How much and how long?


Hi guys,

You'd think I'd be use to this by now but I've got a "new" sort of problem.
I started a new rotation last week (extremely heavy lifting) where I upped all my previous weights for both upper and lower body by 5-10# depending on the body part, and I cut back on my cardio (4 days instead of 6) to put more emphasis on weights. Despite upping the weights, my eating was still very on track (to my surprise!), so this am. when I saw a 7# gain, I am going to assume that my muscles are maybe holding fluid? I know everything I have still has a swell/pump from Friday nights workout (really working each muscle to complete failure!), so I know I didn't gain "weight/fat" because my eating wasn't an issue, so I'm fine there (mentally), but how long will I stay "puffed" from this new routine?
Will drinking more water flush my body? I already drink about 128 oz./day normally, but should I increase that? And does anyone know if it'll stay like this throughout the entire rotation or will this level off and my muscles let go of the fluid/swell/whatever it is?
It's a little mindblowing to jump up on the scale and see a gain like that! But knowing what I know about eating/weight gain, I knew not to panic, but old habits die hard, so if anyone has experienced this, I'd appreciate hearing from you. :)


Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-01-02 AT 09:43AM (Est)[/font][p]Donna,

I am so glad you posted this!!! I was fired from my job at the beginning of October & have been able to increase my workout time dramatically! So, I started a s&h rotation doing each tape once a week & throwing in one for a 4th day (rotating which one I did twice each week) & doing cardio 3 times a week. I don't eat clean but my diet isn't all fat & garbage. I've really increased my weights on all of my exercises--more than I've ever lifted before! I can see that my arms are bigger from shoulder to wrist! Which would be great if I were lean but I've gained 8#'s this month! I wanted to die when I saw the scale go up more than I've weighed in 8 years! Unfortunately, I can't say much of this is muscle because my jeans are so tight I'm like a sausage stuffed into them. I have to wear my dress pants unbuttoned!

The only suggestion I have to you is reduce your fluid intake a little. A gallon of water is a bit much to drink in one day & you will retain some of that.

I've really started tracking my food--ever single thing that goes into my mouth. I opened a account (I'm sure you keep a journal already). I did have a couple of bad days last month but not so much that I should have an 8# weight gain! I am finishing my S&H rotation this week & moving on to PS with 4 days of cardio. Keeping my weights as high as I can because I do want muscle. I'll do this for 4 weeks & hopefully by then the intensity series will be in.

Other than that, I hope someone jumps in here & gives us both some advice!

I'm ready to take the next step!

...Donna & Deborah! I also have become much bigger in the arm department. Not sure I am happy with the EXTRA muscle size. Some of my shirts are very tight in the arms now. My DH even said last week while we were working out, "Boy, your arms are getting BIG! Do you want to be bigger???" I like a nice toned, lean look, but not BIGGER! I'd also like to hear any advice anyone can share. TIA...(BTW, my DH is ALWAYS very complementary, so it was not a slam.)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi guys..............

That's why I sold my set of S & H! I just felt WAY too bulky when doing that type of workout. At 5'1" an 24" thighs, I did NOT need them any bigger! ;-) Know what I mean? And my arms are plenty big. I'm definitely not a hardgainer.

Okay, so that probably didn't help ya'll too much. :-( Sorry. I'm not sure what advice I could give. In my opinion, if you're not teeny tiny and/or an ecto, S & H lifting may not be for you. I dunno.....

So, you guys too huh?

I don't really mind gaining temporarily since I know it's not from overeating, but I always thought women couldn't bulk but so much? Now, I do gain muscle fairly easily, so I was clearly looking to see some increases, but what Deb said about her arms cracked me up because just last week I put on a short sleeved fitted top and the arms were tighter than usual and I sort of laughed it off and thought, "boy, wonder how women with real guns wear short sleeved anything?" And my jeans were so tight in the thighs and butt (hubby loved that one!) I almost passed out at the thought of my a** staying permanently "poofed!" Funny how men and women differ because my hubby was LOVING the look, while I'm saying, "boy my a** looks huge in these jeans!"
Hubby goes in for the "Gin Miller" look, he likes the athletic looking, wider hips/butt thing (thank goodness cause it's probably where I'll end up after all is said and done!). He thinks Cathe needs a hot meal and some meat on her bones! (Comes from his southern background and all the women in his family being big boned or just big period!)

