How long before results?


I am new to Cathe and I am starting out with her basics. How long do ya'll think it will be before I can start seeing results?
How long did it take ya'll?
I think it depends on your muscle mass how quickly you'll see results. For example, my legs are just chock-full of muscle, and in the past when I've started a new leg workout, I see results within a couple of workouts. On the other hand, my arms and back are my weakest (least muscular) areas. I can do several arm and back workouts without seeing a whole lot of change. I can feel it, but I can't see it.

I get my best results by incorporating vigorous step workouts intermittently with weight work. One night, aerobics; next night, weights, next night, both; then back.

Just remember, don't work the same body part two days in a row. I was told that there was one exception to this rule, though: I heard that you can do abs every night as long as you're not going for killer ab workouts.
It depends on where you are starting from, what you are eating, and how often you work out.

Anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, in my opinion

My first Cathe strength workout was MIS, & I was coming off of sporadic excercise with lesser trainers.;-)

It took 2 workouts for me to notice a small difference, but it took about 2 months for me to notice REAL change.

It was worth the wait, believe me.


Edited to say WELCOME! to real exercise.:7
Thanks Ladies!!!!

My plan is to do the beginner rotation that Cathe posted with the basics. I have a treadmill at home that I plan on incorporating as well as pilates or the bar method. My 1st step is to lose weight and tone then I plan/hope to build muscle. I am giving my self a deadline of summer 05 to make some major changes and with Cathe's tapes, I really think I can do it.... It's going to get very expensive}(

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