How many blasts can you do?


I hope I'm not asking something someone already asked but, I have done Imax3 twice now and cannot make it past Blast #4. Is there anyone out there that can make it through all 10? How many does the majority here complete? Good grief I need more endurance.....
It's a continuing process.....:7
I don't know if I count, because I turn many of the moves into lower impact moves. I get through all of them.;-)
I can make it thru all 10 but I do have to modify two or three of them to not die! LOVE, love that workout!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Just did this on Saturday and I am the same as Debbie-can make it through, but with a few modifications! Love the workout, and hope someday to do away with the modifications and just take it on!!!!
Ahhhh...I love IM#3 almost as much as IM#2!

I can get through all ten blasts as presented, no modifications. BUT, when it is over I don't look nearly as pretty and put together as Cathe and the crew!!!!

It took me about 4 tries to get thru all 10 blasts. IMO, once you get thru the first half, the second half is not as hard. There are about 3-4 blasts that are really killers to me: plie squats; the one where you jump the length of the step, to the side, turn around and tuck jump, etc.; the airjacks one, and probably a few others I'm blocking out at the moment. LOL

Seriously though, I3 is my first Cathe, and it's my favorite so far! LOVE it!
I'm like Tammy - I can get through all ten blasts with no modifications on the blast only premix, but it's a gory, messy business.

BTW, have seasoned Cathe-ites noticed this?:

She gives a little sampling of a torture move (such as sequential power kicks in Cardio Kicks) and then rolls out a year-long interval with this same torture move in a later series (the endless sequential power kick interval in Boot Camp). Same with the dreaded plie jacks: she gave us a little smattering of these in I-Max 2 interval 9, an even smaller smattering of these in Step Jump Pump, and then a whole endless interval in I-Max 3 AND Kick Max Boot Camp Challenge.

That's why I love her so.

I can get through all of them without modifications butI am totally wiped out and good for nothing afterwards. But I like that in a workout.....:).


"Don't forget to breathe!"
I have to say that I did it the first time, but it was a challege, it gets easier as you learn the moves. I can finish it but I prepared myself mentally before getting started. If there is no challege, there is no glory! I love it! Keep trying, I can remember the workouts that I thought were difficult, now don't even get my heart rate up. Your body will get stronger and healthier with the increased punishment!
I can do the 10 and I find I-3 the easiest of the Maxes although I use the term easy veeeery loosely. It's just goes fast and I am in love with the pre-blast routines. Smoooooth! However, I can only pull off outright high impact one and never more than 2 times a week and I have been experiencing a stitch in the side every bloody time!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Man improves himself as he follows his path; if he stands still, waiting to improve before he makes a decision, he'll never move.

-Paulo Coelho
I agree w/Bobbi--I can do all 10 in each 3, but I don't find the intensity of 3 as challenging as 1 or 2. But I find the choreography more difficult so maybe that makes up for it.
I can do all ten intervals as well. But the first time I did the w/o up to interval four, I thought I'd die! After I got through the first half I seemed ok.
I think it's strange, in a funny way, how people think one IMAX is harder or easier than the other. Now I think I-2 is easier than I-3. The things that make me go..hmmmmmm.:D
Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
to the original question: yes I complete all 10 blasts (as noted I look like I'v been hit by a torpedo when I am done).

To Anette Q. Aquajocks question: I have noticed the sample of torture follwed by longer torturous blasts in later workouts.. And we asked for it when she inquired! LOL! I'm pleased though even though I aint so pretty when I complete these blasts.
AKA "Likes2bfit"
I can also make it through all 10, but the end result is not camera-worthy. I also find that by the end of the godforsaken plie jacks, I am NOT clicking my heels together quite as merrily as Cathe and crew.
I make it through 9 of them, modifying one, but, like you Shelley, those plie jacks become quite an interesting debacle by the last 16...

I do think Imax 2 is easier, but not by much. Maybe it seems easier because of the longer rest periods.
I have to modify due to a back condition (do most high impact on a rebounder), so I can make it thru pretty many, although I haven't worked up to doing the entire DVD yet in one workout. I'm new to Cathe and still getting used to her intensity.
I do them all whether I am tired or not. But that's just me. I find IMax 3 the toughest of them all. I agree with Conni that 3 is more tiring than 2 by a bit. Yesterday I did the first 5 intervals of IMax2 with HS Challenge and I was barely puffing until that 5th interval. My new IMax love is 3, I am huffing pretty quick into the workout. More fun and more fatiguing, imo. If I lowered my step to 6" maybe it would be easier, but the higher step height gives me a good workout. Also, the shorter recovery time catches up to me. :eek:
Whoa you ladies are tough, so are you doing the whole tape with the step segments too? I just can't fathom ever being able to do the whole tape!
It's a continuing process.....
Work up to it. Work 'til you drop. If your family is like mine they will just step over your sweat-drenched body and wait until you recover enough to pull yourself up and try again! :)
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Man improves himself as he follows his path; if he stands still, waiting to improve before he makes a decision, he'll never move.

-Paulo Coelho
I don't have Imax 3 but I have Imax and Imax 2 and even after all this time, I still cannot make it through the entire workout without modifying somewhere. I done Imax 2 for like 2 weeks straight and still didn't really improve much. I got really burnt out on doing the workout so much that I just gave it up. It would be a dream come true to make it through an entire Imax workout.
I wish I knew the secret to getting through them because I haven't figured it out yet. I workout with Cathe everyday so I think I'm in good shape, but maybe I'm not. Not sure what is going on.


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