How often do you wash your comforters?

I love the feel and smell of fresh sheets.

I shower before I go to bed, so I figure once in 2 to 3 weeks is good enough.

I am curious to know where that puts me in the spectrum from pig to environment abuser. :) Waiting to hear more responses.
Comforters every 2-3 weeks. However sheets and pillow cases every week and I use the sanitary cycle that gets the water hot enough to sterilize. All my pillows have 3 cases so I only have to wash the pillows every 3 months or so.I watched a show on Oprah a few years back and I was very creeped out by what lurks in pillows so each one has 3 cases and it really cuts down on the microscopic creepers from getting into the pillow itself. DH says I am insane.
I have several sets of sheets and comforters - I change them several times a month - rotating them out. I have several cats so if I don't, the cat hair builds. My comforters always have a thinner blanket on top or a large flat sheet that I can take off and wash in between comforter swap outs.

I use the hypo allergenic pillow covers that are water proof. They zip on one end and this protects my pillows very well. I always change my sheets once a week because I sleep so much better on fresh ones.
Sheets every week and comforter once a month. Also, everything gets washed/sanitized if someone in the house has been sick.
I love the feel and smell of fresh sheets.

I shower before I go to bed, so I figure once in 2 to 3 weeks is good enough.

I am curious to know where that puts me in the spectrum from pig to environment abuser. :) Waiting to hear more responses.

Hey Vee, . .I'm a night showerer too! So I do the same thing you do with sheets. My husband thinks I'm weird because I just love clean sheet day but the comforter we don't really use, . . we sorta just pull it down. I wash that 1 time every 2 months.
Sheets, once a week. I don't bother rotating them; I just take them off the bed, wash & dry, and return them. No folding necessary!

Comforter... less often. They're such a nuisance because they're so bulky and take a long time to dry.

Maybe if the kids didn't generate so much laundry I'd do the comforters more often, but I'm doing well to stay on top of the tidal wave of regular laundry. That "special" laundry gets done on special occasions! (Christmas, 4th of July, and when gastroenteritis sweeps through our household!) :p
I aim to wash the sheets every week but sometimes it ends up being 2 weeks. My comforter I wash approximately every 2 months. We are in between the bottom and top sheets and therefore I don't feel that I need to wash the comforter more often.
I wash my comforter whenever one of us is sick. Otherwise it runs about once every two months. I have a front load machine that will handle large loads. As far as dry time I have to stop and turn it but it is nice having the comforter and the mattress cover clean as well as the sheets.
This is my routine: I put on clean sheets every Saturday morning before I work out; comforter is done the first Saturday of every month.

I wash our Sheets every weekend. Comforters 2-3 weeks (to keep cat dander to a minimum). I can't remember the last time I did pillows though ,but we have good protective covers. I'm going to have to do them today because now I am thinking of microbes!

TG we have a sanitary cycle on our machine. I use it for all sheets and towels and often for WO clothes too.
I do sheets 1-2 weeks and comforter not as often, but I do keep a sheet on top due to dogs and cats and wah this once a week. I tried pillows and they just come out lumpy:(
I definitley have an OCD-ish personality when it comes to this subject. I strip all the beds in the house on Friday's and wash the sheets on HOT water. I also wash all the mattress pads once a month on HOT. The comforters are only on the beds during the day, so I wash them every 3 months or so. I also shower every night before I go to bed, but you still shed skin cells, clean or not :confused:

Wow - I feel like a pig and clean at the same time!

Sheets once a week - Fridays. Comforter ?????? It's been a while! :confused:
I wash mine when I remember. ;) When DH & I are more "active" I tend to wash my sheets more.... Comforters about every other month...
Sheets every 2 weeks ... DD's comforter every 2 months ... my & DH's comforter probably once a year.
I definitley have an OCD-ish personality when it comes to this subject. I strip all the beds in the house on Friday's and wash the sheets on HOT water. I also wash all the mattress pads once a month on HOT. The comforters are only on the beds during the day, so I wash them every 3 months or so. I also shower every night before I go to bed, but you still shed skin cells, clean or not :confused:


Wow Sarah, . . .you are so funny. I get this way too.
This thread motivated me to change my sheets, LOL!

(I now use bamboo sheets---oooo, they feel nice, and work summer and winter--and they are naturally breathable and antibacterial, so they stay fresh longer than cotton).

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