
Costa Rican "artist" Guillermo 'Habacuc' Vargas starved a stray dog to death as part of an art exhibit...





Art is meant to bring you closer to God or the Divine!
I am too outraged to comment any further!!!!x( x( x(


P.S. I heard this guy is coming to Greece... I'll give him a piece of my mind regarding art!!!!

He says in his blog that his intention was to draw attention to the apathy of people to the isssue in his country of dogs starving to death, while nobody cares. He seems a very twisted man to me, even if this is true.

Isnt it strange, how conditioning affects what we consider cruel or not. It is said that if abattoirs had glass walls, many more of us would be vegetarian.

I am vegetarian. I gave up meat as a young child when I realized how meat is "made". Recently I have up eggs when I learned aout conditions the hens are forced to endure. I also gave up silk, leather and wool. I have read awful things about the dairy industry but I cannot seem to give up milk. I found meat and eggs so easy to do - I have never felt tempted since I gave them up. But I seeem to have no issues condoning cruelty to cows because of my dependance on dairy.

So when I saw the word "hypocrisy" in that blog, one part of me felt "touche". I still think that act was horrid and I cannot understand how people who knew of the exhibit in that town did not intervene to save that dog.

~* Vrinda *~
You are so right!!!!

Unfortunately, this "artist" changed his reasons/excuses for his exhibit 3 or 4 times... depending on the public's reactions to his "work". Supposedly, him and the gallery owners forbid any visitors to feed or water the poor dog.

Almost 2.4 million people signed the petition...

I believe there are far more humane ways to attract public interest on the stray dog issue AND do a successful "art installation".

What kind of person would attend this exhibit and not do something? I'd have been kicking that bowl of food closer to the dog. AFAIAC the people who came to the exhibit to gawk are just as guilty as the abuser.


"The winds of grace are always blowing but it's you who must raise your sail." - Sri Ramakrishna
I feel like I'm going to be sick. I didn't have the stomach to check out your links. Please tell me someone, anyone, stepped in to save that dog.
I am sick and there are no words for this cruelty. What is being done about it? Nobody better let him or his crap in United States how about removing any sites he has from the web let him be a STARVING ARTIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"You didn't pause your dvd and go make popcorn did ya"
-Cathe Friedrich

Ignorant piece of excuse for a human!! I cannot believe some people!!! I vote for sticking him in a corner just out of reach of food and water and letting him starve
Horrific! Agreed, someone needs to starve this man to death, all in the name of art! What a bunch of BS, "art" has been reduced to this? Not!
This is abuse period.

Can you imagine Van Gogh, Cezanne or Monet doing this to an animal? No!This man is not artist, he is an abuser.

Sorry, it sickens me.
I feel sick just thinking about it, and there's no way I can check out the links.

How could any country allow this to happen? Why didn't some animal rights group storm the gallery and free the dog?

It seems like some people (sick and twisted individuals) will try to get away with anything and call it "art."

Someone told me about this the other day, and that he's planning to repeat it.

There are several guilty people here: the sicko artist, the gallery that allowed him to 'display' this, and the people who went to gawk.
>Almost 2.4 million people signed the petition...

Is the petition still going on?

A link to that (which I WOULD visit) would be helpful, because it would give us some positive action we can take to stop this from happening in the future.
Maybe he could starve and abuse himself to shed light on the plight of the poor in the world...just a thought
>Maybe he could starve and abuse himself to shed light on the
>plight of the poor in the world...just a thought

Now THAT I would like to see. There is a special place in hell for people like this. I can't click on any of the links because I don't think I can handle it. It's just sickening. :(
Beavs- that is a great thought. People who do these kinds of things deserve the utmost in torture. There is a special place in hell for them, I do believe.

Vrinda (I hope I spelled it right!) - I still enjoy eggs and some milk/dairy products, but am careful to buy from farms who practice humane treatment for their animals, and operate under stringent guidelines, and the farms are checked often to be sure that the animals are treated kindly. It may be different there, I realize. Just a thought so alleviate your guilt :)

There is no way I can possible visit those links of the poor dog, but I hope this man is walking down a dark alley one night and a pack of stray dogs, sensing his evil, attacks him, ripping him to shreds, leaving him clinging to life by a thread only so that he can endure all manners of horrid infections that rack his body, yet leaving his mind clear to think of, and reflect on, what he has done. He will be too sick to eat, and will waste away in pain and unimaginable sickness. There - I feel better!!
I see we agree on the "special place in hell" part! I was writing my post at the same time you were I guess!

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