I used my triceps to push the grocery cart!!! Cause they were on fire. Today I did kickmax and my arms are giving me fits. esp on that low block/hammer down section. I too was suprised that my chest wasn't more sore after 72 pushups!!!! I did them all but only made it thru about 20 on my toes.

I did that workout on Sunday night - and I am no beginner, I have been doing Cathe for 10 years - I work my upper body out regularly - my triceps were on fire! I think alot of it had to do with the 72 push ups and the chest work before hand - I did all of the push ups man style, too. I mopped all my floors last night which is about 1500 square feet and my triceps were shaking!

I absolutely love these workouts - so don't feel like a wimp - hey we are all going to hsave some awesome looking triceps!

And continuing to be sore today..lol. I was going to do Gym style BBS today and decided to do IMAX 3 because my tri's are still on fried. I better have some nice looking tri's soon..lol. I think this series will give some amazing results! I hope everyone is enjoying their's!


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