How many hours a week do you workout?

How many hours a week do you workout?

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Trevor, I totally agree that it's QUALITY ... not quantity when it comes to workouts. I've been there ... done that ... with the quantity thing, and I always got burned out doing it that way. I get far better results when I do what I've got planned for that day - be it an hour or only 40 minutes - and I put 110% into it and plan it for maximum benefit. I really do believe also though that workouts are a very individualized thing. You have to find what works for you and then stick to it. Of course, consistency is the key for LIFE-LONG results. People who burn out - like the woman you describe in the gym where you workout - aren't really practicing healthy life habits. It's the same with food. People who do the latest fad diet and lose a lot of weight quickly almost never keep it off for very long. They yo-yo diet and over the years totally mess up their blood sugar and metabolism. They're unhappy and depressed about the endless cycle of gain-lose-gain more-lose-gain even more that they find themselves in. I think people can get into a cycle like that with workouts as well. I was there. I would go full steam for a few weeks ... maybe a few months ... but then get so burned out from over-training that I'd stop for weeks or worse yet - months at times!! Before I gained all the weight I lost last year, I hadn't worked out consistently for almost two years.

The reason behind all this is to develop habits which will stay with us through our entire lives. I do this to be healthy - not for any other reason. What would the point be if I pushed myself to the extreme and then stopped for six months??? No point at all. I'd undo nearly every good thing I did.

I applaud anyone who can keep up an extreme pace for long periods of time. But for this 46 year old woman, my 4 to 5 hours a week - done consistently now for over a year - is working, and has given me the best results of my life!

Thanks as always for sharing intelligent information!!

You know what? That's wonderful that it works for you. But it's not just HIS theory. It's ONE theory out there, and there are many. It doesn't apply to everyone, and it's not meant to. Don't take it so personally. Why do you feel the need to attack someone simply because they posted a theory??? No one attacked YOU. Why is it people can post about the most ridiculous things on here and get oodles of support and sympathy, but when someone comes on here and tries to present intelligent research, they get blasted??? If I could figure that out I guess I'd write a book and get rich like all the other pseudo-psychologists out there. I think this is one of the reasons people with intelligent things to say stop posting on this forum. I swear I truly don't understand why people can't simply TALK to each other on here.

I don't put much stock in Internet polls Jen. You don't really know the people who are voting, anymore than you really "know" them when they post here. I also don't measure my progress by what others do. It's not a competition. If you're happy with your results and your workout routine, then that's all that really matters. YOU are the one who has to live with what you see in the mirror. Not anyone on here. I think we should all do what makes us each happiest, and not worry about what anyone else is doing. I appreciate it when someone comes on here and at least tries to present intelligent information that has some research behind it. But just as with any research, you have to take it in stride. Sometimes a new or different way of tweaking a workout will work for an individual, and sometimes it won't. No big deal. It's an individual journey. What works for one won't necessarily work for all.

I agree it is hard to fit it all in. Also, some of us have different priorites. When I'm on my deathbed I won't be thinking about that 6th day a week I wish I had worked out for two hours.

Just some thoughts of my own.

I would say that of course if you are going to waste hours and hours pouring over the Cathe website that yes, you probably are an exercise freak as well. I am responding to the comment that the polls may be skewed due to the hardcore Catheites on this forum. We are people who have been working out a long time and therefore, truly love it.

I however voted 4 days....lately that is usually at best!!LOL!!
And, when we're pouring over the Cathe website, the hand that's doing the mousing is getting a GREAT workout!! LOL!! Not laughing at anyone or making fun of anyone. It's true this is Cathe's site, and the polls are going to reflect that the majority of the people here LOVE to workout!

I don't know about other "6-7 days a week" exercisers, but my workouts vary in type and intensity. Those 6-7 days include one day of stretch and another day of yoga (1/2 power yoga, 1/2 balance and flexibility).
I shoot for about 5 workouts/week average. I make sure that the workouts are intense and that I get enough rest/week. This is what works best for me. I was hitting major plateaus before and what helped me through IMHO were 4 things. 1) mixing up the cardio and including one to two interval based cardios/week...I found that I get acclimated to cardio workous very easily as measured by heart rate and perceived exertion... and so I extensively rotate my cardio workouts and include a wide variety of cardio workouts (step, floor, kickboxing, circuit, interval etc 2)weight training-endurance workouts were doing nothing for me... I have switched almost exclusively to Slow and Heavy and have been continually upping my weights. This only has helped me increase my lean body mass. I only do one body part/week. Every once in a while I will throw in an endurance based workout and I get lower weight workouts in the circuit woorkouts that I do for cardio. 3)enough rest between workouts and 4) more calorie intake...I am 5 foot 7 and 133 lbs and need to eat 2400-2500 calories/day to maintain my weight and lean mass/fat ratio. If I miss a workout because I am tired or feeling ill...I don't sweat it. If I am up to adding an extra workout, I do. I don't count walking in my exercise quotient.:)
Hi Trevor!

