I just did this today for the first time, just to see if I could, you know...
It was way better than I thought it would be.
I hate blast of interval 5, plie jacks are so difficult for me. I did about half of them today, but I hate this move so much, regardless of what workout it's on, that I'm going to repeat the blast of interval 7: love that interval with the jumps on the step ending with the jacks onto the step. It's such an athletic move, wish she'd do more like that.
Love interval 6 also, with the side lunges over the step taken from Step Works. Always wondered when she'd bring that move back in. Course, while I as doing it, hubby wants to ask me questions about what's for dinner...."HECK, PEOPLE, I'M TRYING TO BREATHE HERE!!!!!!"
I think actually, I find Imax 2 more exhausting, and I certainly prefer its moves during the cardio segments, and the music.
But, it's good to have variety and work the body in different ways.
Edited to add: this is the first time in my life I have lowered my step height to 6" for 2 of the blasts to preserve my joints because the amount of impact worried me, for interval 6 and 7, especially 7. I want my knees to last a lifetime......