However, still hoping for an answer for all of us! :)


Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
Hi Donna,

I too want to know the answer to this because I am eating cleaner than I have done for weeks, lifting weights, and I ain't losing weight :-( :-mad !

I am seriously thinking of going back to cardio for a couple of months ?

Anna :)
I ran PS Series 4 weeks before beginning S&H so I've been in a "building phase" for 5 weeks now, but the past week I really upped the weights even more than while doing PS, so for me? Could be just an accumulation of the weeks, could be just the initial "shock" of jumping up 5#-10# in the past week? I have no clue?


Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-01-02 AT 04:13PM (Est)[/font][p]I'll just throw in that I've never been an advocate of doing more than one each per week of any of the PS or S/H tapes. Maybe back off to one each per week and only do them for 3 weeks.

Personally, I've never had the weight gain happen like that, and that may be why. PLUS - I've never been one to cut back on cardio, since I believe the calories in, calories out notion. I don't ever cut back on the amount of cardio, I'll go to CTX cardio, but we know those are very intense.

For me, more cardio and less weights works best - but that's just me.

Just Do It! :)
I've seen some undesirable changes this fall too. I found the thread about cutting cardio & seeing results ironic - so true but I don't like the results!

I found combining PS with 2 swimming days resulted in tight shirts. So I've gone back to upper body endurance.

My cardio time is down, & I'm seeing an increase in body fat & tight pants. The eating is my normal (healthy w/ occasional indulgences). For me, definition comes from low body fat not heavy weights.

I think I need to get back on the bike or trail & get in some longer cardio sessions. One long run a week isn't enough to make up for the shorter swim & run sessions I've done this fall. Weights, I'm going lighter & faster.

Donna, 7 lbs is extreme for 1 week & must be a combination of factors. I've read that it can take a few weeks before the body releases excess fluid from switching to heavier weights but don't know if it's myth or fact. But don't cut back on the water as someone suggested. I'm also a heavy sweater & drink a lot more than a gallon per day. If you don't drink enough, your body will store extra water.

Ok, here's an added twist to this. After posting this morning, I took a shower & came down to where my scale is hidden in the basement (I WILL NOT HAVE IT WHERE I CAN ACCESS IT EASILY!!!!), totally buck naked, stepped on the scale. I'm down 5 pounds from just Friday. Still a 3 pound increase from a month ago. That I can live with but I'm very confused because when I weighed myself on Friday, I was wearing nothing more than a flimsy pjs. So were did that additional weight come from on Friday? Could it be possible that I ate so much on Thursday that I weighed 5 lbs more on Friday than I do today? I haven't worked out at all since Friday--taking the weekend off because I worked 9 days in a row before yesterday. I weighed myself before working out on Friday so it definitely wasn't "pump" going on.

As far as bulking up, I am actually trying to gain a little muscle. My arms a like sticks coming out of my shoulders. Very straight, no curve, no definition. I want arms like Cathe's. I have lifted heavy for that reason & will stick to lifting heavy for a while.

As I said earlier, I'm going to try to clean up my diet -- cut down on fats, I'm not a big sugar eater to begin with. And I will increase my cardio. It's a wait & see game now.

Donna, just a suggestion, give it another day or two. Get on the scale & see what happens. Hopefully you will have similar results.

I'll keep you posted on my results, you all do the same!!!!

I'm ready to take the next step!
Good for you Gettingfit! :)

And that loss makes me think that by taking the weekend off, your muscles had a chance to relax or something? Well, I'll give it a shot myself and maybe Tuesday morning give a quick weigh and see if anything moved?

I really prefer strength workouts to endurance, so I'm really hoping I'm going to level off. It hasn't been that long so I'm not going to worry too much about it yet.

I'll let you know something in a day or 2.


Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
Hi Donna,

I had a similar phenomenon happen to me the very first time I used the SH series (when it was first released). I gained 4 pounds in a few weeks. I was only doing each tape one time per week with MIS as my second day. As soon as I went back to an increased cardio rotation, the weight was lost and I had more definition than before the SH rotation, and a lot more strength.

Keep drinking the water and don't worry about it too much, unless your weight continues to increase. Good luck!

If you had the same stuffing that I had, it's all that salt contributing to fluid retentuion. I'm never getting that stuffing again- prepared pre-seasoned bread crumbs and definitely over-salted. Yuck!
hey Donna!!

I won't be much help here but i thought i would chime in and say that when i did slow and heavy way back in august, I had a weight gain and my clothes fit tighter for about 2 wks. I didn't freak out too bad, i just stayed away from the scale and only weighed on friday mornings or monday mornings. As soon as the 2 wks period went by my weight and my clothes got back to a normal range and feel :) I have never lifted REALLY heavy.. although heavy enough to burn me out. Good luck girl.. i know you will be fine .. Say a small prayer for me .. since i haven't worked out since tues.. and i won't see you at the check in :) I am too ashamed to even get on the scale.. ;)but tommorow is *ss kickin day.. back on track for me!!!! :)

Interesting notion about more cardio less weights. Running is my cardio of choice. Because I tend to get very thin on top I will emphasize my chest/back workouts with heavier weight and work them 2x's a week.

I am 5'3" 115-120lbs. mostly hips. I have had great success with the PS series and running, however, I must lift heavier for chest and back.

I say, mix it up. Sounds like we are all learning how our bodies will respond to certain weight loads, reps, and cardio sessions.

I buy Cathe's workouts to have the choice of how to use them. I don't think it's a bad thing to say, use PS series each 1x and throw in either an endurance workout for specific body part/total body OR use PS and SH for the one body part you WANT to build.

This seems to work for me...I would love to hear what has worked for others...

Hi, Donna! I don't know how much my $.02 will help since I don't follow formal rotations and since I don't weigh myself, but . . .

I've always found that when I up my weight loads more than a little bit (more than 1# for upper body or 5# for lower body) my muscles "blossom" out for a little bit, maybe 2-3 weeks, and then everything packs itself down and I wind up with a bit more "cut". That said, it should be noted that I work out on a 5-session-per-week schedule, and all of my workouts have at least a 45-minute cardio component.

I think what you're experiencing is a temporary blossoming, and soon you'll be able to use the newfound strength to add even more power to your cardio (regardless of if you increase the number or duration of cardio sessions you do) and make them more effective.

Just my $.02 -

Well, on this topic, I have another possibility. Along with the heavier lifting have you increased fiber in your diet? personal question, I know, but I got on the Connelly band wagon too.

I'm trying to increase the amount of weight I can use because I want bigger muscles. I also decided to try his eating suggestions, too. WEll I know that fiber holds water and that alone could contribute to some extra pounds over and above the muscle swell phenomenon.

Just a thought.

Hi Anna,

I'm doing a long S&H rotation because I LOVE to train that way and I love what it does to my body. I'm on my 4th week and I am not bulking, I don't bulk anyway I have a hard time gaining muscle, but S&H just makes me stronger and more defined...its perfect for my body type which is no muscle tone without a lot of work and lots of lower body fat if I don't work out like crazy (still there even with the workouts but much much less.) So I guess like everything else it just depends on your body type. Oh also I'm not using very heavy weights but they challenge me, 5, 8 and 10 pounds although I can tell I'm ready for 12 pounders for chest and back. Thay may have something to do with it...


I'm happy to update that 6# of the 7# has dropped off overnight basically. I weighed unfortunately after eating breakfast, one of those, let me just see type of things, and 6# was gone already since Sunday morning, so I guess it is just fluid?
Everything Annette (Aquajock) said I knew I'd heard somewhere before, so it made me feel much better about the current results. I'm going to stay with the heavy lifting for another 2-3 weeks until the Intensity series comes, so hopefully everything will have "packed down" by then and starting an endurance rotation with the new series will really shock my body into some great results! :) I can only hope! :)

Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!

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