I almost didn't answer the poll because I only work out 4-5 hours a week (6 on an occasional week) depending on what's going on with work, family, life, etc. After voting and noticing that a ton of folks worked out more than me I felt kinda lazy but your posts made me feel good about how much I work out. THANKS TREVOR.

Hi Sami,
You're definitely not lazy. No one in here is lazy. And you SHOULD feel good about your workouts. I am of the opinion that 4-5 hrs. is plenty to re-shape a person's body. It's all in how it's done.
I feel great about the way my workouts have gone. I actually took two months away from my spin class recently and just focused on my individual interval work. I have just started back to spin again and have found that spinning does not get my heartrate up anymore like it used to do. Even IMAX is a piece of cake. So I know my plan is I have gained about 20 pounds since last fall and I feel like alot of it is muscle. Trisetting and supersetting with an occasional week or two of endurance sets has worked great for me.
Keep up the great work!

Well now Trevor you must show us your after pictures. BTW I do workout 6 days a week for an hour a day sometimes 7 just because well #1 is to be in shape but another reason is I have really bad panic attacks so it really helps me focus more on other things besides those horrible aniexty attacks. I use to just excerise 4 to 5 days a week 2 years ago but I do see your point. I guess it helps me to stay sane, LOL.
Yuu also have to consider that some people are more active during the day (from their job, sports, whatever) and don't "need" to workout as much as people who have a basically sedentary job and get most of their daily movement from exercise.
I am one of those people who said they worked out 8 or more hours a week. However, with my job as an actuary, I find that I am working my brain, not my body, about 9 hours a day. The only time I can fit a decent workout in is in the morning, before work. Then, if I don't workout again at lunch, due to all the sitting at the computer that I do, if I don't get to the gym at lunch for 45 minutes or so, I end up with serious lower back and leg pain from all that sitting. So I guess what I'm saying is that some of us work out extra, not for the fitness gains, but for the "prevent-us-from-going-crazy-at-our-desks" gains. Plus, working out has become a hobby for me. I just enjoy it, whether the exra hours benefit me or not. (I also don't have kids, so I have more free time to spare than many of you).


"After" pics! I don't even have "before" pics Barb. LOL!!Maybe I'll put some in Webshots sometime and if I do I will let you know. Kind of doubtful though. I get enough grief from the man-haters in here(a few very vocal chosen ones) just for posting on this site and I am sure pics would just stir it up more. I've been called everything in the book and had my motives questioned just for posting here and doing Cathe's workouts. "Fab40" would be on me in a flash. In fact I am shocked she hasn't supplied a tantrum in this thread to everything I have said to this point.
As for your comments Barbara, I hear ya. Panic attacks must be hell to deal with. I know when I get edgy about stuff that that is bad enough but actual attacks.....Whew! Sometimes life is overwhelming with all of the things that need doing. I have learned to just let some stuff go. Not sweating alot of the small stuff has actually helped me calm down a bit. I certainly cannot sit still for long though. I need to move! LOL! I am glad exercising is helping you. Keep up the good work!
Trevor :)
I commute to work off road by bike for 1 and a half hours a day, 5 days a week.

I then do a split weights routine 3 or 4 days a week in the evenings (dependant on how I feel).

So even though I'm in the over 7 hours a week bracket I think of myself in the 3/4 hours one as cycling is both a means to an end AND highly enjoyable. It nots only saves me the money and stress of driving to work but also gives me a chance to get my heart rate up for a good period of time, regularly.

