How many blasts can you do?

Wow, Bobbi, your family steps over you? That's awesome that they give you that time to recover. I lie on the floor in a puddle of sweat and mine come over and start pestering me "Mom, can you get me a drink?", "Honey, where's my super suit?", "MEOW"...;)
I'm with you, I still can't do the whole workout yet, and I have no idea when I will be able to. One thing I can say though, is that it does get a little easier (and I use that term loosely!) each time I do it. I make it farther and farther without having to modify. I think it's an on-going process too, and like almost everything else, each person will have their own "learning curve", so to speak.
I'd love to hear how you've progressed in a few weeks or a month! Hopefully I'll have progressed, too!
Nah, you have to train 'em. Place a hand weight, a 3 pounder works best, within your reach. Lift your head and shake it at 'em and then BLARGH; pretend you're gonna throw the sucker. They have no idea you are completely spent and couldn't hit the broad side of a gym wall. By the time they figure it out, you're able to complete the 10 and then if they pester, you flip sweat at them. Keep flipping until they run; it makes you workout 11% more effective! They WILL run! They will run like H E double toothpicks. I know this seems cruel, but "accidentally" clipping somebody who's got no business interupting a workout is not really aw awful as it sounds. Chldren heal so beautifully! I still haven't figured how to get out the dents though.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Man improves himself as he follows his path; if he stands still, waiting to improve before he makes a decision, he'll never move.

-Paulo Coelho
Bobbi - children do heal beautifully, don't they? And so quickly! Polyfilla works well on the dents, or that automotive filler compound. You have to paint it a flesh colour after though.
I just did this today for the first time, just to see if I could, you know...

It was way better than I thought it would be.

I hate blast of interval 5, plie jacks are so difficult for me. I did about half of them today, but I hate this move so much, regardless of what workout it's on, that I'm going to repeat the blast of interval 7: love that interval with the jumps on the step ending with the jacks onto the step. It's such an athletic move, wish she'd do more like that.

Love interval 6 also, with the side lunges over the step taken from Step Works. Always wondered when she'd bring that move back in. Course, while I as doing it, hubby wants to ask me questions about what's for dinner...."HECK, PEOPLE, I'M TRYING TO BREATHE HERE!!!!!!"

I think actually, I find Imax 2 more exhausting, and I certainly prefer its moves during the cardio segments, and the music.

But, it's good to have variety and work the body in different ways.


Edited to add: this is the first time in my life I have lowered my step height to 6" for 2 of the blasts to preserve my joints because the amount of impact worried me, for interval 6 and 7, especially 7. I want my knees to last a lifetime......
I can do all 10 but don't jump nearly as high or bend nearly as low as Cathe and crew. I find this to be her hardest Imax and I adore the choreography.
Well I did it again today and lasted one blast more. I did blast 5 but modified after doing 16 plie jacks in each set. Do you all realize she's doing 24 plie jacks on each of those? Well it was 33 minutes of torture from my point of view, but I'm making progress and that's what counts. Thanks for the encouragement everyone!
It's a continuing process.....
Clare, I may be wrong (or you may be an overachiever), but i'm thinking Cathe does this workout on a 6 inch step. That's what I use. You are a goddess for doing ANY of it on an 8 incher!!!!

Today I did the Step only premix. My knees are taking a beating from this one, so I'm backing off it for awhile. But I just love this workout! The step only variation is not real difficult, but fun!

Anyone tried this??
I do the blast only -I only do 20 min of interval training for aerobics never over that so the blast are perfect.I don't look pretty either or smell pretty:* I love pile jacks and click my heels so when cathe ask is anyone back there clicking heels I can say yes ma'am.I like this one better than 2 but think imax is still the tougher of the 3.I didn't like imax 3 the first time and was going to sell I'm glad I didn't have any bites before doing it again -it was total love the 2nd time.I'm keeping this baby.
Well done Christi, proud of your staying power!

It will come. Sometimes it takes a while and cardio endurance can just creep up on you. it did to me. Until 3 weeks ago, I had not done an interval workout for over a year. I had been doing just R step, Step blast for the most part since Christmas. Then I thought I would try out Circuit max, just to see if I could, then the next week, I tried out Imax to see if I could, then Imax 2...then 3, and here we are. I was actually concentrating on muscle building at the time and backing off from cardio. And maybe that made the difference, i.e. by doing less cardio (only 2 or 3 per week) I exhausted myself less, got more rest and therefore had more energy to deliver when I finally tried really tough workouts again. I dunno. It's a theory.

But don't sweat it. It will come, one added blast at a time. Remember to get adequate rest. I usually only do weights for upper body the day before an Imax.

i've done the whole thing each time i have done this.. .it's not my favorite of the imax's.. but i get through it!
cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I too can get through all 10 blasts. Some are tougher than others though. The jump the length of your step, jump turn-tuck, ricochet Oh My. And lets not forget the never ending plie jacks.....

This is my new favorite workout- I absolutely love it.

It is so refreshing to see that there is at least ONE mortal on this board! I had to laugh when I saw your post-- I am so there with you! I haven't tried IMAX 3 but experienced the bonus blasts in Step Blast yesterday for the first time. I barely made it through all 3-- even stopping to gasp for breath for 5 minutes between each one! In self defense, I will say I am just getting over a bout of bronchitis (that's my story and I'm sticking to it!) There, now don't you feel better? You're my hero-- you can do *4* blasts!!!

My plan is to keep on going and hope eventually I'll be able to do the entire workout without stopping.

Christi, let us know when you get to up 10!

:) Karen

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