How does one get motivated?


Active Member
I am posting this half as a journal entry and half as a question to all of you. I just can't seem to get motivated. Despite the fact that my clothes are getting tighter and I hate it, I can't seem to change what I do. I exericise, but I still eat anything and everything. I have tried packing my food, only to eat more. I have tried not buying junk food, only to over eat the healthy food (which is not good either). I have counted calories / carbs / protein / fat. i have tried tracking it only to get overwhelmed and stop. I have tried changing my routine from morning to night (exercise). i have tried eating more at the beginning of the day and less at the end, only to eat more.

i find that I can't seem to concentrate on anything. I have been trying to write a paper for school and I keep getting up to go and eat. It's like a magnet that is drawing me and I can't help but go. I'm not hungry and I know that, but the thought plagues my mind until I can think of nothing else.

I hate myself. I hate the extra weight / lack of control...I look at so many others who have accomplished weight loss and created a healthy lifestyle and wonder why i can't do the same. What is wrong with me? I am so depressed. I just feel like I can't do anything right and I don't know what to do. I can't seem to get myself to listen to myself.

How did you guys do it? How in the world did you lose weight when you were in the "depths of despair" (anne of green gables gave me that quote)???

If you have any advice, please let me know.

thank you for listening...

First of all, you have to tell yourself and believe that you are worth it, that you deserve to be healthier and to treat yourself with love and self-respect so that giving up the unhealthy behaviours is not a deprivation but an act of self-love.

Do it now and do it every day. You are worth it. You are an incredibly valuable person. Recognize it and accept that you deserve better.

Secondly, you have to stop beating yourself up for past behaviours, including unhealthy habits you practiced today. Today is now in the past and it cannot hurt you any more. Berating yourself for past failures and past bad practices is a total waste of mental and physical energy and it gets in the way of the new perspective you are about to adopt with respect to yourself. Negative attitudes towards the self go against being able to correctly evaluate your worth.

So, today you didn't exercise and you ate crap. So what? Join the club. I ate potato chips yesterday and the fattening nachos my husband made for himself and I haven't done my weight training I had listed to do today. Well, hell!! Is the world about to end? Am I suddenly that much unhealthier than I was yesterday? Do I care?

You and I, we are works in progress. Nothing gets achieved in just a day, or even a week, as far as making major life changes and health improvements. These things start off slowly, gather momentum until they become daily, fixed habits and before you know it, you are healthier and happier and it didn't make you go through hell to achieve it. Do not think you can create a brilliant diet plan in just one day, or become super fit in two. You need long term goals and short term, daily and weekly goals to help you achieve the big ones, in baby steps. You can be healthier, and you can like yourself more, but I think the liking yourself more and knowing that you are worth it must come first.

Thirdly, get rid of horrid old notions like "dieting." Never does anyone any good. Instead think, "eating more healthily." This, you can do, and it 'aint rocket science. Diets just make us resentful and stubborn and rebellious because they make us give uo tons of things we like and make us feel deprived. What is key is to devise a way of viewing food as fuel and nutrition not as emotional pacifier, and devise a way of eating that you can maintain for life, not just until you have dropped "X" pounds. Thereare books out there that address the issue of emotional eating. Go get one or two and read them, be honest with yourself and start working on that now. You have anxieties that go beyond your shape, like this paper, and they send you straight to the cookies and crap food that poisons your system and makes you even more unhappy. Maybe a therapist could help resolve some of these issues?

How to eat for life? Divide your plate up into sections and fill each section with certain type of food at every meal. A carbohydrate, like rice, potato, bread, etc: a protein, meat, fish, pulses, dairy, etc; several helpings of vegetables of different colours so you get a wide variety of vitamins. You will have to be strict about certain things and give up certain things. You cannot expect to be healthy, energetic and happy with yourself if you choose to dose/anaesthetize yourself with candy, cake, donuts, cokes, etc. These have to be limited. Once you can learn to view them as occasional, treat foods, you will actually start to feel better because your brain chemistry will become more balanced as you lose your dependency on these pollutants. The old food pyramid really isn't such a bad idea.