AND I'm also nicely warmed up by the time I get home - already ready to "get it on" with my dumbells!
Hi there! I thought I'd weigh in as the wimp-girl of the pack. I've had awful health for about 2 years and I struggle to get in 1.5 hours. I used to do Cathe and many other vids as well as the gym before I became pregnant with my 3rd child. I went downhill from there. Right now, I weigh 108 pounds and I'm 5'7" and am trying to rebuild my muscles and metabolism. It's hard! I'm hypothyroid and can't seem to get the right treatment to get my engine going again. So, here I am, wraith woman. I find the routines or the ultra-fit here overwhelming along with inspiring. I've been trying so hard to fight off the depression that's keeping me down. I used to be very fit like many of you. (And I'm sick of beginner level workouts!) I would feel GREAT if I could get 4 to 5 hours a week of Cathe intensity workouts in! I have tried 7 to 8 hours a week in the past and had the overtraining effect. My body just can't take that kind of stress. I had great results with a 5 hour-per week regimen. I think some of you guys are gifted with goddess bodies! Cathe MUST be the Goddess of Fitness-in carnate. I am but a mere mortal, unfortunately. I have to consider overtraining in the equation of the perfect amount of exercise.
Don't get me wrong, I want MORE exercise! That's why I've been lurking on the forum for so long. The fatigue I'm fighting is like a giant wet blanket covering my enthusiasm and I need the exuberance of Cathe and y'all to shake it off. I never post because I, too don't like flamers who post and tear down other people. That is the LAST thing I need. I wish there was a place for people like me who aren't true beginners, but don't have the stamina to prove it. I am so impressed with what Cathe has been doing with her DVD's to cater to all of us. (Bless her heart!) I wouldn't have thought of Cathe being an option without the DVD's. The cut-and paste workouts are perfect for fitting anyone's exercise needs. Okay, this is a rambling post! Anyone who this may annoy, I apologize. I had to get this off my bony chest and I'll go back to my corner. :eek:
I completely agree with the fact that "the more fit you become, the more you'll add and try out because all of a sudden its your "Lifestyle" and not just a chore".

I think you kind of adopt a routine that feels good and you know by instict that you are getting results.

There are weeks that I don't even think about getting ready and working out. Then there are days that I have to force my lazy butt off the couch.

Exercise is cumulative. :)
Well, I work out usually 6 days a week and occasionally I'll drop it to 5 for a week then back up to 6 the next week. I have tons of vorkout videos that I think were kind of a waste now that I've found Cathe!!! :) Well, I suppose they served their purpose for getting me started on fitness. I still enjoy the FIRM though so what I do now is a Firm/Cathe rotation. I LOVE Cathe cardio so I use the Firm for more of my strength now. About working out 4 times a week or 10 times a week, I think it just all depends on the person. I can TOTALLY see where people would just workout as a hobby because of just the joy of doing it!! :) Sometimes on the weekends I'll be active for 3 hours or something depending on my mood. I don't think there is a wrong or right way...different strokes for different folks!! :) But I do try to get in at least 5 "intense" workouts a week.
Hm. Just wanted to clarify my earlier post on "skewing of the poll" in case it might cause misunderstanding....I was NOT implying that the average forum visitor "wastes" time by visiting the forum and NOT working out. I was just saying that the average poster in the forum probably is a hardcore Catheite that mostly uses videos to workout and does that a lot of times per week and therefore is motivated to check out the forum more than someone who does not use videos or workout as much. Or at least willing to speak up and participate in the poll (which I considered not participating myself, because I don't workout 6 or 7 days a week).

And the hardcore GYM worker-outer probably doesn't visit the forum much because they don't have occasion to or don't know it exists. Just in case, wanted to clarify. Probably not necessary but thought I would anyway.

WOW!!!!! You guys have really helped me to have a new level of respect and understanding for exercise and how often. I had already began to think I needed to workout more or longer to reach my goals, but in the back of my mind, I was forming my own understanding of how my body works best for me. THE LIGHT BULB HAS CLICKED ON!! You all have reinforced this. What I mean is, I now see, like Cathy has mentioned, that my body shows much more strength gain doing slow and heavy vs ME or circuit type workouts for wt training and my body does respond better with mixing up my cardio. I'm 5' 3" and weigh 125 lbs and currently workout 6 days per week, 3 cardio/3 wt's. I have been trying to increase my upper body muscle mass and decrease my lower body fat/size by toning, I've plateaued recently. With the knowledge you all have shared today, I believe I can redo my routines and help to increase my muscle mass in my upper body and tone my lower body even more. Thank you all very much for sharing your experiences with each other and me. You all have taught me so very much!!!!
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