Thanks for the link, Reese.
I knew a lot of these (but maybe forgot!), but some are new to me. I printed it out as a good reminder for those times when willpower is low. (Too bad it's too huge to put on the fridge!)
Years ago, I read a book by William Dufty (?---he was involved with Gloria Swanson for many years) called "Sugar Blues." It must have been a very convincing argument against eating sugar, because, though I had just recently gone veggie--so it must have been 1976-77--and was making my way to a healthier diet, I was still a sugar hound, but I gave it up completely (for several weeks at least).
Funny anecdote : when I visited my grandmother during my 100% sugar-avoidance days, she wasn't so much concerned that I had become a vegetarian, but when I politely refused some cookies she made, she looked at me with astonishment and said, in a totally perplexed voice "You don't eat SUGAR?!" LOL!
(Sugar is in some ways like a powerful drug, it definitely causes chemical changes in the body. I remember reading a sci-fi novel by Anne McCaffery (dang, this prednisone I'm taking for poison ivy is great for stimulating memory recall! wish it weren't so tough on the body overall, or I'd be tempted to take it all the time!!) called "Dream Snake." It's set in a post-apocalyptic Earth. The main character is a healer who uses lo-tech healing methods, including specially-bred snakes. One method she uses for a patient in shock is to give them a dose of plain sugar.)