You need to tell yourself that you deserve better than a breakfast of Twinkies, a lunch of Doritoes and a macDonalds for dinner. You really do, hell, everybody does! You deserve fruits and vegetables, a bowl of oatmeal, a lentil burger, a bowl of fruit and yoghurt, etc.

Spend a couple of weeks just getting your nutrition under control before you attempt to make any other changes. Then, tackle your fitness goals and get to it. Decide how much time you have and when to exercise. Write these times into your daily and weekly planner as fixed appointments with yourself and they are inviolable. This is your time, no-one gets to interfere with it. Guard this time with your life and don't surrender it unless circumstances force you to, at least not in the beginning, until the exercise too becomes a habit.

Start off slowly and gradually. Make loose goals to begin with. Like, I vow to do three cardio workouts this week. Do this for a couple of weeks until you start to feel stronger. Then, start to vary the types of cardio you do, so that you target different muscles and keep things interesting. Then, after a couple more weeks, introduce weight training/resistance work. If you read up on what exercise does for you, and believe me, the list of benefits of cardiovascular exercise and resistance training is a mile long, you will start to see why you are so deserving of having regular exercise in your life. You deserve to lower your risk of getting cancer. You deserve to increase your longevity. You deserve a well functioning metabolism. You deserve strong, healthy bones. You deserve the natural anti-depressant effects of exercise. You are so worth it.

What you need to do to start listening to yourself and keep listening and to act upon what your brain and body tell you, is to change the tape going through your head. You don't think you are a worthwhile person, the tape going through your head tells you this over and over again. This is where you have to start. Change the tape. Replace it with one full of more positive messages. No-one is all that bad! No-one is a total failure and who said failure is so bad anyway? Failure and crewing up are what make us human and help us to fight towards creating better things.

Get yourself a book on building self-esteem and make sure it has chapters on how to stop the negative thoughts and replace them with healthier ones. OK? Do this first.

The very fact that you have come here for help and advice says so much: that you recognize your need to get out of this bad place and into a healthier one. It's a great start. Now, tell yourself, just like the L'Oreal ads, "I am worth it." And start something new tomorrow.

Wishing you all the best,


I see lots of posts like yours on other forums. How to get motivated. I think that is a personal issue. For kicks, I looked up motivate - motive in the dictionary. The definition is something (as a need or desire) that causes a person to act.

When people choose to make a change in their life it is usually caused by despair or depression or something that happened in their life. You are at that place and you now have a choice to either go forward and change yourself (your mind and body) or you can continue to live your life as it is. By writing this post, I think you have chosen to go forward and change yourself and your life. Good for you!

My weight loss journal started unconciously as support for my twin sister who was on a collision course to poor health. That journey transformed both of us both physically and emotionally for the better. Along the way, she lost 50 pounds and I 35 pounds.

I never believed that I could lose weight because I tried so many times but when you truly want to change and transform you will and CAN do it.

First of all, get rid of the hate. You may hate the way you live but please don't hate yourself. Make small changes. Small changes add up to HUGE changes. Tell yourself you will workout 3 days a week for 30 minutes. Find a workout that you love and schedule it into your day as you would an important meeting. Make small changes in your diet. If you are eating fast food 4 days a week, cut down to 1 day. Look at what you are eating and cut out the crap. Educate yourself and read food labels. You don't have to count calories, carbs, protein or fat. I didn't. I just looked at what I was eating, read food labels and made healthy choices. Make a choice to eat to live not live to eat.

There is nothing wrong with you. You CAN do it!!! Do it for you!
Here's a silly trick that has helped me -

I wrote in marker on the back of my hand: "You don't need to eat that." Whenever I saw myself reaching for something I didn't *need* to eat, I was able to stop myself.

