how many animal lovers out there?

Delfin - I do volunteer work with the Maine Coon Adoptions of California (DD and I love cats but can't have them as DH is allergic). Maine Coones are wonderful cats - very loving and interactive, which is why they are sometimes called the "dogs of the cat world", but they are all cat. Big furry creatures - usually with tufts in their ears like lynxes. They are very sweet and loving. More info on this page:
I have 3 cats-Bailey, Lacey, and Daphne and I have 2 birds-Cecil and Basil. I just got Basil he is 2 months old!! I would have more if I had more time!!!!!!!!!
I have a cat named Toby who always sits on my lap while I am at the computer. Also have a thoroughbred named Thunder Shaker, and a POA (pony of america) named Belle!!!
I LOVE all animals!!!!!!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo[/img] [/url]
I am Mommy to three loveable Labs, Abby, Bailey and Corbin, and step mom to my dd's guinea pig, Cinnamon. When we lived in VA, I was step mom to a bunch of deer that lived in the woods behind my house, and included a three legged deer....we felt bad for her and started giving her some blueberries to eat....she hung around for years and brought all her children to visit us. I really miss my deer family.

Three cats here, Molly, Paddy, and Frank. Molly has been very sick with what, we don't know, but she seems to be recovering. She's my cuddly calico. Paddy is a big, dumb white boy who sheds on everything. Frank is the youngest, a skinny gray guy who loves everybody. My DH has a bluebird "trail" in the backyard and surrounding neighbor's yards and considers the bluebirds and tree swallows that nest in them his pets. The bluebirds come when he calls them, since he feeds them delicious mealworms.
I have three wonderful labrador girls...2 yellow; Chelsie (93 lbs of pure love) and Shasta (74 lbs of mischief) and 1 chocolate; Desirae, my chocolate-covered angel! Also have one fiesty, 18-year old Persian named Shadow. Absolutely love animals...would probably have more, but my SO would probably lose it :eek:
Christine -

I think Maine Coons are beautiful cats! They had a couple at a cat show on TV I happened to catch. DH has a good friend with 2 Maine Coons also. I've never seen his cats but after DH visited his friend last fall he couldn't wait to tell me how beautiful and friendly these cats were.

I think our Fred (tabby) is part dog, too. He follows us from room to room and is always looking for a lap.

>We have a mixed-breed dog (shelter rescue), 2 guinea pigs
>(one adopted from an allergic family), 2 zebra finches, and 4
>neon tetras. Now my older DD wants a Maine Coon cat. Anybody
>know anything about these cats? Don't know if we can talk DH
>into it!
Main coon cats are wonderful. They are big & have 6 toes. Their temperment is almost doglike. They are truly wonderful animals. Another breed of cat you might like is Rag Doll, they get anywhere between 20 - 30 lbs & are very dog like. They are the closest thing to owning a dog & still having a cat. They are so mellow & docile that it is not recommended they be allowed outside.

Anyone who truly loves animals here, please go bo Best Friends Animal Society ( & check them out. Any donation at all is welcome. I give to them whenever I have some extra cash. Thanks in advance,

We have a black lab mix (from the pound) and two pesky felines. We love them dearly, they are members of our family!
That is so great. I really think that animal lovers are just good people. All of you seem so nice, you are all so supportive and great and it just goes to show, you all love animals too! My husband & I have a hard time with people who don't like animals - what is that about?!
>Delfin - I do volunteer work with the Maine Coon Adoptions of
>California (DD and I love cats but can't have them as DH is
>allergic). Maine Coones are wonderful cats - very loving and
>interactive, which is why they are sometimes called the "dogs
>of the cat world", but they are all cat. Big furry creatures
>- usually with tufts in their ears like lynxes. They are very
>sweet and loving. More info on this page:
Thanks for the link!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE animals! We have 3 dogs (one is the infamous Gizmo) and 3 parrots. We have quite an active household. My office walls are plastered with pictures of my animals. So professional. :)


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
I have three adorable, loving cats, but, alas, I don't have the room for a dog. I would dearly love a dog. My three cats usually sleep with me, and when dear boyfriend Dirk spends the night, Cinder, my grey tabby, sleep between the two of us. I am lucky that Dirk loves cats as much as I do.
I adore animals! I have 2 chiauaua mixes who were on death row and they are the loves of our lives!!! I have had many animals in my lifetime and they all take a piece of my soul with them when they leave this earth.

I truly, truly believe that animals are God's most perfect creatures. We mere humans could learn alot from them about giving uncondtional love and living in the moment.

Animals are the BEST!!

Rhonda :)
>Delfin - I do volunteer work with the Maine Coon Adoptions of
>California (DD and I love cats but can't have them as DH is
>allergic). Maine Coones are wonderful cats - very loving and
>interactive, which is why they are sometimes called the "dogs
>of the cat world", but they are all cat.

My oldest cat looks very much like a Maine Coon, but he was just a 'guy off the street', and is smaller. The first time I saw a photo of a Maine Coone (the brown/black version), I thought, "Scooter, that's you!"
I have three spoiled rotton kitties! I rescued them when I was working at a vet hospital. I was always a dog person (still am), but now love my cats and wouldn't trade them for the world!


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