Other times I have writen my current weight or my goal weight (sometimes they are the same - heehee!) on my hand to remind me how well I've been doing and that I didn't want to let a two or three second temptation undo my efforts.

Insipid advice, I know, but a good trick that did help for awhile!

I hope I've helped a bit, although it sounds like your worries exceed my advice.

Susan L.G.
I totally understand what you are going through. If I could I would eat non stop. I allow myself all kinds of justifications to have a munchie or ten. For example, just because I take the stairs at work means I can have a big ol' bag of candy. At the time it seems rational. Plus I'll work it off with Cathe later that day. Not! It's not until the pants get too tight or an event comes up that I get into panic mode.

Here is what I TRY to do. Never have junk food in the home. Too much of a temptation. I do not know moderation once the consumption begins.

I don't buy junk food and I don't eat when I'm not hungry. The only time I will treat myself, or eat when I'm not really hungry is if the food is free. So at an event, or if someone brings munchies to the office. Go ahead, have a treat or two but TRY to keep it at that. And if you do go a little crazy then watch what you eat later that day.

Each time you tell yourself no, I'm not going to eat that, the easier it will come next time. When I heard people rejecting food it totally baffled me. Why wouldn't you want a treat, and how do you have the strength to say no? However, I'm sort of now at this point.

I still eat too much sometimes which is a shame because I work so hard with the Cathe dvds and I throw it all away so easily with the candy. Candy is my weakness.

And it really hit me when my boyfriend asked why I haven't lost any weight especially when I work out so hard. Cause I take in too many useless calories.

Baby steps. Don't allow yourself justification to munch and over eat. Don't eat because you are bored. And the best advice is that you just have to say NO! The cravings are a killer but you have to fight it and overcome it. You can do it!!
Hey, I hear you. It's a tuff battle for me too. I consider myself a compulsive overeater and will always need to be mindful of this even during the times when my eating is good.

One thing that has helped me is to not give up even when I have a slip. It's going to happen from time to time. In the past I have let one slip lead to weeks of bad eating. Now if I have a slip I just let it go.

The absolute worse time for me is when I'm PMSing. I trully do have increased hunger and it's not just in my least I don't think so. I also get very tired. It's a struggle to just stay awake much less exercise. But some how I always manage to drag myself through it. I never even think about chips and cookies until this time.

I agree with taking things slow. I find reading fitness magazines and books...anything that will help educate me on clean eating and fitness motivating. I think that is why I come to this site.

Sorry, don't know if any of this helps but just know you are not alone.
ALL Who responded - "WOW"

I was not expecting this kind of response / wisdom.

Clare - thank you so much for all you said. I was expecting something that said "stop feeling sorry for yourself", but you gave me so much more. Thank you for the time you took for me and the information you provided. It means so much to know that I can come to a place where people really do care and do want to help.

Jane - thank you for the motivational talk! I think i need to pin up the definition of motivation on my wall so I remember what I'm doing this for! small steps...sigh...I'm so bad at Time to get it in gear though right? I have to start the car before it'll drive!

Susan - guess what? I'm writing on my hand too! I like that idea. I'm a very visual person, so seeing my goal all the time is wonderful! thank you for that 'silly' idea lol :+

Matiana - wow...that is me...exercising and not seeing any results cause I take in too many calories...time for me to work on saying "NO"

Sunshinegirl - yes, compulsive eating. I hate the thought of slipping up, but I can't let it take me into despair. I just have to take it slow, as you said. It is nice to know I'm not the only one who struggles.

Thank you all again, I really don't think you know how much your words have helped me. I have even decided to copy/paste this topic into MS Word so I always have it readily available for when I need motivation.

Thanks again and have a wonderful day!

I love Clare's comment about us being works in progress!

I'm always reminding myself that this body of mine is little more than a vehicle. How big, small, flexible, tan, etc. it is has nothing to do with who I am as a person.

In other words, you're pretty freakin' wonderful! You just exercise so that your body can function at its best while it's hauling your wonderful self around this Earth. :D

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